I like primitive sites (their simplicity is inspiring) and low res video (for the contempt of trend chasing). I dislike ubiquitous javascript (for normalising surveillance), defeatism (for sweetening self-sabotage) and soundbites (fashionable babble disguised as thought). I'm also [url=https://calckey.world/@barcode@mastodon.ie]@barcode@mastodon.ie[/url]; if I follow you from there it's me and it's likely I'll be more chatty on that account. I'm on Calkey.World mostly to learn more about what the Fediverse feels like outside of a Mastodon-instance, because I think it'd be a good first step to understanding which are Mastodon design decisions and what's Literally ActivityPub, and hopefully nip any "start a personal instance" ambitions in the bud. Hopefully. Alt Text for avatar: a falling droplet of white liquid, containing an hourglass shown on a magenta background. Alt Text for header picture: a rectangle of the same magenta as the avatar background.
Tags: activitypub fashionable javascript normalising simplicity surveillance ubiquitous understanding