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25.2.2025 23:20Comment on Nemomobile in February 2025 by GoodMirek… liked this!
23.2.2025 08:50Comment on Nemomobile in February 2025 by Lioh… reposted this!
23.2.2025 08:47Comment on Nemomobile in February 2025 by Jozef MlichIt's been a while since the last update. We've been migrating Nemo to Qt6, fixing compatibility issues, updating upstream components, and tackling Manjaro's package changes. Notable progress includes Lipstick fixes, merged patches, and the Kremium compatibility layer for running Sailfish OS apps.
23.2.2025 08:32Nemomobile in February 2025… liked this!
4.2.2025 18:12Comment on FOSDEM 2024 by pmOS enjoyer… liked this!
30.1.2025 23:44Comment on Chytré hodinky pohledem linuxáka by GoodMirek… liked this!
30.1.2025 21:27Comment on Chytré hodinky pohledem linuxáka by Pavel Machek… liked this!
30.1.2025 20:41Comment on Chytré hodinky pohledem linuxáka by danvratil :kde:… reposted this!
30.1.2025 20:01Comment on Chytré hodinky pohledem linuxáka by Jozef MlichNa srazu OpenAltu jsem měl přenášku na téma: Chytré hodinky pohledem linuxáka. Proč chtít chytré hodinky, co se s nimi dá dělat bez ztráty soukromí. Různé střípky z vývoje doprovodné aplikace a komu darovat starší zařízení (třeba s vybitou baterkou). Na vhsky.cz je záznam: https://vhsky.cz/w/24Gnj89Pn8smTN7AikeFgD?start=1h7s
30.1.2025 17:03Chytré hodinky pohledem linuxáka… liked this!
27.1.2025 15:01Comment on Amazfish 2.5.0 by Saltpie… liked this!
12.1.2025 21:39Comment on Call blocking on Ubuntu touch by catdad76🚫📞 I've created exPhone, a call-blocking app for Ubuntu Touch! It blocks unwanted calls (including "ex-" calls 😄). Built with libwatchfish, SQLite, and AI tools for the logo. Despite UX feedback, I’m proud of the journey! 🚀 Try it out & contribute if you can! #UbuntuTouch #AppDev #OpenSource #CallBlocking
10.1.2025 18:49Call blocking on Ubuntu touchToday, a new version of #Amazfish was released, marking another step forward for the project. The previous version came out three months ago, and this update brings several notable improvements. Enhancements were made in the following areas: improved Bangle.js support, easier translations, refined user experience, and better pairing functionality.
25.11.2024 21:04Amazfish 2.5.0When I heard about the SailfishOS hackathon in Prague, I knew I had to attend. It was held at Silicon Hill, a familiar spot from Installfest. My goal was to learn more about SailfishOS and improve the Amazfish smartwatch app.
29.9.2024 19:08Sailathon 2024 – Sailfish OS hackathonTřetí červencovou sobotu se Pohár Petra Tučka přehoupl do své druhé poloviny šestým kolem navigační soutěže v Kotvrdovicích. Tato soutěž v motorovém létání na letišti v srdci Moravského krasu nesla podtitul Memoriál Franty Jakubce.
6.8.2024 14:11Navigační soutěž Kotvrdovice 2024Nemo Mobile updates 🚀📱 in June and July 2024: Glacier Home's search bar now uses a plugin-based interface, Qt Quick Controls Nemo got enhancements and fixes, and Glacier Weather's API was modularized for easier integration.
5.8.2024 06:54Nemomobile July UpdateCo dělají radioamatéři? Radiové spojení, které si píšou do deníčku. Jak probíhá takové spojení? A na co si dát pozor při výběru hardware?
2.8.2024 09:27Deníček začínajícího radioamatéraNews has been ongoing since February, with progress made in several areas. Porting to OpenSuSE continues, issues in Manjaro-based images are being addressed, the maliit keyboard has been improved, and the Bluetooth dialogs in Lipstick are being reworked.
1.6.2024 09:27Nemomobile from March to May 2024February in Nemomobile: Lipstick no longer crashes, Maliit keyboard now shows up, key controls in Nemo improved, NGFD settings fixed. Proud to showcase at FOSDEM alongside top mobile Linux platforms. Still in experimental phase but making strides!
1.3.2024 11:07Nemomobile in February/2024