Political rants and religious ramblings of a southern software engineer.
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The following was adapted from a now-several-years-old answer elsewhere on the web to a user asking about the truth of the claim that Dante, rather than the Bible, is the origin of much of modern beliefs about Satan. Introduction & Disclaimers While I’ve never read either Dante or Milton (and therefore can’t speak to that … Continue reading "The Devil You Know… or Don’t"
13.2.2024 02:54The Devil You Know… or Don’tThe following was adapted from an answer elsewhere on the web to a question presupposing that creatures in the vein of Ezekiel’s “living creatures” are the true, “biblically accurate” angels. Let me be clear: the exact physical form of angels or other supernatural creatures in the Bible is of little practical import. My motivation for … Continue reading "“Biblically Accurate” Angels are not Biblically Accurate"
14.3.2023 15:00“Biblically Accurate” Angels are not Biblically AccurateAround this time of year, we often see a lot of posts about American Indians, Columbus, and various related subjects. The general points that (1) the natives were greatly mistreated, (2) that Columbus and those who followed did a lot of horrible things, and (3) that native culture had a number of good points are … Continue reading "American Indian Cultural Superiority"
30.11.2020 18:37American Indian Cultural SuperiorityI’m known to generally favor the conservative side of most issues. This is particularly notable when it comes to issues that are in some way related to race. Not that I am especially conservative in racial issues. For the most part, I am actually more agnostic or liberal on such issues than other issues. However, … Continue reading "Race History"
12.7.2020 18:00Race HistoryLet me start by saying that, to the best of my knowledge, I have never uttered nor propagated any of these phrases: This is not because I disagree with the content of any of those messages. However, I think the use of these slogans is counter-productive. Those who agree don’t need to hear it. Those … Continue reading "Black Lives Matter™ vs Christianity"
24.6.2020 18:00Black Lives Matter™ vs ChristianityGeorge Floyd has recently been more omnipresent on the Internet than just about anything else in recent memory, except maybe the Coronavirus. For good reason, too. This is obviously a case of substantial injustice and probably murder. At the very absolute minimum, we can say with 100% confidence that the police were in the wrong … Continue reading "The Killing of George Floyd"
29.5.2020 17:00The Killing of George Floyd(This regards the so-called Women’s Marches which took place on 2017-01-21.) As Christians, we are called to love our neighbor (Matthew 22:39). In this Christian’s mind, this means that we should oppose (in love) the systematic slaughter of 1/6 of our neighbors (2013, source: CDC[1]), including 1/3 of our black neighbors. It means we should … Continue reading "“Women’s” Marches"
30.1.2017 22:00“Women’s” MarchesSocial Injustice & Inequality The second video of the sociopolitical discourse between Killer Mike and Bernie Sanders kicks off with Bernie bemoaning the “outrage” that is the existence of homelessness in America. He is also rightfully upset over the employment status of the African American demographic. The growth of American incarceration is mentioned, as is outsourcing jobs … Continue reading "Feel the Bern: Part 3: Social Justice"
25.5.2016 13:00Feel the Bern: Part 3: Social JusticeEconomic Freedom & Rights The core of the first video in the interview between rapper Killer Mike and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is Bernie Sanders’ discourse on freedom and rights. He equates the freedom of speech with a hypothetical right to healthcare, food,[1] shelter,[1] and education. In the form of a rhetorical question, he posits that … Continue reading "Feel the Bern: Part 2: Economic Freedom & Rights"
17.5.2016 13:00Feel the Bern: Part 2: Economic Freedom & RightsBackground Some time ago, a rapper named “Killer Mike” sat down and had a fairly all-encompassing social, economic, and primarily political conversation with Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. I admit it is quite refreshing to see a relatively novel form of political discourse, and the interview has only enhanced my opinion that Sanders is a … Continue reading "Feel the Bern: Part 1: The Interview"
17.5.2016 11:00Feel the Bern: Part 1: The InterviewA man by the name of Curtis Fiers has written an article titled “5 Verses that Prove the Bible Supports Abortion Rights.” As any amateur Biblical scholar might expect, it is very deceptive and lacks logical coherency. This post is a point-by-point response. Disclaimer I cannot speak for Curtis, but my responses here directly relate only to the moral and … Continue reading "Biblical Abortion"
12.5.2016 13:00Biblical AbortionYou might think of it like grace. We don't deserve that either, but sometimes you get it anyway.
22.4.2016 01:21Comment on Wages & Benefits by Invisible MikeyTo anyone reading this who think that they or others deserve $15/hour (or $10/hour, or frankly even $5 for some people), in the hopes that it will help you live a better life in some small fashion, INTRODUCTION When I got my first job mowing grass for $5 an hour (which the keen-eyed Virginian observer will … Continue reading "Wages & Benefits"
22.4.2016 01:04Wages & Benefits