Hello! My username is BlankEclair, but you can call me Claire, [del]and I get to pick [url=https://vgperson.com/games/witchheart.htm]Witch's Heart[/url] as the obscure RPG Maker 2000 game my name is stolen from[/del]. I am a bureaucrat and administrator of the [url=https://rainverse.wiki]Rainverse Wiki[/url], and generally help out with technical tasks, referencing, and editing. Follow requests are on, but they're just to vet weird accounts and there's a 99% chance you'll get through :3 Fediverse accounts (chronological order): * [url=https://catgirl.center/@BlankEclair@transfem.social]@BlankEclair@transfem.social[/url] (2024-07-10 to 2024-10-08) * [url=https://catgirl.center/@BlankEclair@catgirl.center]@BlankEclair@catgirl.center[/url] (2024-09-05 to present) (here, main) Testimonyals: [quote][url=https://catgirl.center/@BlankEclair]@BlankEclair[/url] what is WRONG with you. I mean, not a bad thing, but like, who hurt you that you find vulns like I find used cups around my house??[/quote]- [url=https://catgirl.center/@PixDeVl@wikis.world]@PixDeVl@wikis.world[/url][quote]you're quickly becoming the go-to cursed technology girl, and you can quote me on that[/quote]- [url=https://catgirl.center/@theresnotime@fox.nexus]@theresnotime@fox.nexus[/url][quote]Why would I give you a task if I didn't expect it to come with a free security vulnerability[/quote]- RhinosF1[quote]Very adorable haxxor girl >W<[/quote]- [url=https://catgirl.center/@ity@estradiol.city]@ity@estradiol.city[/url]
Tags: administrator blankeclair chronological referencing rhinosf1very testimonyals theresnotime vulnerability