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2021 Q1 Quick Update

Hello Mapperinos! Quick update on the mapper: Still Here Yes, the app is still alive and kicking! Things have been quite busy so uploads and maintenance haven’t been top of my list for a bit. I hope to change that in May or June 2021. More Tiles I’ve received batches of tiles from new and … Continue reading 2021 Q1 Quick Update

29.3.2021 14:282021 Q1 Quick Update

Comment on What’s New in Summer 2020 by David Millar

In reply to <a href="">Anna</a>. Great suggestions, Anna! There's a legend on the help page, but I didn't realize the help page appears to currently be broken. I will look into it and get it fixed ASAP. I also have an eye on improving the mobile experience and zoom is definitely coming. For tile content guidance, I think checking out the tiles in each mode would be a good way to get an idea of what would be compatible with the existing tiles. Beyond that, it's kinda left up to the artist to decide how much they want to match or contrast from the other tiles. For example, with village tiles the current contributors all have roughly 5 buildings per edge tile, each about 30x30 pixels and 15 or so pixels apart from one another. You could do something similar to mesh with that, or you could add some tiles for a village that's a bit more sparse with larger yard-type areas between homes. On the other hand, maybe it's a village on the verge of becoming a city, and you could make extensions and outbuildings and really pack things in. Some food for thought -- and often social media like Reddit, Twitter, and Mastodon have folks asking for maps that fill specific needs that might be worth catering to.

28.3.2021 21:47Comment on What’s New in Summer 2020 by David Millar

Comment on What’s New in Summer 2020 by Anna

This is a really fun project! Might send some tiles your way, but i wonder if some kind of guidance like "This is the kind of content for this type of tile" wouldn't be helpful, like "x number of houses per grid mark in a city, but no more than y number of houses in a village" etc. Also, a legend might be helpful! LOL On a more serious note, being able to zoom in and out of the page on mobile would make the designer -- and the website -- a lot easier to use.

27.3.2021 23:38Comment on What’s New in Summer 2020 by Anna

What’s New in Summer 2020

Howdy, friends of the mapper. A recent blog post over at GeekNative inferred some worry due to the lack of blog updates, so I’ve decided to write one now. Black Lives Matter I acknowledge that as a cisgender white male, I’ve been afforded a lot of opportunities in my life, and my work in puzzles, … Continue reading What’s New in Summer 2020

12.6.2020 03:37What’s New in Summer 2020

Comment on A Hole-in-One by Dave

Your tool is awesome for cities and dungeons :) Thank you for making it! I use it in combination with for world-level maps.

23.6.2019 03:04Comment on A Hole-in-One by Dave

Comment on More Side-View Morphs by Scott M Charlton

Very cool side view map. The buried bones just gave me a great idea: a room filled with the fossilized bones and artifacts found while excavating the site.

4.6.2017 21:17Comment on More Side-View Morphs by Scott M Charlton

Comment on A Hole-in-One by David Millar

In reply to <a href="">RPG GM</a>. Sorry I haven't posted much lately. My focus has primarily been on improving the app itself. I have a new project on the horizon I ought to post about soon. Thanks for the comment!

9.8.2015 06:40Comment on A Hole-in-One by David Millar

Comment on A Hole-in-One by RPG GM

This is a pretty cool website. I like how the maps work to randomly generate new areas. However I notice that it has been a long time since anyone posted on the blog. Is this still being updated or worked on? Be a shame to see this go by the wayside.

8.8.2015 22:14Comment on A Hole-in-One by RPG GM

Comment on Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care by David Millar

In reply to <a href="">Jeremy</a>. Currently 64 tiles is the maximum, but I plan to increase it. The main problem is the server choking on larger maps and me not having enough experience to handle scaling of this sort of back-end system. For the next few weeks I'm dedicating my full effort to my puzzle work, but after that I plan to continue work on the mapper. This issue is one very close to the top of the list.

21.12.2014 22:02Comment on Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care by David Millar

Comment on Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care by Jeremy

What is the logic it uses to block exporting? Even when I try to export a 10x10 map it says "This map looks too big to export to PNG without causing an error. Sorry! OK" I can do 8x8 but anything larger errors.

19.12.2014 17:23Comment on Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care by Jeremy

A Hole-in-One

A few important news bits to share: Your calendar just got 1/7th of 100% cooler. Thursdays are now #TileThursday where you can draw a new tile for the mapper, post it on social media (e.g. the blue F, short update bird, and positive plus sign guy) with the hashtag #TileThursday, and my favorite tile will … Continue reading A Hole-in-One

13.6.2013 01:24A Hole-in-One

Comment on Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care by Simon Hibbs

What a great app! I'm using it to generate maps for some facilities in my giant ruined starship game loosely based on Metamorphosis Alpha.

25.4.2013 11:27Comment on Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care by Simon Hibbs

Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care

It’s been a while since my last blog update, but I think tonight’s updates warrant a bit further reach than my usual Facebook and Google Plus postings. Tonight I pushed live a new export feature that uses HTML5 Canvas to do its job, rather than PHP. That may not mean much to non-techie mapper users, … Continue reading Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care

29.3.2013 03:04Save Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care

IBD Tile Drive, and Other Recent Happenings

Hey all. It’s been a while since I’ve done major updates, whether on the blog or the mapper in general. This weekend starts a big new charity event, though, which I hope to do yearly as long as there’s interest. As many of you know and have read, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and … Continue reading IBD Tile Drive, and Other Recent Happenings

14.9.2012 02:35IBD Tile Drive, and Other Recent Happenings

Port Pendragon

Today I added a bunch of new city edges and corners from Billdakat. Billdakat is a pretty cool guy that I met at KoLumbus 7 (A Kingdom of Loathing convention in Columbus, OH) that also happens to dabble in map-making. His newest edges and corners contain water parts. At the moment, I don’t have a … Continue reading Port Pendragon

4.2.2012 18:20Port Pendragon

23 Questions

Everyone seems to be doing this 23 question survey, so I might as well too. If you had to pick a single invention in a game you were most proud of what would it be? Uhhh… When was the last time you GMed? Never. When was the last time you played? Never. Give us a … Continue reading 23 Questions

30.1.2012 06:3123 Questions

An Interesting Approach to Giving Back

The Friday before last, I thought it’d be fun to do some random, non-tile mapmaking. So I tried to think of a place where I could easily post about this and get nearly instant response and ideas for maps. The first place that popped into my head was the Traditional Games board on 4chan. For … Continue reading An Interesting Approach to Giving Back

30.1.2012 01:10An Interesting Approach to Giving Back

The Den of the Living Statues

I’ve heard a lot of rumblings about how cool the recently released DungeonMorph Dice are, but how many don’t know what to do with them exactly. Now, not having ever role-played before, let alone DM’d, I can’t speak to the versatility of them per se. However, I did have a thought for a dungeon I’d … Continue reading The Den of the Living Statues

13.1.2012 05:09The Den of the Living Statues

Things I Have and Do Not Have

Today’s post is going to be about things I have, things I do not have, and some future plans. Thing I Have: DungeonMorph Dice, cards, and mini-posters of the maps. These are seriously cool. Even putting aside the fact that I haven’t RPed before, these are awesome. Only through the power of the Internet can you … Continue reading Things I Have and Do Not Have

19.12.2011 21:47Things I Have and Do Not Have

Comment on Why It Takes Me Forever To Update by Hidayat

My thoughts and prayers for you Dave. Hope you get well soon.

3.11.2011 18:09Comment on Why It Takes Me Forever To Update by Hidayat


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