The Journey toward higher consciousness and finding the sassy girl
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Tags: consciousness
Could not agree more. It reminds me of a FB meme along the lines of - voting is like catching a bus. If there's not a bus going to exactly where you want, you get on the bus that goes closest. Alison
9.7.2024 04:14Comment on Start the revolution… with me? without me? by Alison and Don<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You did rigorous historical research. Generally the majority of citizens simply pick a political team with whom they are culturally comfortable.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p> </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
9.7.2024 00:47Comment on Start the revolution… with me? without me? by michaelcherry1704Back in the early 70’s, I became radicalized in my political thinking. I hung around with the hippies, and particularly the folks who were protesting Viet Nam, etc. and stayed tuned in to the thinking of many on the far left. During those years I also spent a summer at the Sorbonne, which helped me […]
9.7.2024 00:00Start the revolution… with me? without me?In reply to <a href="">Alison and Don</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Yes, definitely both blessed. And I too would not have lived a different way. <3</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.7.2024 03:18Comment on The healing journey and value by yogaleighIt's so similar to my own path, and understanding of this reality. I was at the end of being able to avoid the grind when Don "rescued" me, and thus I was able to move beyond "survival mode" and dive even deeper into the healing. In so many ways we've both been blessed, you and I. I would not for a second have had my life any other way. I imagine you would say the same. Alison xo
8.7.2024 03:11Comment on The healing journey and value by Alison and DonIn reply to <a href="">Mark Lanesbury</a>. Thanks so much Mark. As always, I love your insights! <3
4.7.2024 03:39Comment on The healing journey and value by yogaleighBeautiful!!
4.7.2024 01:41Comment on The healing journey and value by mariner2mother<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Beautifully written Leigh. In all the 'living' I have done, we do need to feel and go through both sides of the equation to appreciate what we become. And those money makers rarely understand the second part of life in moving from the physical to the spiritual. They have no time for, what to them, is rubbish. Until they get older and realize the money truly has no value, and ever only have 'hangers-on' because of the money, not them.</p>
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<p>This of course does not apply to all, there are many variations in that journey. Like you, your path needed a focus, a very profound one in its intensity. Where it took you built a slow, even intense structure so that you could go beyond it and appreciate what is truly there.</p>
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<p>And I have no doubt that among the pain, restrictions and just plain craziness that some days bring...there were some very beautiful moments as a heart awoke to meaning and a love that cannot be found elsewhere.</p>
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<p>Take a bow kind lady, it was a powerful learning curve, but in that creation I have no doubt the self worth, healing and love found were beyond anything money can buy </p>
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In reply to <a href="">bonniegeary</a>. Thanks Bonnie -- means a lot <3
2.7.2024 04:00Comment on The healing journey and value by yogaleigh<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Leigh, I have known you since just after you began this journey of healing. I am amazed by your devotion to your practice throughout at least 37 years. You introduced me to Anne and Arthur Cataldo, Gay Luce and David Patton, Ellen Margron and so many teachers and healers at Nine Gates Mystery School. And you have shared so many healing modalities throughout the years. You are an inspiration and dear friend. Namaste. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
2.7.2024 03:32Comment on The healing journey and value by bonniegearyMy physical, emotional & spiritual healing journey stretches at this point over decades. And for much of it I was only in shape to work part time, if at all. Because of the physical aspect, it was obvious to me I really needed to address the healing because being out in the world in any […]
2.7.2024 02:25The healing journey and valueIn reply to <a href="">Ka Malana -</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thanks! Yes, ignoring grind culture. For me, it's an interesting process of realizing how many deep beliefs are in our culture and how easy it is to fall under their influence unless we're mindful.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
21.6.2024 01:10Comment on The “life’s purpose” game by yogaleighOver the many years I’ve travelled on a spiritual path, I’ve run into discussions of “life’s purpose” SO many times. It’s especially common among New Age/New Thought teachers, but pops up in many places. The idea is each of us came to earth to fulfill a purpose. It’s our job to figure out the purpose […]
18.6.2024 01:39The “life’s purpose” gameI’ve complained a lot in the last few years about pain in my left hip/low back area. Having just hit a breakthrough, it seems like a good moment to tell a bit about the journey. I’ve had problems there for decades but a combo of excellent bodyworkers and routine practice of poses and exercises for […]
4.6.2024 04:34Scar tissue from the pastI’ve been listening a lot to a local Sarasota FM station that plays rock music from just my era and pretty much all stuff I love. At the same time a friend has recommended Radio Paradise and I’ve been trying to get myself to tune in. Much like WXRT in Chicago, it plays rock from […]
11.5.2024 01:33How we dread changeI’ve been making my way VERY slowly (i.e., most of the time not at all) through the ho’oponopono course for which I signed up a few months ago. So far, though, completing the class isn’t feeling like the point as much as reconnecting with the practice — also gaining insight from the videos of the […]
13.11.2023 01:00Healing my anger with ho’oponoponoIn my last post, I said the next one would discuss my journey with ho’oponopono and anger, but I received word yesterday that my dear friend Gay‘s husband, David, died yesterday and changed the plan. The Nine Gates memorial service for Gay is being held Monday, which would have been her 93d birthday. David had […]
30.9.2023 04:06Books not written…Every now and then the Universe hands me a series of synchronous events that point me to a new insight or direction. Recently, after a long hiatus from practicing ho’oponopono several taps on the shoulder turned me back to it. My ho’oponopono story started with my recently-departed friend, Gay Luce. During a conversation in which […]
26.9.2023 00:00Guided to Ho’oponoponoI’ve been following the January 6 investigations all along, noting things that maybe I know more about because of the law degree, but seeing pretty clear info out there telling us the DOJ was exploring J6 via grand jury at least as early as January 2022, months before the House committee began its hearings and […]
3.7.2023 02:09Stop the DOJ timeline bsAs SCOTUS in particular and Repug leaders in general continue to promulgate hateful, backsliding, white supremacist policies and programs, Democrats and the media continually express their amazement at how out of step with the opinions of most Americans the right-wingers are. I’m so tired of this b.s. disingenuousness. They’ve been showing us who they are […]
1.7.2023 00:00SCOTUS: stop being surprised, accept who they are⬆️