Associate [url=]#Professor[/url] of Literature (Drama, [url=]#Shakespeare[/url] , 20th Century Anglophone) & [url=]#Playwright[/url]. PhD University of London, MFA Columbia U. Check out my book Staging the Past in the Age of Thatcher: The History We Haven’t Had (Palgrave UK). [url=]#Democrat[/url] [url=]#Episcopalian[/url] / [url=]#Matthew25[/url] Christian / [url=]#ExistentialHumanist[/url] Passions: [url=]#theater[/url] / [url=]#theatre[/url] - [url=]#literature[/url] - [url=]#film[/url] - [url=]#ScienceFiction[/url] - [url=]#music[/url] - [url=]#writing[/url] / [url=]#playwriting[/url] - [url=]#cooking[/url] - [url=]#travel[/url] - [url=]#comedy[/url] “Keep cool, but care.” [url=]#ThomasPynchon[/url] (he/him)
Tags: comedy cooking democrat episcopalian existentialhumanist film literature matthew25 music playwright playwriting professor sciencefiction shakespeare theater theatre thomaspynchon travel writing