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In reply to <a href="https://cherylsonnier.com/2024/10/11/publication-news-4/comment-page-1/#comment-2869">John Pinkerton</a>. Thank you John! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
13.10.2024 16:43Comment on Publication News by Cheryl Sonnier<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Letting go was so very moving and true. I proved that human nature is good. I loved it. Took me back to the time when Alan Sillitoe had his short stories in the Morning Star. More please </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
13.10.2024 15:17Comment on Publication News by John PinkertonIn reply to <a href="https://cherylsonnier.com/2024/10/11/publication-news-4/comment-page-1/#comment-2867">elanolsen</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you Annette! </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.10.2024 11:07Comment on Publication News by Cheryl SonnierSo cool—congratulations, Cheryl!With love,AnnetteAnnette Sonnier Olsen832-278-5732 cellannette.olsen@icloud.com
11.10.2024 21:12Comment on Publication News by elanolsenIn reply to <a href="https://cherylsonnier.com/2024/10/11/publication-news-4/comment-page-1/#comment-2865">sbaker</a>. Thanks Stewart!
11.10.2024 20:22Comment on Publication News by Cheryl SonnierNice going, Cheryl!
11.10.2024 20:17Comment on Publication News by sbakerI’m honoured to have a short story titled ‘Letting Go’ in the print edition of tomorrow’s Morning Star. It will also be in the online edition on Sunday (I’ll post a link when it’s up). And I adore the illustration from Lorna Miller below. I also love the intro they gave it: Enchantments collide in … Continue reading Publication News
11.10.2024 20:06Publication NewsIn reply to <a href="https://cherylsonnier.com/2024/08/08/rejection/comment-page-1/#comment-2862">elanolsen</a>.
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<p>Thanks, sis! </p>
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<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Impressive stack AND attitude, sis! <3 Annette Olsen</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
9.8.2024 18:10Comment on Rejection by elanolsenIn my ‘About’ section, there’s a short list of of publications who have been kind enough to publish my writing. I’m sure my list won’t look like much to more prolific writers of short fiction. I have to say, though, that every single story listed there has received at least a dozen rejections, except for … Continue reading Rejection
8.8.2024 22:32RejectionI sampled quite a few books on craft while I was studying. There were various degrees of usefulness, and I used them both for learning, and for supporting my arguments in assignments. Below are six of the ones I got the most from, along with the key reasons I found them useful. Royle, N (ed) … Continue reading Useful books on writing
16.4.2024 19:37Useful books on writing<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Glad to hear you are still writing and publishing after all that. I keep saying I'm going to do Milford one of these years but something always gets in the way (usually money haha).</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.4.2024 12:28Comment on The MFA – worth it? by Cheryl SonnierIn reply to <a href="https://cherylsonnier.com/2024/04/10/the-mfa-worth-it/comment-page-1/#comment-2859">Cheryl Sonnier</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>my 3rd book is due May for ebook June for paper so far so good. I had kidney cancer 2011 but a brain tumour 2020= which did cause more problems but still writing and doing Milford next month </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.4.2024 12:20Comment on The MFA – worth it? by Terry JackmanFirst of all, I’d like to say one thing very loud and clear: you do not need an MFA to be successful as a writer. There are so many successful writers who never studied anything more than the books that came before theirs. I did it because I wanted to (needed to?) be more guided … Continue reading The MFA – worth it?
10.4.2024 13:45The MFA – worth it?I passed my MFA with Distinction and am still quite shocked, a couple of years later (the fact that I stuck it out, and the fact that I got a distinction). As someone who has often started big projects but rarely finished, I’m proud that I did. Even more so, when I realise that I’ve … Continue reading Surviving
28.3.2024 14:27SurvivingI’m delighted to have the chance to interview a friend and fellow member of Northwrite SF writers group on the blog today. Jacey Bedford has published two trilogies through DAW, one SF and one Fantasy and both are excellent. Her latest novel, The Amber Crown, is due to be released into the wild on January … Continue reading Author Interview – Jacey Bedford
7.1.2022 10:28Author Interview – Jacey BedfordI didn’t know I had breast cancer when I wrote, Investigating the Sea-Hag Menace, in early April this year. I didn’t have the routine Mammogram until mid-June, a month and a half after Improbable Press accepted the story. A couple of weeks later, I was called back for more tests, and on 2nd August I … Continue reading Of breast cancer and cryptids and what makes us angry
11.10.2021 11:33Of breast cancer and cryptids and what makes us angryHello again! My short story, Investigating the Sea-Hag Menace, will be included in this fabulous anthology, due out in December 2021 from Improbable Press. Please do check it out: there are two volumes, with lots of great stories in each. Mine will be in Volume Blue. Investigating the Sea-Hag Menace is one of those stories … Continue reading Publication News
18.9.2021 12:15Publication NewsYesterday I signed a contract for my story Investigating the Sea-Hag Menace to be part of the Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging: anthology from Improbable Press. They received so many great submissions that they are talking about releasing two anthologies and perhaps a special edition. Publication date is expected to be some time in early 2022. … Continue reading Publication News
31.5.2021 11:41Publication News23.2.2021 19:12Publication News