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I finally started getting spam. Well, phishing emails, technically. From one specific source, some random VM probably purchased for just the occasion. No matter, checking the headers, I found DMARC would have successfully failed it. (Successfully failed? That's a thing, right?)
9.1.2025 00:00BÚÉK! and Spam.On occasion, I post quippy "pro tips" to Mastodon using the hashtag #ProTip. When I do, I try to be somewhat witty, but snark overcomes me, because they are often written at a moment when I experience the very problem I am describing. They seem like suitable topics upon which to expound, and I frequently think I should write about them. Then, I don't.
21.12.2024 00:00ProTips: Sarcastick truthIt's the time of the year, Advent of Code is in swing. I am behind, having only just completed day 3. And of course, the obvious solution is a regular expression.
8.12.2024 00:00Of course it's RegEx."It's a new year, so who knows? Maybe I'll post some things more frequently." That was last year. In January. Almost two years ago. Clearly, I don't know what I'm talking about. Though, to be fair, I did say maybe.
26.11.2024 00:00Ha! Yeah, right.It's a new year, so who knows? Maybe I'll post some things more frequently. Not that I expect anyone will read this, besides me. Anyway, here are some things I did in 2022.
2.1.2023 00:00Boldog új évet!I keep saying I am going to make this site prettier, but then I get busier with other things. So, while I'm busy not making this prettier, I'll tell you some stories about how not to implement multi-factor authentication. (Side note: I hate multi-factor authentication. More about that later.) In offering technical assistance to a local non-profit organization and a church, I have the pleasure of using some services built by folks that helpfully make multi-factor authentication worse than it has to be.
16.7.2022 00:00How Not to Do MFAThis post is mostly an attempt to convince myself to ditch Facebook for a second time, but it may also serve as a reference for when I am inevitably asked, "What do you mean you're not on Facebook?" Because everyone is on Facebook, or so Zuckerberg would have you believe. In fact, many are not on the platform. Kids get it, Facebook is an awful place to spend time.
20.5.2021 00:00Facebook Sucks(Originally published on September 29, 2018.) In the not too distant past, Google got something right. Recently, they have been in the news for some fairly ridiculous antics, like obfuscating domains in the URL, or automatically signing users into the browser, before half-assedly backpeddling. But, in more positive news—or olds, since it came with Oreo—you can now disable notifications per app. I love this feature, because I have a habit of abandoning near real-time notifications.
25.4.2021 00:00Why I Turned Off Email Notifications(Originally published on October 15, 2018.) My name is Aaron. That’s how I’ll introduce myself informally. If the ocassion is especially formal, I might skip it. Or I’ll introduce myself as Aaron Angel. Note what I will never say: “Hi, my name is Angel, Aaron.” I’m not James Bond. What even is a last name, anyway? Who decided we need to sort lists of people’s name by the least used, thus least significant, portion thereof?
21.4.2021 00:00Sorting by Last Name is StupidObviously, my plan to update weekly has gone south. Daylight saving is not working. Seriously, there is never enough time in the day. But hey, here's another update!
16.3.2021 00:00Week WhateverHere we are at the end of week six. Things happened. I really didn't have the motivation to write a whole lot. Also, I noticed that pagination of my blog somehow broke. It was working when I tested it locally, I swear! I'll have to look at it later. On the plus side, I am off tomorrow—yay, federal holidays!—so I'll have plenty of time to figure it out. P.
14.2.2021 00:00Week Six: Some Things HappenedI was reading through some discussion on Hacker News about using RSS, and came across a project called Huginn. This looks like an awesome way to personally curate various sources from across the web. Meanwhile, I added links to RSS feeds to each page on the site. I didn't realize Hugo automatically generated RSS until today. I'll probably be experimenting with Huginn and posting about it in the near future.
7.2.2021 00:00Week Five: Personal AutomationAnd so we wrap up week four. And, for that matter, the month. This makes five posts thus far. I should probably add pagination to my blog. Wait one moment, please… Ah; that's better. You can't see it, yet, but it's there. I tweaked other things on the site just a tad. The background color is a tad warmer, which I find a tad easier on the eyes. I also added a horizontal rule for a bit of extra flare.
31.1.2021 00:00Week Four: Something WittyI am not a robot. And even if I were, I would not be yours. How did we arrive at a web that is increasingly hostile to actual humans? Efficiency. There is something to be said for slowing down to enjoy life, or to take time to do something right. Efficiency is not king; far from it. Lately, I find efficiency is often the reason I feel so busy.
24.1.2021 00:00Week Three: Not Your RobotHave you ever tried deleting an online account? I have. I have updated several I want to keep after changing email addresses, and several others I've deleted over the last week. And on requesting deletion, I have encountered varying levels of resistence. Take Adobe, for instance. I had the username and password for the account, but I was coerced to accept a change in terms in order to sign in just to delete the account.
17.1.2021 00:00Week Two Update: Deletion ShenanigansToday is the end of the first week of the year (assuming you count weeks according to the ISO). I've done quite a bit in the world of baz.bar, from setting up FreeBSD on an old eMachine and a couple of Orange Pis, to moving from Scrapazon Web Services to RackNerd, and setting up Kerberos, LDAP, Nextcloud, Postfix, and Dovecot. I also upgraded OpenWRT, which basically meant setting most services up from scratch again, because the built-in backup is not nearly as robust as one would think.
10.1.2021 00:00Week One Update: Networking ShenanigansSo, I did a thing. More importantly, I did a first thing. I registered my first so-called premium domain. It was so premium, that no one else had gotten to it before I did. Welcome to my new site. Yes, yes, of course: More will be coming Real Soon Now™. (Yes, thank you, I do remember Usenet. It was great.) I did another thing after said first thing, but this 'nother thing was not a first thing.
3.1.2021 00:00A new site⬆️