Editor: Nolcha Fox// Director of Masticadores: J Re Crivello
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Tags: crivello director masticadores
And so, on this, bus route, all who wait by the curb side at the stations, eventually get turned into ghosts that, the driver no long can, see.
13.3.2025 04:34Comment on “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down” by Samuel J Smith by taurusingemini906 words A big man with a small head steps towards the kerb and puts his hand out. A universal hand gesture, or so you’d think. However, the driver chooses to ignore him and drive on, his face a pinch of shock as we pass, mere metres apart. There’s no way he didn’t see him,… Read More “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down” by Samuel J Smith
13.3.2025 04:00“The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down” by Samuel J SmithDelightful
In reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/03/09/3-poems-from-volverse-volver-by-mark-statman/comment-page-1/#comment-11932">Mark Statman</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You're welcome, Mark!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 13:29Comment on 3 Poems from “Volverse / Volver” by Mark Statman by crazy4yarn2So pretty
12.3.2025 09:41Comment on 5 Flower Photos by KJ Hannah Greenberg by Ephemeral Encounters<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Many thanks for your support!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 05:08Comment on 3 Poems from “Volverse / Volver” by Mark Statman by Mark StatmanButtercup *** Cactus Flowers *** Cyclamen *** Exuberance *** Mustard Copyright © 2025 KJ Hannah GreenbergAll Rights Reserved
12.3.2025 04:005 Flower Photos by KJ Hannah Greenbergbustling listen, behold, recognizeit’s a sparkit’s a splashit’s a seasoned timberit’s multifaceted it’s standing straight before the crownsboiled in a clay-pot,transformed into vapordiffused in the airand intermingled with the clouds,with the rain it mixed with the soilit grew in the womb of the Earthsprouted with green cropsmetamorphosed into grainsand became the life-breathsof floras and faunas,it… Read More 5 Poems by O.P. Jha
11.3.2025 04:005 Poems by O.P. JhaThe boy stood in the darkened kitchen looking out the window at the driveway — ivory in the moonlight. The boy listened to a chorus of peepers peeping in the backyard. The shotgun so heavy in his arms, his shoulders ached from the weight of the thing. He set the gun on top… Read More “A SHOT IN THE HEART” by Wayne F. Burke
10.3.2025 11:00“A SHOT IN THE HEART” by Wayne F. Burkewhat’s left of an old pier at Edgewater Park, Lake Erie, photo by Ken Tomaro Down at the docks there were four different menfishing off four different docksone had a bucket [making a day of it]one of them had nothing butthe fishing pole in his handand the last was wearing a camouflage jackethe didn’t want… Read More 5 Poems by Ken Tomaro
10.3.2025 04:005 Poems by Ken TomaroIn reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/03/07/5-poems-by-ken-tomaro-7/comment-page-1/#comment-11910">jonicaggiano</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I finally created the blog. It's a bit sparse but I have a ton I can add.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="https://kentomaro3.wordpress.com/" rel="nofollow ugc">Ken Tomaro, poet to the stars. – Writing shouldn't be pretentious. Here's a bunch of free stuff for you!</a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
9.3.2025 21:52Comment on 5 Poems by Ken Tomaro by Ken Tomarostranger exiled language exiledspirits who listento far off voices questionswhat why seagreen the world happenswe write in notebookson amate on papyrussweat clay spermletters and pictures ofunknown flora faunaweaknesses for thestrange weakness forconquest arrivingand burning boatssacrificed and fireanimals childrensay no and no and noall in flamesin waves and terrormeditation beads thegods and heroesseeded teeth in theearth… Read More 3 Poems from “Volverse / Volver” by Mark Statman
9.3.2025 21:363 Poems from “Volverse / Volver” by Mark StatmanThis is such a tender-hearted story! I love it.
9.3.2025 20:22Comment on “The Journey Home” by Alice Baburek by Dawn PisturinoIt's such a, heartwarming thought, to, imagine how the, final act of, kindness of, death that comes to all things living is like in this, story, unfortunately, as humans, we all, feared, what comes, next...we all fear, death, although, death is, only a, natural part of, life.
9.3.2025 05:15Comment on “The Journey Home” by Alice Baburek by taurusingeminiEdith Benson struggled to finish washing the few dishes from breakfast. Her crippled fingers ached from the impending approach of another cold, hard winter. Relief was not an option, or so the doctor had told her after the many complaints of intense pain. The hot water briefly eased the burning sensation radiating into the… Read More “The Journey Home” by Alice Baburek
9.3.2025 04:00“The Journey Home” by Alice Baburek<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>thank you robbiesinspiration--wfb</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.3.2025 15:29Comment on 5 Poems by Wayne F. Burke by wayne burkeIn reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/02/28/interview-the-transgressions-of-david-a-freas-by-nolcha-fox/comment-page-1/#comment-11924">Dawn Pisturino</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you, Dawn!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.3.2025 14:04Comment on Interview: The Transgressions of David A. Freas by Nolcha Fox by crazy4yarn2<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>These are wonderful!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.3.2025 13:46Comment on 2 Poems by Strider Marcus Jones by Dawn Pisturino<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Great interview!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.3.2025 13:45Comment on Interview: The Transgressions of David A. Freas by Nolcha Fox by Dawn Pisturino<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Interesting and informative interview.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.3.2025 13:44Comment on Interview: The Transgressions of Elizabeth MacDuffie by Nolcha Fox by Dawn PisturinoAll different and all insightful
8.3.2025 05:21Comment on 5 Poems by Wayne F. Burke by robbiesinspirationHaiku idly spending thelast golden daysof autumn grown from rocky soilin a world of stone–kept a rock collection in my room at the Dollar Store a guy asksme, “why don’t you smile?”“Shut-up,” I reply. *** Tanka night dark as burnt toastI would not eat thoughGrandma insisted burnttoast good formy teeth *** Boston Drove to Boston,… Read More 5 Poems by Wayne F. Burke
8.3.2025 04:005 Poems by Wayne F. BurkeIn reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/03/06/5-love-poems-by-kabir-deb/comment-page-1/#comment-11919">kabirdebaja</a>.
That is too bad. I will look for you on Masticadores. PS I never knew translators were disrespected. Have you read any of Trâm’s translations. She lives in Australia she translates amazing Vietnamese poetry. What a shame it would be to lose all those voices including her own. She must translate up to thirty pieces every week. Nguyen Thi Phuong Trâm. She is on Wordpress. I am just reading your piece on translators right now.
I don’t have a Facebook account. If you are on instagram you could DM me where I can find your work I would like that. Thank you and hoping your weekend is a blessed one.
7.3.2025 18:52Comment on 5 Love Poems by Kabir Deb by jonicaggianoIn reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/03/06/5-love-poems-by-kabir-deb/comment-page-1/#comment-11917">jonicaggiano</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>there are a few on Instagram. Not much. Mostly on Facebook. Especially the raw ones.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
7.3.2025 18:35Comment on 5 Love Poems by Kabir Deb by kabirdebajaIn reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/03/06/5-love-poems-by-kabir-deb/comment-page-1/#comment-11916">jonicaggiano</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>yes I am the bare buddha! I can send you via DMs since I mostly operate on Facebook.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
7.3.2025 18:33Comment on 5 Love Poems by Kabir Deb by kabirdebajaIn reply to <a href="https://chewersmasticadores.wordpress.com/2025/03/06/5-love-poems-by-kabir-deb/comment-page-1/#comment-11915">kabirdebaja</a>. That is very kind of you thank you. It is not an easy read. Lots of sadness , also real, raw and honest. I have been looking for you. Do you post your poetry on instagram or wordpress. What is your address. I am going to see if I can find a bio.
7.3.2025 18:33Comment on 5 Love Poems by Kabir Deb by jonicaggianoAre you the bare Buddha or another name on line - how do I read your work?
7.3.2025 18:30Comment on 5 Love Poems by Kabir Deb by jonicaggianoMagazines are more than just glossy pages filled with stories and images or text on a screen; they’re a snapshot of culture, a window into our world, and a reflection of our values. Behind every successful magazine is a team of dedicated professionals, including writers, photographers, designers, and, of course, editors. These editors are the… Read More Interview: The Transgressions of Elizabeth MacDuffie by Nolcha Fox
7.3.2025 09:13Interview: The Transgressions of Elizabeth MacDuffie by Nolcha Foxphoto by Ken Tomaro The sticky web 8 am on Tuesdayand I’m eating a bowl of cerealwatching a spider suck the soul out of a mothbefore he wraps it in a cocoonseems like we’ll both have a busy day *** Somewhere on the back roads & sometime in the ’90s it is early fall, close to… Read More 5 Poems by Ken Tomaro
7.3.2025 04:005 Poems by Ken TomaroHER TANGLED HAIR I seal the doors of my roomsto not let you walk away after tonight.Reminiscing the ways you enteredthe space I hold isn’t enough.The darkness constrictsas you start to brush my hair.I compose a symphony on my lipsto leave its sound like a wicked vamp. Bedsheets are woven documentswhere we must write our… Read More 5 Love Poems by Kabir Deb
6.3.2025 04:005 Love Poems by Kabir DebLooking for Father My mother passed away in the summer.I was at sea in the summer.The waves of freedom were endlessly spreading towards the horizon.Butterflies traveled with the ship, often landing on the ship’s side. After a long time, I returned to land.My brothers and sisters were busy packing our luggage.They didn’t tell me where… Read More 4 Poems by Ma Yongbo
5.3.2025 04:004 Poems by Ma YongboMoonlit It’s the moon that triggers — full gibbous rising throughleafless sweetgums, hickories and elms. Plumb lines reachingfrom the knoll leaning against the house across the street.A living copy of Rousseau’s Carnival Evening postertacked to my 1972 college bedroom wall. Unclothed treesplated silver with Luna’s light, and the couple, dressedin white for Carnival. Lent just… Read More 5 Poems by Gary D. Grossman
4.3.2025 04:005 Poems by Gary D. GrossmanMusic, soft as it was, faded even further.Darkness that filled my room, nowExpanded over a board of checkers.Hoping to be alone, safe from the dream.Constantly the Entity dashed all want.Because once again, nearby was the Entity.Hairless, faceless, remorseless.When it stepped close I knew,a touch was all it would take.A brush to make this dream my… Read More “Nightmare” by Gustave Leclair
3.3.2025 04:00“Nightmare” by Gustave Leclairit was a brown housewith a wide porch. the Connors lived there. when i was a kidTommy and iused to hidebehind the swingand whistleat the girl next door. her housewas white aluminum sidingand her name was Annie. her father worked nightsin the RCA factoryand she wasdating this guywho lookedlike Elvis. he drove a whiteChevyand would… Read More 3 Poems by John Yamrus
2.3.2025 04:003 Poems by John YamrusBrother & Sister, Back in the Day, taken our grandmother, Sue Alexander Twine (deceased) How I miss the resonance of your laughter. My toothpick-size funny bone defenseless against choruses of cachinnations caroming off walls. Each arc casts a thread in a joke-getting web. Trapped by the persistent, infectious sound of your boyish joy, our laughter… Read More “A Note to Kenneth” by Suzanne S. Austin-Hill
1.3.2025 04:00“A Note to Kenneth” by Suzanne S. Austin-HillA renegade pharmacist turned literary outlaw, David A. Freas is a wild man who has spent nearly four decades pushing pills, but his heart always yearned for something more. That’s when he began to dabble in the written word, a passion he has nurtured since his younger days. But it wasn’t until ’95 that the… Read More Interview: The Transgressions of David A. Freas by Nolcha Fox
28.2.2025 08:46Interview: The Transgressions of David A. Freas by Nolcha FoxI’m putting this down for an official record because I think it’s important. To remember it accurately, I mean. In the age of deep fakes and AI images, there will come a time when people claim that none of this really happened or that it happened differently, but it did happen just like this. The… Read More “It’s Raining Men” by Zeke Jarvis
28.2.2025 04:00“It’s Raining Men” by Zeke JarvisNonchalance, like Jeter robbing a hitfrom Suzuki at short in Seattle,an away-game, making it look easy;like an Ester Willams water balletin an early 40s flick, bodies like flowers,three rehearsals for one shot. I thought it was ease under pressure.What you don’t have,not you, dear reader, necessarily,but a you who goes hystericalwhen a girl spills a… Read More “Sprezzatura” by Pete Mladinic
27.2.2025 04:00“Sprezzatura” by Pete MladinicA little tragedy. A little comedy. At times, bawdy as life itself. These original fairytales for grown-ups provide uncommon insight into the contemporary female experience. This delightfully provocative collection of adult fairytales by Kelly Moyer is a transformative read with all of the wonder and possibility of the genre. And yet, it updates it in… Read More “Mother Pomegranate and Other Fairytales for Grown-Ups” by Kelly Moyer
27.2.2025 00:45“Mother Pomegranate and Other Fairytales for Grown-Ups” by Kelly Moyer