Ethical Revolution offers 26 simple steps anyone can take to help contribute to a better, more positive world for everyone. Follow me to receive updates on all things ethical, including offers from ethically-minded brands, or visit the website to see the 26 steps. (Sometimes UK-centric, but much of the content is relevant the world over.) Please consume consciously: If you don’t need it, don’t buy it! Please also note that this Fediverse account is generated directly from posts made on [url=][/url] using the ActivityPub Wordpress plugin, which means I (Sam) can read and reply to any replies made to these posts but will be unable to read any direct messages. If you’d like to send me a direct message on Mastodon please do so via [url=]@ethicalrevolution[/url].
Tags: activitypub consciously contribute ethically ethicalrevolution fediverse generated including revolution sometimes wordpress