You are where your thoughts are. Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be. R’ Nachman of Breslov zt”l New Mexico [url=]#wildfire[/url] volunteer and [url=]#wx[/url] spotter; concerned with [url=]#environment[/url]; [url=]#deserts[/url]; [url=]#linguistics[/url]; [url=]#dogs[/url]; [url=]#plants[/url]; cooking; [url=]#NewMexico[/url]; invertebrates; reptiles; birds; [url=]#geopolitics[/url]; [url=]#cheese[/url]; [url=]#Portugal[/url] and above all, [url=]#conversation[/url] and [url=]#curiosity[/url] Português ~ español ~ English ~ français ~ русский
Tags: cheese conversation curiosity deserts dogs environment geopolitics linguistics newmexico plants portugal wildfire wx