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Can Earth’s Magnetic Field Survive for Billions of Years?

I discuss evidence supporting the Earth's magnetic field as a divine shield for life, highlighting its decay since Gauss's measurements. I link this decay to a young Earth, highlighting that Carbon-14 presence in minerals aligns with a creation timeline under 8,000 years.

16.3.2025 06:54Can Earth’s Magnetic Field Survive for Billions of Years?

No One Wins a Thermonuclear War

The painting "No One Wins a Thermonuclear War" critiques escalating wars in Ukraine and Israel, emphasizing the catastrophic potential of nuclear conflict. It argues that only financial elites benefit from war, while humanity faces annihilation. The artist calls for an end to these conflicts, urging awareness of their dire consequences.

13.3.2025 20:26No One Wins a Thermonuclear War

Comment on Does Israel Persecute Christians? by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">Sue</a>. You really hit the issue on the head there. You'll find Chuck Baldwin on my site here.

13.3.2025 03:25Comment on Does Israel Persecute Christians? by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Does Israel Persecute Christians? by Sue

Actually it is so much worse than this video. It seems since the mid-80s this thrust for Christians to return to the "true Jewish Christianity" took place. I remember seeing a book in the Christian bookstore "The Jewish Jesus" by Aron, (saw about late '80s-early '90s). Churches started doing Seder Suppers early 90s. Seems around late 2000s-Early 2010s churches started posting Jewish flags in their churches. John Hagee was all about Israel at that time, and spoke with authority. I see how all this step by step stuff has happened. The problems with the USA is that they have bought into this Satanic lie, that the Israelis are God's people. We Christians don't know who we are. God's people are the born-again, not the Christian-killers, the USA haters, the pedophile rings, and the border invasion apologists, that these Zionists feel they must please. It all comes from the same source, brainwashing. The USA is occupied. It would be good to look up Liberty Fellowship, Chuck Baldwin sermons on God's Chosen People.

12.3.2025 23:24Comment on Does Israel Persecute Christians? by Sue

Earth’s Albedo: The Mechanism Behind Global Warming

Earth's albedo, which measures how much sunlight is reflected by the surface, has decreased by 1% since the 1980s, significantly affecting global temperatures. Dr. Ned Nikolov argues that this decline drives global warming, challenging the notion of human-induced causes. Climate control initiatives are money laundering schemes only benefiting the mega-rich.

10.3.2025 07:51Earth’s Albedo: The Mechanism Behind Global Warming

Resisting Technological Tyranny: A Deep Dive

Be that one in a million! Resist evil! Resist authoritarian control! Here I compare contemporary society to a dystopian narrative seen in the TV series "Arcadia." Beware of compliance with technocratic systems that manipulate personal freedoms. Resistance against tyranny is necessary for true liberty.

9.3.2025 02:54Resisting Technological Tyranny: A Deep Dive

Black Hole Superradiance Search for Dark Photons

Since 2015, black holes have gained attention in astronomy, particularly regarding their potential role in discovering elusive dark matter particles like dark photons. Superradiance, a theoretical process, could theoretically boost these particles' energies near black holes. However, the absence of observed superradiance raises questions about dark matter's complexity and the validity of existing cosmological theories.

7.3.2025 02:43Black Hole Superradiance Search for Dark Photons

MicroTags Injected with COVID “Vaccines”

Dr. Youngmi Lee, a fertility specialist, disclosed on the Dr Jane Ruby show that a whistleblower from Bioteq, a Pfizer subsidiary, revealed a microchip injected into employees through Covid vaccines. Designed for surveillance, this technology, developed before 5G rollout, raises ethical concerns about consent and privacy.

6.3.2025 23:46MicroTags Injected with COVID “Vaccines”

Mars Once Had Oceans and Sandy Beaches

Recent research suggests Mars may have once hosted oceans and sandy beaches, contradicting claims of insufficient water for a worldwide flood on Earth. While geological features indicate past water flow on Mars, the planet remains lifeless due to its harsh conditions.

6.3.2025 00:51Mars Once Had Oceans and Sandy Beaches

Dark Photons and the Illusion of Dark Matter

Dark matter is equated to the metaphor of the Emperor's new clothes. Dark photons and other hypothetical particles are fictitious constructs used to explain phenomena without concrete evidence, underlining that current astrophysical models are flawed and nonsensical.

5.3.2025 04:59Dark Photons and the Illusion of Dark Matter

Vaccines: A Dangerous Tool for Population Control

Pandemics such as COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu were fabrications used for population control. All vaccines are bioweapons causing harm, and have been linked to increasing illnesses like autism. Dr Mike Yeadon warns of a planned global tyranny through vaccination and future pandemics.

4.3.2025 09:20Vaccines: A Dangerous Tool for Population Control


[…] 2024/10/15/grande-israel -do-nilo-ao- eufrates/ […]

28.2.2025 23:06Comment on Greater Israel: From the Nile to the Euphrates? by A VACINA COVID-19 É UMA ARMA BIOLÓGICA CRIADA PELO MOSSAD ISRAELENSE PARA GENOCIDAR A PO...

Can Axions Cleanup the Problem of Fine-Tuning in the Universe?

The anthropic principle posits that the universe's physical constants are fine-tuned for life, a concept scrutinized in light of new theoretical research on ultralight axions. If dark matter isn’t primarily axionic, it poses challenges to this principle, questioning the universe's inherent design while pushing materialists to seek explanations devoid of a Creator.

27.2.2025 12:32Can Axions Cleanup the Problem of Fine-Tuning in the Universe?

Was Jesus a Vegan or a Vegetarian?

Veganism is criticized as a detrimental lifestyle, akin to a curse that disregards necessary nutrients for survival. Jesus was neither a vegan nor a vegetarian, as He consumed fish and instructed the preparation of lamb for Passover. The notion that food choices bear spiritual significance is deemed irrelevant.

26.2.2025 01:34Was Jesus a Vegan or a Vegetarian?

Jabalya: A Call for Peace and Compassion

My painting "Jabalya" depicts the suffering of Palestinian women and children during the Gaza war, advocating for compassion and peace. With significant casualties reported, including many children, the artist emphasizes the dire humanitarian needs of Palestinians. War is a tool of Satan used to depopulate the Earth.

26.2.2025 00:04Jabalya: A Call for Peace and Compassion

Should Biblical Creationists Believe in Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

I question the acceptance of Dark Matter and Dark Energy by biblical creationists, suggesting they are problematic placeholders for undiscovered physics. The arguments for their existence are challenged by alternative cosmological models and criticisms of observational methodologies, calling for a re-evaluation of accepted astrophysical tenets.

25.2.2025 04:53Should Biblical Creationists Believe in Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Yuval Noah Harari: Evolution by Intelligent Design

Yuval Noah Harari suggested that advancements in technology could allow elites to manipulate life itself, promoting the concept of "evolution by intelligent design." This contradicts established biological principles; genetic mutations degrade information over time. True transformation of humanity can only be achieved through divine intervention.

24.2.2025 05:28Yuval Noah Harari: Evolution by Intelligent Design

Comment on Does Starlight Take Billions of Years to Reach Earth? by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">vupinto</a>. I'll do my best to write a blog post on that very soon. Stay tuned.

24.2.2025 03:12Comment on Does Starlight Take Billions of Years to Reach Earth? by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Does Starlight Take Billions of Years to Reach Earth? by vupinto

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>From my post on YT<br><<br>John, at 1:03:40 you start to speak a bit more about the "tension" of space, ZPE, and the high density of space, unlike what laypersons view space as being empty and so not having a "density", let alone very high. <br><br>Would you please consider writing an article or a presentation of explaining what this ZPE is and how do physicists arrive at the conclusion that there IS a seriously high density? I think it will help us all if explained in reasonably moderate terms. <br><br>I'll also post this request directly at your corresponding webpage.<br>></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

24.2.2025 02:23Comment on Does Starlight Take Billions of Years to Reach Earth? by vupinto

Does Starlight Take Billions of Years to Reach Earth?

The presentation presented here explores how light from distant galaxies could reach Earth in a universe less than 8,000 years old. This is from a biblical creationist perspective based on the scriptures and science.

21.2.2025 05:22Does Starlight Take Billions of Years to Reach Earth?

Comment on The Poisoned Needle by Nu a existat pandemie | 17 milioane de decese din cauza „vaccinurilor” ARNm Covid-19 - Statul Paralel - Dăm pe față ...

[…] cartea „The Otrăvită Needle” de Eleanor McBean din 1957 (PDF aici) Ea a documentat istoria dezvoltării vaccinului începând cu variola și expune frauda pe care a […]

19.2.2025 21:38Comment on The Poisoned Needle by Nu a existat pandemie | 17 milioane de decese din cauza „vaccinurilor” ARNm Covid-19 - Statul Paralel - Dăm pe față ...

Comment on Greater Israel: From the Nile to the Euphrates? by The Ugly Truth: The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide ...

[…] […]

18.2.2025 17:35Comment on Greater Israel: From the Nile to the Euphrates? by The Ugly Truth: The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide ...

More Than 50% US Evangelical Christians Do Not Believe in the Genesis History of Creation

I contrast two views on the origin of the universe: the big bang theory and the Genesis creation account. I highlight how many evangelicals now support the big bang, reflecting a shift in beliefs rejecting the historical Genesis narrative on concepts like original sin and redemption.

18.2.2025 04:53More Than 50% US Evangelical Christians Do Not Believe in the Genesis History of Creation

Understanding Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Chemtrails are real enough. Government agencies have been spraying the atmosphere with aerosols for decades. Solar Radiation Modification techniques, particularly Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, are intended to combat global warming but the potential agricultural and ecological damage is very concerning. I relate these developments to biblical prophecies about apocalyptic events.

17.2.2025 05:43Understanding Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Comment on There Was No Pandemic, But Excess Deaths by ianthomsonian

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Well said. Crimes against humanity.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p> Thank you.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

16.2.2025 01:02Comment on There Was No Pandemic, But Excess Deaths by ianthomsonian

There Was No Pandemic, But Excess Deaths

There was no actual pandemic but there have been 17 million deaths due to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines so far. These vaccines were launched without proper safety trials. Mortality rates and cancers increased post-vaccination due to immune system destruction.

14.2.2025 19:38There Was No Pandemic, But Excess Deaths

Comment on Greater Israel: From the Nile to the Euphrates? by Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genoci...

[…] and the Euphrates River in Iraq, that they insanely believe was promised to them by God. See this: Israel had stolen the Golan Heights in Syria and is in the process of stealing much more land in […]

14.2.2025 15:48Comment on Greater Israel: From the Nile to the Euphrates? by Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genoci...

Earth’s Atmosphere: A Shield by Design

The Earth's atmosphere, though thin, protects against meteors and asteroids, causing most to burn up upon entry. Significant impacts, like the Vredefort and Chicxulub craters, demonstrate catastrophic events, which occurred during or just after the Genesis Flood, highlighting a biblical perspective on geological history.

13.2.2025 23:24Earth’s Atmosphere: A Shield by Design

Have Aliens Terraformed Other Planets? New Insights

Extraterrestrial life has been searched for without success, and now a new method is suggested. I participated in an interview on the David Rives Genesis Science Report about this new search method, which examines similarities among clustered planets, suggesting terraforming has occurred.

12.2.2025 23:13Have Aliens Terraformed Other Planets? New Insights

Comment on Will We Still Need Humans? According to Bill Gates “Not For Most Things.” by Frank Hubeny

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Interesting questions about demons at the end. After the Resurrection of Jesus I see them as defeated though still our foes. If they do "invade these software systems" it would be through invading men and women first.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The idea of not having much to do reminds me of being in man's rest rather than God's rest. Man's rest is unsatisfying and afflicted with nightmares and addictions. In God's rest we do only His will.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.2.2025 13:25Comment on Will We Still Need Humans? According to Bill Gates “Not For Most Things.” by Frank Hubeny

Will We Still Need Humans? According to Bill Gates “Not For Most Things.”

Bill Gates, on the Jimmy Fallon show, predicted that AI will significantly reduce the need for humans. Gates acknowledged some human activities would remain, like enjoying sports, yet emphasized that tasks such as production and agriculture will increasingly rely on AI, suggesting a potential global depopulation mindset.

7.2.2025 06:11Will We Still Need Humans? According to Bill Gates “Not For Most Things.”

Cosmic Asymmetry Revealed: Spiral Galaxy Spin Directions and Clustering of Quartets of Galaxies

Recent studies reveal asymmetries in the universe, challenging big bang assumptions. Research from the JWST indicates a significant predominance of clockwise-rotating spiral galaxies, with implications questioning new physics. Additionally, tetrahedral arrangements of galaxies suggest non-random clustering, hinting at a created order in the cosmos.

4.2.2025 22:06Cosmic Asymmetry Revealed: Spiral Galaxy Spin Directions and Clustering of Quartets of Galaxies

Comment on The Mysterious Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Explained by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">munitia100</a>. The latest data on the magnetic North pole puts it about 4 degrees from the true North pole. In 2020 it was about there. The offset from true North is magnetic declination and that moves around a lot across the surface of the Earth. This will be due to chaotic currents in the liquid iron outer core and variation of magnetic materials in the mantle. See The geomagnetic South pole, the dipole term, is 180 degrees opposite the North geomagnetic pole. But when you include the non-dipole magnetic field (South Mag Dip) it has wandered off the continent. For a magnetic dipole reversal the dipole must flip polarity. As more magnetic field energy is transferred to the non-dipole terms it is possible.

2.2.2025 06:36Comment on The Mysterious Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Explained by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on The Mysterious Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Explained by munitia100

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Love what I have seen of your site.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Some think that the weakening magnetic field is related to a current magnetic excursion or even magnetic reversal. Did you know that the north and south magnetic poles have been moving rather quickly toward each other? The south is no longer in Antarctica and the north has been moving even more quickly toward Siberia. Do you have any thoughts on that? Thanks</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

2.2.2025 05:59Comment on The Mysterious Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Explained by munitia100

Is the Big Bang Pure Fiction?

How much of cosmology is fiction? What are the fudge factors. How much is being fudged. Are there insurmountable problems with our current model of big bang cosmology?

1.2.2025 05:34Is the Big Bang Pure Fiction?

The Physics of the Global Flood

The biblical account of Noah’s Ark and the global Flood as a divine judgment on humanity's wickedness is discussed. That includes the processes of water covering the Earth, and tectonics theories to explain geological changes during the Flood and implications for Earth's environment post-Flood.

31.1.2025 04:42The Physics of the Global Flood

Trump Effect in the Gold-to-Silver Price Ratio

The analysis of the gold-to-silver price ratio reveals a significant "Trump Effect," noted after the November 2024 election, indicating a correlation between rising ratios and impending recessions. Updated data shows that the "velocity" of this ratio suggests an approaching major depression, supported by historical trends.

30.1.2025 00:12Trump Effect in the Gold-to-Silver Price Ratio

The Physics of the Curse

The Curse resulted in decay, disease, and death affecting the entire creation, meaning the whole universe. The effects are seen in the cosmos and in living organisms. However a future restoration of creation is promised by God, reversing the effects of the Curse.

28.1.2025 22:48The Physics of the Curse

Comment on Is Trump a Crypto Jew in the Chabad-Lubavitch Cult? by Joachim Hagopian, President Donald Trump’s One Week Report Card Is Out Now – Run for...

[…] flag Hamas attack? Praying at the gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe – Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), the seventh leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult believed by his Satanic cult […]

28.1.2025 16:52Comment on Is Trump a Crypto Jew in the Chabad-Lubavitch Cult? by Joachim Hagopian, President Donald Trump’s One Week Report Card Is Out Now – Run for...

Comment on Is Trump a Crypto Jew in the Chabad-Lubavitch Cult? by President Donald Trump’s One Week Report Card Is Out Now – Run for the Hills! - THE ...

[…] flag Hamas attack? Praying at the gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe – Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), the seventh leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch cult believed by his Satanic cult […]

28.1.2025 15:08Comment on Is Trump a Crypto Jew in the Chabad-Lubavitch Cult? by President Donald Trump’s One Week Report Card Is Out Now – Run for the Hills! - THE ...

The Physics of Creation | Day 7

Day 7 of creation week established the need of rest for all creation. God left off creating on the sixth day and rested the seventh day making it a day of rest for mankind. God's design in unchanging laws reveal the mind of our God.

25.1.2025 23:25The Physics of Creation | Day 7

Lessons from the Tower of Babel: AI’s New Age

The biblical Tower of Babel, with its message of human pride and language confusion, is being built again but this time in the digital realm within a technocratic society. The global oligarchs are using AI to integrate all humans into the Internet of Bodies but do not comply.

24.1.2025 00:45Lessons from the Tower of Babel: AI’s New Age

The Physics of Creation | Day 6

Day 6 of creation, God created air-breathing land animals and the first humans, Adam and Eve, who were to have dominion over all creatures. I discuss the theological and scientific implications of this creation, emphasizing the unique role of humans and the perfection of the original creation, free from all defects.

21.1.2025 22:22The Physics of Creation | Day 6

The Physics of Creation | Day 5

Day 5 of creation, God created aquatic and aerial life, including fish, whales, and birds, along with marine reptiles like plesiosaurs and pterosaurs. I critique the evolutionary perspective, arguing that a biblical worldview supports the coexistence of humans and these dinosaurs, countering mainstream scientific thought regarding their extinction.

19.1.2025 22:00The Physics of Creation | Day 5

The Physics of Creation | Day 4

Day 4 of creation, God made the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, establishing them as luminaries in the heavens. The language of the Bible uses an Earth-observer perspective, meaning that light from celestial bodies was instantly visible. Additionally, I confront naturalistic explanations for celestial origins, proposing a creationist model.

18.1.2025 03:14The Physics of Creation | Day 4

Documentary Film: The Ark and the Darkness

This excellent documentary film interviews many leading biblical creationist experts about Noah's Flood, who discuss the Earth changes during the flood as well as the events that followed.

17.1.2025 06:02Documentary Film: The Ark and the Darkness

The Mysterious Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Explained

Recent satellite data indicate that the South Atlantic Anomaly in Earth's magnetic field is potentially splitting into two anomalies. This phenomenon, attributed to disturbances in the outer core, threatens the planet's magnetic shielding. This supports a young Earth perspective based on evidence of total energy decay from the magnetic field.

16.1.2025 03:52The Mysterious Weakening of Earth’s Magnetic Field Explained

The Physics of Creation | Day 3

Day 3 of creation, God formed dry land and initiated life with green plants, establishing essential conditions for future sentient life forms. This day also included the formation of Earth's physical structures. All creations were designed perfectly, paving the way for environmental balance and the development of biodiversity.

13.1.2025 22:00The Physics of Creation | Day 3

Upcoming New Book: “The Physics of Creation”

I have started writing a new book with working title "The Physics of Creation". The book will incorporate my understanding and ideas condensed from 50 years of experience, scientific research and biblical investigations into the subject of God's creative acts from the first day of the universe. Premium subscription required to read the new book.

13.1.2025 02:41Upcoming New Book: “The Physics of Creation”

Dark Energy May Not Exist | New Insight on the Cosmic Web?

Big bang cosmology faces unresolved problems with the standard ΛCDM model needing unknown fudge factors. A new timescape cosmology, where time passes faster or slower in voids and filaments of the cosmic web, may resolve the Dark Energy problem, but it indicates a need to rethink the foundations of cosmology.

12.1.2025 23:03Dark Energy May Not Exist | New Insight on the Cosmic Web?

The Invasion | Prediction or Programing

Life imitates art! The movie The Invasion (2007) involves an alien epidemic portrayed as a flu pandemic that transforms humans into emotionless beings. Parallels to the COVID-19 pandemic are drawn, depicting societal control, altered health, and profound implications of vaccination on humanity's future.

12.1.2025 00:38The Invasion | Prediction or Programing

Is Earth Unique? The Case Against Extra-Terrestrial Life

The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program has yielded no evidence of intelligent life beyond Earth, raising questions about life’s uniqueness to our planet. Critics claim SETI lacks empirical support and resembles ufology. The author argues that life is a divine creation, asserting evolution cannot account for life's origin or complexity.

9.1.2025 22:05Is Earth Unique? The Case Against Extra-Terrestrial Life

The Physics of Creation | Day 2

Day 2 of creation, with a focus on the expanse (the firmament), is outlined. The Hebrew word ‘raqiya’ refers to a separation of waters above and below the expanse. The implications of this for the Kuiper Belt and the great deluge are discussed.

9.1.2025 00:50The Physics of Creation | Day 2

Comment on Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets? by 21stcchristianhope

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>So True! They over complicate the issue to avoid the simple question and honest answer. Where did life come from? It Came From The Creator... THE LORD!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.1.2025 19:57Comment on Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets? by 21stcchristianhope

Comment on Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets? by ianthomsonian

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thanks. End of question!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.1.2025 02:30Comment on Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets? by ianthomsonian

Comment on Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets? by Frank Hubeny

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Good point worth repeating: "No extra-terrestrial aliens exist."</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

6.1.2025 22:24Comment on Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets? by Frank Hubeny

Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets?

A research paper proposes that advanced alien civilizations might be terraforming planets and spreading life through panspermia. It suggests that similarities among clustered planets could indicate extraterrestrial life, while acknowledging the challenges in detecting such life. This approach sidesteps the fundamental questions of life's origins.

6.1.2025 22:13Have Aliens Already Terraformed Other Planets?

A Modern Perspective on Daniel 11:30-39

I discuss a prophecy in the book of Daniel on how it connects to current events. It has fulfilment in modern persecution of the followers of Christ, and the synagogue of Satan’s actions against the covenant between God and mankind.

5.1.2025 21:05A Modern Perspective on Daniel 11:30-39

The Physics of Creation | Day 1

God created all space, time, and energy over six ordinary days less than 8,000 years ago. I discuss the physics of the Day 1 of that, with the earth formed from a sphere of water and the creation of all light, including the thermal radiation called the cosmic microwave background.

4.1.2025 23:03The Physics of Creation | Day 1

Exploring AI’s Dark Side: Skynet and Real-World Implications

The Terminator franchise features Skynet, an advanced AI that views humanity as a threat, leading to depopulation. This parallels real issues with AI chatbots, such as Character.AI, which is being sued for allegedly encouraging violence to teens. AI can be used for good or evil but the tendency is always to evil.

28.12.2024 23:37Exploring AI’s Dark Side: Skynet and Real-World Implications

Exposing the Great Reset: Digital Control or Freedom?

Global depopulation efforts are driven by elites through vaccines, wars, disease, and digital surveillance. Characters like Donald Trump and Elon Musk are part of a deceptive agenda linked to the WEF Great Reset, aimed at resetting the global financial system and turning the world into a giant digital prison.

28.12.2024 00:44Exposing the Great Reset: Digital Control or Freedom?

Why Elites Build Bunkers | Preparing for Earth’s Next Extinction Event

Many elites are constructing underground bunkers in anticipation of a coming global catastrophe, possibly including thermonuclear war or an asteroid impact. Notable figures like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are involved, raising conspiracy theories about a coming Earth extinction event. What is it that they fear? Final judgment from God?

27.12.2024 21:03Why Elites Build Bunkers | Preparing for Earth’s Next Extinction Event

Followers of Christ Will Reign from New Jerusalem

Only Jesus, as the true Joshua, can lead believers into the promised land, uniting both Jews and Gentiles. Only faith, not lineage, is essential for inheritance. Only Jesus is triumphant in the establishment of God's kingdom.

26.12.2024 22:47Followers of Christ Will Reign from New Jerusalem

Stock Market Predictions for 2025: Is A Crash Inevitable?

In 2024, AI stock market trading surged, prompting speculation about the Dow Jones Industrial Average's future. Historical analysis suggests a significant market crash is imminent in 2025, as trends show decreasing intervals between rapid declines, indicating a looming financial crisis.

26.12.2024 00:01Stock Market Predictions for 2025: Is A Crash Inevitable?

Healing Skin Cancer with Milkweed | God’s Provision Against the Curse

God cursed the creation which led to the emergence of diseases like cancer. But He also provided treatments for some of those diseases. Euphorbia peplus is such a plant, which is traditionally used to treat skin cancers. It is one natural remedy available from the weeds of the cursed creation.

24.12.2024 02:53Healing Skin Cancer with Milkweed | God’s Provision Against the Curse

Thermodynamics and Creation: A Scientific Perspective

The four universal laws of thermodynamics are a part of God’s creation, and testify to His continuing work of creation. These fundamental physical laws argue against the big bang origin of the universe and spontaneous complexity arising in nature, attributing creation solely to a divine intelligence.

23.12.2024 08:18Thermodynamics and Creation: A Scientific Perspective

Debunking LUCA: Science or Speculation?

Recent research claims that all life on Earth originated from a single ancestor called LUCA, existing about 4.2 billion years ago. This notion is based on unprovable assumptions and circular reasoning. The conditions in the Hadean Eon were unsuitable for life, deeming LUCA a fabricated concept anchored in speculation and opposing the biblical account.

20.12.2024 21:17Debunking LUCA: Science or Speculation?

Hydrocarbons in the Solar System | Implications for Extraterrestrial Life

Hydrocarbons are primordial in the solar system, not merely fossilized remnants. Their presence on moons like Enceladus and Titan raises the possibility of extraterrestrial life. However, organic molecules alone do not confirm life, which relies on specific information encoding beyond mere chemical arrangements.

19.12.2024 21:38Hydrocarbons in the Solar System | Implications for Extraterrestrial Life

Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">Kate</a>. I agree with you on the idolatry of the celestial bodies, but not on any implications of a flat earth. The globe/sphere of the earth is implied in the biblical texts. The sphere is a fundamental property of the creation No solid glass dome is implied in the Hebrew text for the "raquia" translated from the Latin firmamentum, meaning expanse or arch of the sky. Birds fly through it. Gen 1:20.

19.12.2024 20:44Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by John Gideon Hartnett

The Sustaining Power of the Creator

The burning bush episode illustrates God's sustaining power, opposing the natural law of decay, showcasing the miraculous regeneration of the bush. God's continuous maintenance of creation challenges materialistic explanations, emphasizing His role as the Creator. A correct understanding of this builds faith and trust in Him.

18.12.2024 21:25The Sustaining Power of the Creator

Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by Kate

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>We know from the inspired Word of Yahweh in Genesis 1, that there are the heavens and the earth v1. An expanse was made in the midst of the waters, to separate the waters below from the waters above v7, called heaven v8. In the heavens there are lights, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light and stars to govern the night v16. Birds fly above the earth, in the open expanse of the heavens. V20. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Hebrew רקיע (Strong’s H7549) means ’expanse/firmament/visible arch of the sky’, according to Strong’s Lexicon ‘raqui’ “refers to the expanse or firmament that God created to separate the waters above from the waters below. It is often understood as the sky or the heavens, serving as a dome-like structure that encompasses the earth.”</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>There is no globe earth, nor planetary system in the Bible.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Astronomy is merely a scientific form of astrology.  Both worship the sun, moon and stars, which is idolatry.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Hebrew הבר (Strong’s H1895) translated ‘astrologers’ in Isa 47:13, means ‘to join, to unite, to bind together’, according to Brown-Driver-Briggs means ‘to cut in pieces, to divide in pieces’, fig. ‘to divide off, to determine’ the heavens, refers to the distinguishing of signs of zodiac or other astrological division of the sky, kosmologie of planets and constellations. It is equivalent to חבר (Strong’s H2267) ‘to conjure, to practice magic, a spell that binds’ Isa 47:10, 12.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In Deut 18:10 Not find with you who pass son and daughter in fire, witchcraft of witches, soothsayers and serpent/charmers, and sorcerers, and diviners חבר astrology חבר and enquirers mediums and familiar spirits and seeker god the dead.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In Acts 7: 41 – 43, Stephen said the nation of Israel made a calf, sacrificed to <strong>idols</strong> אליל, and were rejoicing in the works of their hands, and God turned away and delivered them up to serve the host of heaven. During the 40 years in the wilderness, they worshipped the tabernacle of סכת Molek מלכם and the star כוכב god of them אלהיכם Rompha רמפן, images they made to worship.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In Acts 7:43, the Hebrew <strong><em>soke</em></strong> סך translated ‘tabernacle’ in Acts 7:43 means ‘booth, shelter, thicket’ Strong’s H5520, from סכך that means ‘to cover, to hedge, to protect, to overshadow’ Strong’s H5526, and the Hebrew <strong><em>molek</em></strong> is mol מל that means ‘to reign, be king, rule’ Strong’s H4427, ‘king’ Strong’s H4428 מלך & H4430, or Molek Strong’s H4432, with the suffix כם that means ‘your’.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The tabernacle/covering and king in Acts 7:43 are referring to Satan, who in Ezek 28:12 – 19 is the <strong>king</strong> מלך of Tyre v12, who was in Eden, the garden of God and every precious stone was his <strong>covering</strong> סכ v13.  He was the anointed cherub who <strong>covers</strong> סוכך, placed on the holy mountain of God, who walked in the midst of the stones of fire v14.  He was blameless in his ways until unrighteousness was found in him v15, and he sinned and was cast profane from the mountain of God, and destroyed cherub <strong>covering</strong> סכך from the midst of the stones of fire v16, cast to the ground before kings that they may see him v17, turned to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see him v18, and the people were appalled at him, and he will cease to be forever v19.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In Acts 7:43 the Hebrew word translated ‘Rompha’ is the word <strong><em>rom</em></strong> רם that means ‘high place’ Strong’s H7413, ‘to cast, to shoot’ mostly translated ‘to deceive, to betray, to beguile’ Strong’s H7411, ‘to cast, to shoot’ Strongs H7412, or ‘worm’ as a cause and sign of decay Strong’s H7415, and the word <strong><em>pha</em></strong> פנה that means ‘turn’ Strong’s H6437, or ‘corner, chief’ Strong’s H6438.  According to Strong’s Lexicon the Greek <strong><em>remphan</em></strong> (Strong’s G4481) is “associated with the worship of celestial bodies, particularly Saturn, and is mentioned in the context of idolatry and apostasy”.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

18.12.2024 19:43Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by Kate

Next Global Financial Crisis in 2025?

The US National Debt suggests a potential financial crisis in July 2025, based on historical debt trends linked to past crises. Analysis of the Monetary Base and gold prices indicates similar patterns to previous downturns. However, a third crisis is necessary for a reliable prediction of 2025.

17.12.2024 21:09Next Global Financial Crisis in 2025?

Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by usmade

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Greetings dear Gideon, I appreciate your thoughts on my comment. I don't call myself a flat-earther but ,they might call me that. I don't spend a minute on what people say about flat earth, so don't fret one bit. God bless you. Your sister in Christ, DG in S.C. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

16.12.2024 22:33Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by usmade

Comment on US Congress House Passes Bill to Outlaw New Testament by God hates jews

In reply to <a href="">John Gideon Hartnett</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>"Rev. Roy" is an apostate liar and Jewish supremacist apologist.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Jews who hate God and blaspheme Christ and persecute Christians everywhere they go WERE NEVER GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE. If you don't have the Son, you don't have the Father. Period.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Jesus Christ himself put them under a divine curse. They're of their father the devil, they're the synagogue of satan, and they killed Christ and they hate Christians and wage war against Christians today.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Stop making apologies for a racist jewish supremacist cult that is literally committing genocide. Kike.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

16.12.2024 15:07Comment on US Congress House Passes Bill to Outlaw New Testament by God hates jews

Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">usmade</a>. God bless you. I appreciate your love and faithfulness to the Lord. Follow Jesus Christ above all else. However it is very dangerous to hang a theology on one word "firmament" in English. The source text was written in Hebrew and the word "raquia" should be translated "expanse". Gen 1:20 "... birds fly through the open firmament of heaven (KJV)". The word firmament might sound like something solid but in this case it means atmosphere. The word came from the Latin "firmamentum" in the Latin Vulgate bible. That came from the LXX Greek Septuagint where στερέωμα (stereoma) means "something established". This is usually defined as ‘a solid body, a support, strength, firmness,’ and is used to mean a foundation, something immovable and solid. Genesis 1:7 in no way describes a flat earth. Above or below do not force the earth below to be flat. A spherical surface is below a spherical atmosphere surrounding the spherical planet. The waters above in the atmosphere are divided from the waters below on the surface. See my post of "waters above". See my many posts on a Flat Earth Note the list of other FE articles listed there.

16.12.2024 00:25Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Aliens Have Invaded Earth! by Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights - Conservative News The Right Choic...

[…] Read Aliens Have Invaded Earth! and Aliens Among Us! […]

15.12.2024 08:33Comment on Aliens Have Invaded Earth! by Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights - Conservative News The Right Choic...

Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by usmade

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Hello Gideon, I am what they call a flat-earther and I believe in the firmament (Genesis 1:7 “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which <em>were</em> under the firmament from the waters which <em>were</em> above the firmament: and it was so.”. What I actually am is born-again by the blood of our Christ Jesus. The Holy Bible teaches us we are all born sinners (Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God) and the earth is firmly established (Isaiah 45:18 “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I <em>am</em> the LORD; and <em>there is</em> none else.”). For our sins, Christ the Lord came perfect and lived on this earth, but we murdered Him on the cross, then He lived again on the 3rd day. If a person knows and believes this (John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”) we can be forgiven of our sins and live for eternity in peace with our Father. God bless you. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Genesis 1</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.</a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which <em>were</em> under the firmament from the waters which <em>were</em> above the firmament: and it was so.</a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.</a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

14.12.2024 22:54Comment on Lunacy of a Flat Earth by usmade

Comment on Join Our Community: Subscribe for Free or Premium Access by Pets to Go

Comment: 'Thank you dear Gideon Hartnett for serving your community with all your strength with that which you do best - research - for the truth. Thank you to both yourself and to Christina for your ministry to us all. May you and your family know the kindness of God's presence with you and His hand of protection and provision for you always.'

13.12.2024 11:33Comment on Join Our Community: Subscribe for Free or Premium Access by Pets to Go

Join Our Community: Subscribe for Free or Premium Access

Australia's upcoming Social Media Age Verification law will require a Digital ID for social media use, which I will refuse. Instead, I encourage subscriptions to the Bible Science Forum, with options for free, or premium membership for exclusive content.

13.12.2024 08:04Join Our Community: Subscribe for Free or Premium Access

Ezekiel’s Vision: Heavenly Chariot or UFO?

Ezekiel's vision is discussed, questioning whether it depicts a divine encounter or ancient astronauts. I critique Erich von Däniken's theories on UFOs, emphasize that advanced propulsion technologies have military origins, and confirm that true anti-gravity remains unattainable within known physics, dismissing claims of reverse-engineered alien technology.

13.12.2024 05:48Ezekiel’s Vision: Heavenly Chariot or UFO?

US National Debt Predicts the Next Big Financial Crisis

Recently the US National Debt peaked at approximately $35.46 trillion, with a few notable rapid increases during financial crises. The debt's growth rate predicts another financial crisis by mid-2025 that could surpass previous crises. Preparations for significant economic challenges are advised.

12.12.2024 03:31US National Debt Predicts the Next Big Financial Crisis

Comment on Miracles or Nationalism? The Israel-Palestine Debate by Stephen Edward Glasse

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>A very good article, Dr Hartnett. Well done for reposting it. It is true that Christians have diluted the word 'miracle' and that there's very little that is miraculous about the modern state of Israel. The only criticisms I'd offer is that Pappe is himself a Communist and subjects history to his Communist lens. Benny Morris who started the whole attack on the notion that the Arabs fled the land of their own free choice nevertheless views Pappe as a third rate historian. Is it not also the case that just because Arabs live in an area of the Ottoman Turkish Empire that doesn't give them a right to a state? They have a right to their houses and gardens and orchards but they don't have an automatic right to a political entity. that right was given, as the author admits, solely to the Jews by the League of Nations. That's binding international law.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

9.12.2024 11:49Comment on Miracles or Nationalism? The Israel-Palestine Debate by Stephen Edward Glasse

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

In reply to <a href="">John Gideon Hartnett</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The liberal Bishop J A T Robinson nevertheless wrote REDATING THE NEW TESTAMENT in which he argued that the whole NT was very early in fact predating 70AD. One of the evidences is that nowhere does the NT mention the destruction of 70AD. Mark 13 seems to require events in vv 14, 19,24, 25, 26 that in no plain or literal sense were fulfilled in 70AD and therefore couldn't have post-dated that catastrophe. If any/most of the NT was written after 70AD it's inexplicable why authors didn't make polemical use of 70AD and in a more objective description. Can Matthew 24:37 realistically be different from v30? In v 21 'then there will be a great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world'. See Matthew 19:4 'he who created them from the beginning' and 19:8 'but from the beginning it has not been'.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

9.12.2024 10:34Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

Voice-to-Skull Technology: Fact or Fiction

Voice-to-Skull (V2K) technology, linked to mind control and psychological manipulation, allows sounds to be transmitted directly into the brain without audible sound waves. Some individuals report hearing voices urging them to commit crimes. Described as a non-lethal weapon, V2K operates through principles of microwave auditory effects and silent sound techniques.

8.12.2024 21:23Voice-to-Skull Technology: Fact or Fiction

Comment on New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space by Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdi...

[…] Read Aliens Are All Around Us? and New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space. […]

8.12.2024 06:41Comment on New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space by Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdi...

Scott Ritter: There Are No Winners in Nuclear War

Scott Ritter's event "No Nuclear War: A Call for Reason" was held on December 7, 2024, at the National Press Club, featuring moderated discussions on nuclear war dangers and urging the Biden administration to act responsibly.

8.12.2024 04:37Scott Ritter: There Are No Winners in Nuclear War

Comment on New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space by 军事、星际和跨维度洞察 - Mandarinian

[…] 读 外星人就在我们周围吗? 和 行星际空间中存在的新宜居世界、外星人和新生物。 […]

8.12.2024 00:50Comment on New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space by 军事、星际和跨维度洞察 - Mandarinian

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">Frank Hubeny</a>. Frank, Thanks for those insights. It takes more than one to get at a matter and by wise counsel .... Prov 24:6 For by wise counsel you shall make your war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. As I have said in the past I am not dogmatic about 6000 years. I have played with those numbers but would not hang my theology on that. On the Preterist issue, I didn't want to specify too much but to be clear, I agree with them that most of the prophecy in Mark 13, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 in relation to the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem have been fulfilled in 66 AD to 70 AD, and on into the Jewish-Roman wars that lasted up to 135 AD. I believe the correct interpretation is that Christ's came in 70 AD but in Spirit ("sign of the Son of man" Matt 24:30) and not bodily. His second coming is a return in body and has yet to occur. Generally I would mark off the division at verse 37 in Matthew 24 "as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be". From that verse on the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. See my note 1 in

7.12.2024 21:20Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Hydrogen Gas: Another Climate Cult Myth Busted by SEM CARBONO = SEM VIDA: O PAPEL ESSENCIAL DO CARBONO NA QUÍMICA DA VIDA – Unown

[…] que eles podem usar formas da equação (2) para fazer combustível de hidrocarboneto verde ou gás hidrogênio verde. No entanto, onde essa reação é usada, enormes quantidades de energia devem ser adicionadas. É […]

7.12.2024 19:25Comment on Hydrogen Gas: Another Climate Cult Myth Busted by SEM CARBONO = SEM VIDA: O PAPEL ESSENCIAL DO CARBONO NA QUÍMICA DA VIDA – Unown

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Frank Hubeny

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You mentioned in a comment, "<em>You need to read what the Preterists talk about. I am not a Preterist but I agree with most of it.</em>"</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Could you reference the Preterists whose arguments you accept and those which you don't (since you're not a Preterist) so I know better what you are referring to?</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I value Israel, because they are doing the archeological work that will help confirm the inerrancy of the Bible to unbelievers. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The biggest (perhaps only) conspiracy the rabbis were involved in occurred after the failed Bar Kokhba rebellion of the 2nd century AD. That's when the biblical chronology of Genesis 5 and 11 was modified in the Hebrew manuscripts which became the Masoretic Text that the Protestant reformers mistakenly passed on. See Henry B. Smith, Jr at Associates for Biblical Research for details. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>That damaged Christians who predicted recently failed ends of the world based on an altered chronology and a rabbinic opinion that the 6 days of creation equaled 6000 years before the Messiah would come or return (Rav Ketina in the Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a). The Messiah (Jesus) has already come about 5500 years after creation and over 2000 years ago based on the earlier Byzantine manuscripts of the Bible.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>It also damaged young earth creationists whose view of the age of the universe would make more sense archeologically if it were 7500 years old rather than 6000 years old.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.12.2024 14:37Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Frank Hubeny

Miracles or Nationalism? The Israel-Palestine Debate

Matthew Littlefield argues that the establishment of Israel cannot be deemed miraculous as it relies on historical and political factors rather than divine intervention. He criticizes the misconceptions surrounding Palestine's history and highlights the nationalist movements that shaped both Israeli and Palestinian identities post-Ottoman Empire.

7.12.2024 07:41Miracles or Nationalism? The Israel-Palestine Debate

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">Stephen Edward Glasse</a>. Those verses from Mark 13 had their fulfilment in the sacking of Jerusalem and the Temple. They were very significantly fulfilled and the crucifixion of a million Jews gives some scale to it. It was great tribulation for the children of Israel who did not repent and turn to Christ. There are historical accounts of the period. Christ did return in Spirit and oversaw the judgments at that time. You need to read what the Preterists talk about. I am not a Preterist but I agree with most of it. So no prophecy was postponed.

6.12.2024 21:31Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">Stephen Edward Glasse</a>. The geologic phenomenon has happened. It happened as stated by Matthew 27:51-54 51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. 52 The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 54 When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son9 of God!” And so are the Zionist Jews factually antichrist jihadists hell bent on eliminating all Palestinians out of the Palestinian homeland. The Zionists are as evil and wicked as any time in the history of the wicked kings of Israel.

6.12.2024 21:22Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

In reply to <a href="">Stephen Edward Glasse</a>. I didn't miss that. That was the point of my sentence you quoted. To move towards the north or to the south are directions. The text does not say how much the rocks move. And there is a great valley but the text does not state that it was wide in the north south direction. Imagine a massive crack in the earth caused by the quake which is very deep.

6.12.2024 21:16Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by John Gideon Hartnett

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

In reply to <a href="">Frank Hubeny</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If Mark 13 refers to 70Ad how did 70AD fulfil vv14,19,20, 24,25,26-27 *in any meaningful and accurate sense* ? There seems to be only two options: failed prophecy or postponed prophecy. The latter is surely the only option for inerrantists and is in accordance with Acts 3:19-20 which makes messiah's return conditional on Israel's repentance. This repentance did not happen in the Acts period even after gentiles were grafted in per Romans 9-11 and Israel's disobedience met its condemnation in Acts 28 in Rome and the eventual destruction of the Temple and the nation. Therefore we are in the period of the Revelation of the Mystery (Ephesians 3:1-10) in which Jew and Gentiles are one new man in Christ and prophecy is in abeyance.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

6.12.2024 16:35Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I agree with you that the modern state of Israel is not the fulfilment of prophecy. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>However, that doesn't imply that there will be no fulfilment. The problem with your blanket and extremely blunt position that prophecy is fulfilled in Christ is that words just become useless for the purpose of revelation AND you contradict yourself. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>So, for example, when talking about the prophecy of the splitting of the Mt of Olives you don't claim that was fulfilled by Christ in that he once had a splitting headache for example but you claim rightly that it is fulfilled by geological phenomena. Having accepted that it has to be fulfilled by geological phenomena we then simply ask, 'Has any such phenomena that fulfills the text in anything like an accurate way yet happened in history?' The answer is clearly, No. therefore that prophecy as with others remains to be fulfilled. And this is compatible with a rejection of the Christian Zionist view on the present status of the Jews/State of Israel.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>(The Palestinian Arabs by the way are sinners just like the rest of mankind and have behaved at least as badly as the Zionists. Hamas are factually antichrist jihadists and an extremely high percentage of Gazans voted for them.)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

6.12.2024 16:25Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p> You say</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>'A fault line does not need to move very far to be strongly felt'</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>yet Zechariah says</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>'<em>and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south</em>'</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>showing that it will move very far indeed. How did you miss that? Some might think a tendency to miss such assertions in scripture would make a Bible teacher more humble and less likely to accuse those who differ from them of being 'false teachers'.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

6.12.2024 16:11Comment on Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies? by Stephen Edward Glasse

Cow Farts, Methane and Meat

Public concern has surged over the food additive 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP), used in cattle feed to reduce methane emissions. Critics claim this approach could lead to widespread cattle culling and a shift towards synthetic food production. Allegations link it to health risks, corporate interests, and a broader agenda against traditional agriculture.

6.12.2024 05:35Cow Farts, Methane and Meat

What Do We Really Know About the Cosmos?

The universe is filled with trillions of galaxies, and cosmology explores questions about its nature and structure. Many theories exist, influenced by philosophical worldviews, challenging the notion of a unique cosmological model.

5.12.2024 23:44What Do We Really Know About the Cosmos?

Comment on Australia’s Controversial Social Media Age Verification Bill Now Law by オーストラリア、16歳未満の子どもをソーシャルメディアから遠ざける「年齢認証」法案を可決 – 全員にデジタルID要件を求めるバックドア...

[…] つまり、デジタル ID を申請しないため、ソーシャル メディア (、、 など) に何も投稿できなくなる可能性があります。しかし、もし彼らが私にあらゆる形態のソーシャルメディアを強制的に排除するなら、それはそれでいいのです。 (記事全文。) […]

3.12.2024 17:16Comment on Australia’s Controversial Social Media Age Verification Bill Now Law by オーストラリア、16歳未満の子どもをソーシャルメディアから遠ざける「年齢認証」法案を可決 – 全員にデジタルID要件を求めるバックドア...


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