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In reply to <a href="https://camerajunky.blog/2024/04/16/lomography-daguerreotype-achromat-art-lens/comment-page-1/#comment-4671">Gavin</a>. Thanks Gavin. I am glad you liked it.
24.4.2024 14:58Comment on Lomography Daguerreotype Achromat Art Lens by CamerajunkyReally great article and insight into a strange lens with nice examples too.
24.4.2024 06:40Comment on Lomography Daguerreotype Achromat Art Lens by GavinThis article was a very long time in the pipeline. For one reason or another I always postponed it even though I promised to Thomas (who kindly lend me this lens) to write my opinion about it. It might be that I don’t really write about gear which I don’t particularly in love with. The… Continue reading Lomography Daguerreotype Achromat Art Lens
16.4.2024 06:50Lomography Daguerreotype Achromat Art LensThis was the first 35mm camera I ever owned. Bought it when I was in the Navy (1968-1977) from the ships store. Have had several other 35mm cameras since, but remember this one with fond memories. Thanks, Wayne
25.2.2024 05:01Comment on Yashica TL-SUPER by WayneWhen we take photographs today especially on our phones we don’t consider them as historical documents. Photography is more ubiquitous than ever and for all likelihood our pictures will quietly rot away on a memory card or be deleted during routine maintenance in a dark corner of a nameless datacenter. Maybe they will become part… Continue reading 1923
24.12.2023 14:361923Nice post thanks for shharing
27.10.2023 23:40Comment on Light pollution by Mya MurphyThis was great to reead
16.3.2023 17:44Comment on Stupa (gold and blue) by AlliI am fascinated by your work! You are amazing!
13.7.2021 11:51Comment on About by SergeyWe are around the end of the second Covid lockdown here in Austria. It is hard to even think about any in-person social interaction nowadays. But at least we can recall the times when we still met up with friends. Maybe just for a cup of good coffee or even to shoot with exotic cameras.… Continue reading Intrepid 4×5 Test-Drive
6.2.2021 21:06Intrepid 4×5 Test-Drive[…] – Alexander Pollnow via China Camera Style: Varanasi, Kolkata, India– Fine Film Days: Seoul, South Korea (traditional markets are one of my favorite places to be)– @film_humming_life: Keelung, Taiwan– @chumfilmphoto: Hong Kong– Peakmoment: Stonehenge, England, United Kingdom– *megupixel: Niigata, Japan– Rick on Film: Oregon, United States (I really need to get back to taking photos for my A Photo An Hour series…)– Ralf Haun: Wuppertal, Germany (recently got myself another Yashica Electro GS, can’t wait to finish up the roll of film in it)– Down the Road: Indiana, United States– camerajunky: Las Vegas, United States […]
3.11.2020 12:26Comment on Las Vegas on Portra by Around The World in Analogue. – Katie Shoots FilmDear fellow photographers. As you have noticed I was not very active on the blog for quite some time now. Unfortunately it was not only the case with the blog but with my film photography in general. This had many reasons including shifting priorities, too much stress and work and the need for a creative… Continue reading Revival
17.9.2020 20:19Revival[…] have brought 2 types of film Las Vegas trip. CineStill for the night and Portra 160 for the I have brought 2 types of film Las Vegas trip. CineStill for […]
11.5.2020 19:05Comment on Las Vegas on CineStill by Las Vegas on Portra – camerajunkyI have brought 2 types of film Las Vegas trip. CineStill for the night and Portra 160 for the day. The big mistake, however, was that I only had 1 camera. I planned to shoot the Portra first and then switch to the more sensitive tungsten-balanced film as it gets darker. Well planed I thought… Continue reading Las Vegas on Portra
11.5.2020 19:05Las Vegas on PortraIn reply to <a href="https://camerajunky.blog/2012/03/30/exakta-varex-iia/comment-page-1/#comment-734">Rick</a>. Thanks, it is a nice bit of information.
27.2.2020 19:10Comment on Exakta Varex IIa by CamerajunkyIn reply to <a href="https://camerajunky.blog/2012/03/30/exakta-varex-iia/comment-page-1/#comment-86">Steve Fretz</a>. Stewart used a VXiia 1st version with a Kilfitt f5.6 400mm in the movie.
24.2.2020 18:40Comment on Exakta Varex IIa by RickEver since I have started to take photographs I was always chasing a cinematic look. In fact, this is one of the reasons I shoot film. While it is undoubtedly possible to achieve film look with digital cameras I find it easier by using film. Also, it is a lot of fun to experiment with… Continue reading Las Vegas on CineStill
26.1.2020 20:14Las Vegas on CineStillI have and always had a love-hate relationship with Velvia. It is a fantastic film stock for sure. When used for fitting subjects, it delivers results like no other film. It packs an extra punch in terms of color saturation, contrast, and resolution. My only problem is that I mostly shoot portraits and if anything… Continue reading A roll of Velvia
14.10.2019 20:21A roll of VelviaDuring the Christmas holiday, I have managed to find the time to develop a few rolls of film. I am very happy about it because lately, I have struggled with my developing process. I have encountered many trivial issues including the use of an exhausted developer, air bubbles and the list goes on. This time… Continue reading Zsuki
15.1.2019 21:04ZsukiWhat qualifies a digital camera classic? Certainly the age, popularity and the reputation of a camera are all important factors. These all contribute to the level a camera embedded into our collective photography consciousness. I cannot tell if the original Fuji X100 (revealed in 2010) can already be considered as a classic camera by the… Continue reading Digital Classic, Fuji X100
1.10.2018 20:59Digital Classic, Fuji X100Cosina CSM, Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 80mm f/1.8 loaded with Kodak Gold 200 vs Fuji XT-2, Fujinon 56mm f/1.2 using X-Trans III. Which one do you prefer?
3.5.2018 20:27Portrait Duel