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Tags: documented southern
Or, Subtitled: “A Woman’s Lot“ The collage above, which shows the three generations of female ancestors prior to me, happened to be on my Ancestry page when I opened it on International Women’s Day (8 March). Ancestry had prepared this collage from photos in my tree, and, though I doubt that Ancestry did this to … More A Woman’s Lot: Three Generations of Maternal Forebears
11.3.2025 19:33A Woman’s Lot: Three Generations of Maternal Forebears[…] 37 beside his name on his petition for Revolutionary bounty land in 1784 is his age), I ended my initial posting about him by telling you that my next posting would try to account for what John was doing during […]
10.3.2025 17:16Comment on John Lauderdale (1745 – 1830/1840), Father of Sarah Lauderdale Leonard (1) by John Lauderdale (1745 – 1830/1840): Revolutionary War Records...Or, Subtitled: “I marched & volunteered with others to go to the American Army in Georgia” Having discussed when John Lauderdale was born (February 1745, according to descendants; or 1747, if the number 37 beside his name on his petition for Revolutionary bounty land in 1784 is his age), I ended my initial posting about … More John Lauderdale (1745 – 1830/1840): Revolutionary War Records, Virginia to Georgia
10.3.2025 17:16John Lauderdale (1745 – 1830/1840): Revolutionary War Records, Virginia to Georgia[…] Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. 1796, Sumner County, Tennessee): Sarah M. Lauderdale (1785/6 … […]
6.3.2025 21:51Comment on Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. 1796, Sumner County, Tennessee): Sarah M. Lauderdale (1785/6 – abt. 1866) with Husband Thomas Lewis Leo...Or, Subtitled: “John Lauderdale his book 1781” The John Lauderdale I’ll begin discussing with this posting is one of the more difficult ancestors I’ve worked on as I’ve researched family history over the years. Part of the problem in getting a clear picture of him is that there has long been colossal confusion about when … More John Lauderdale (1745 – 1830/1840), Father of Sarah Lauderdale Leonard (1)
6.3.2025 21:51John Lauderdale (1745 – 1830/1840), Father of Sarah Lauderdale Leonard (1)[…] Sullivan County, North Carolina (later Tennessee). As I’ve stated a number of times in the past, when I launched Begats and Bequeathals in January 2018, my most important goal was to make my research of many years (now nearing fifty) on my family […]
2.3.2025 14:23Comment on James G. Birdwell (1795-1849): Georgia and Alabama Years by Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. bef. 4 January 1802, Sumner County, Tenness...[…] now launching a new series of postings on another ancestral line of mine, after I’ve completed my series about George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) of Orange, Augusta, and Botetourt County, Virginia, and Sullivan County, North […]
1.3.2025 23:09Comment on George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781): Orange and Augusta County, Virginia, Years to 1751 by Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. bef. 4 Januar...[…] the previous posting says, I’m now launching a new series of postings on another ancestral line of mine, after I’ve […]
1.3.2025 23:00Comment on A New Series of Postings Focusing on a Lauderdale Family of the U.S. South by Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. bef. 4 January 1802, Sumn...Or, Subtitled: “She by her example and precepts impressed her good qualities on her daughters” As the previous posting says, I’m now launching a new series of postings on another ancestral line of mine, after I’ve completed my series about George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) of Orange, Augusta, and Botetourt County, Virginia, and Sullivan … More Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. 1796, Sumner County, Tennessee): Sarah M. Lauderdale (1785/6 – abt. 1866) with Husband Thomas Lewis Leonard
1.3.2025 23:00Descendants of James Lauderdale (d. 1796, Sumner County, Tennessee): Sarah M. Lauderdale (1785/6 – abt. 1866) with Husband Thomas Lewis Leonard[…] As I’ll be telling you in more detail in a day or so, I’m now going to launch a series of postings about my Lauderdale family line, which ties into my family tree through the marriage of Aletha Leonard, daughter of Thomas Lewis Leonard and Sarah M. Lauderdale, to James Birdwell. In my series of postings about the Birdwell family that I recently completed, I discussed James and Aletha at some length— see here and here. […]
27.2.2025 16:58Comment on James G. Birdwell (1795-1849): Louisiana Years by A New Series of Postings Focusing on a Lauderdale Family of the U.S. South – BEGATS AND B...[…] the Birdwell family that I recently completed, I discussed James and Aletha at some length— see here and […]
27.2.2025 16:58Comment on James G. Birdwell (1795-1849): Georgia and Alabama Years by A New Series of Postings Here Focusing on a Lauderdale Family of the U.S. South...Or, Subtitled: “In consideration of the Sum of fifty pounds of my Daughter Sarah Lauderdale left to her by her grandfather which I have wasted & run through” As I’ll be telling you in more detail in a day or so, I’m now going to launch a series of postings about my Lauderdale family line, … More A New Series of Postings Focusing on a Lauderdale Family of the U.S. South
27.2.2025 16:58A New Series of Postings Focusing on a Lauderdale Family of the U.S. South[…] is a note to let readers know about new information I’ve added to a previous posting about Ezekiel Pickens, son of Andrew Pickens and Rebecca Calhoun, and Ezekiel’s wife Elizabeth Bonneau, and to a […]
26.2.2025 17:14Comment on Children of Andrew Pickens and Rebecca Calhoun: Mary (Harris), Ezekiel, Ann (Simpson), and Jane (Miller) by New Material Added to Previous ...This is a note to let readers know about new information I’ve added to a previous posting about Ezekiel Pickens, son of Andrew Pickens and Rebecca Calhoun, and Ezekiel’s wife Elizabeth Bonneau, and to a posting about John Ewing Colhoun, Rebecca’s brother, and wife Floride Bonneau, a sister to Elizabeth Bonneau Pickens. As the first … More New Material Added to Previous Postings about Elizabeth Bonneau Pickens and John Ewing Colhoun with Wife Floride Bonneau
26.2.2025 17:14New Material Added to Previous Postings about Elizabeth Bonneau Pickens and John Ewing Colhoun with Wife Floride BonneauIn reply to <a href="https://begatsandbequeathalsasouthernusfamilydocumented.com/2021/10/11/children-of-elizabeth-brooks-1747-1750-1816-and-husband-george-rice-abt-1743-1792-elizabeth-rice-1770-1775-bef-april-1808-and-husband-william-mccormick-1768/comment-page-1/#comment-2598">A Rice</a>. I think it's great that you're using DNA matching as a tool to help you sort your "deep" Rice ancestry. It's a great tool when used well. We each have our own pieces, and when we put them together, a bigger picture emerges. I'll keep doing all I can to dig into the records of this family and help put together a bigger documented picture, and will hope to find some new information that may be useful to you.
23.2.2025 22:09Comment on Children of Elizabeth Brooks (1747/1750 – 1816) and Husband George Rice (1735 – 1792): Elizabeth Rice (1770/1775 – bef. April 1808) and Hus...<!-- wp:paragraph --> Whatever the case, I appreciate the depth of your research in general, but especially with to the Patrick Rice family. Wherever the answers lie I imagine it isn't without genetic genealogy, that's as close to fact as any of it is going to get. I imagine AI could eventually suss out the connections be a tremendous aide. Ancestry's algorithm has already detected and summarized connections I wouldn't have ever found myself. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> I am singularly focused on this specific Y DNA surname lineage and picking away at that. Obviously you interests are much more in depth and varied, so I appreciate your entertaining this back-and-forth. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
23.2.2025 00:17Comment on Children of Elizabeth Brooks (1747/1750 – 1816) and Husband George Rice (1735 – 1792): Elizabeth Rice (1770/1775 – bef. April 1808) and Hus...Or, Subtitled: “Four instruments of writing purporting to be relinquishments of a tract of land in Davidson County” With this posting, I’m finishing my series of postings about the children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) of Augusta and Botetourt Counties, Virginia, and Sullivan County, North Carolina (later Tennessee). My initial posting in this … More Children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by Wife Mary (3): William, James, Joshua, Mary, and Jane
10.2.2025 23:25Children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by Wife Mary (3): William, James, Joshua, Mary, and JaneOr, Subtitled: “Died at my father’s house near Mt. Enterprise, Texas, at the age of 84 years. He was never sick in his life, never had a chill nor a fever” This posting continues a series of postings discussing the children of George Birdwell (bef. 1721 – 1781) by his first wife, whose name is … More Children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by Wife Mary (2): Joseph, Moses, and John
31.1.2025 18:33Children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by Wife Mary (2): Joseph, Moses, and JohnOr, Subtitled: When DNA Unearths a Previously Unknown Relative I’d like to add a few notes now to two postings I made previously (here and here) about an Isaac Lindsey (abt. 1776 – 1833) whose male descendants’ DNA matches that of other males who can trace their ancestry to the immigrant ancestor of my branch … More Additional Notes about Isaac Lindsey, Who Died in St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, in April 1833
28.1.2025 16:33Additional Notes about Isaac Lindsey, Who Died in St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, in April 1833Or, Subtitled, “They traveled mostly by keel boat down the Ohio River. Thence into Missouri like all other pioneers by covered wagon” This posting continues a discussion I began in a previous one in which I discussed the children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by his first wife, whose name is not known. As … More Children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by Wife Mary (1): George, Elizabeth, and Benjamin
25.1.2025 21:56Children of George Birdwell (bef. 1725 – 1781) by Wife Mary (1): George, Elizabeth, and Benjamin