by Rachel McCabe
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No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings ~ William Blake Exciting times we live in! Happy New Moon! Plant the seeds of Jupiter and release what no longer serves Neptune. Time to make it or break it–sort-of-speak! Make space for clean, fresh energy. We are experiencing a short time of […]
27.2.2025 23:58Pisces New Moon[…] In other words, dropping what you are not to embrace who you are! There is a mass exodus of social media happening right now, as it is not real! The presence of AI is killing human connections. Pluto in Aquarius is ending mass media through electrical devices–the drive to be more human than human…Good news, there is love in the air! Love is not a typical expression for Aquarius, however. Lightening strikes as Uranus is stationing! The cold and hard season is upon us, and Saturn is making the conjunction with Nessus again! […]
29.1.2025 05:01Comment on Gaia ( Cancer) New Moon by Aquarius New Moon 2025 | Dark Moon AstrologyHappy New Moon! The Aquarius New Moon always marks the Chinese New Year–The Year of the Wood Snake. Lucky year for Snakes, according to Chinese astrologers (Roosters too)! The Sabian symbol for 10 degrees Aquarius is A MAN WHO HAD FOR A TIME BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF AN IDEAL IS MADE TO REALIZE THAT AS […]
29.1.2025 05:01Aquarius New Moon 2025“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream proceeds the goal.” ~Pamela Vaull Starr Happy “Black Moon” or the second New Moon for December. Perhaps a second chance to make it right. We are in the darkest days here in the Northern Hemisphere. Capricorn is the first month of […]
30.12.2024 20:55Capricorn New Moon 2024Incredible chart we have for Solstice! The longest night of the year (yet, equal to the day on the global scale). We are in the first Jupiter-Saturn square of their conjunction in Aquarius (where Pluto is now), December of 2020. Interestingly, the highlight of the time was the emergency authorization of the first COVID-19 mRNA […]
20.12.2024 16:07Solstice-Sun enters Capricorn, 2024<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>…mRNA Spike protein! <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
20.12.2024 13:36Comment on December Full Moon 2024 by astrologybyrachelmccabe[…] to forward motion. I have given the times and dates for stations and shadow periods in my messy, Sagittarius New Moon post. Mars is still retrograde and will make another opposition to Ceres (and […]
15.12.2024 18:45Comment on Sagittarius New Moon 2024 by December Full Moon 2024 | Dark Moon AstrologyHappy Full Moon! Sagittarius is the month of discovery, and what a month it has been thus far! Now that we know, what will we do with that knowledge? Knowledge is related to Aquarius (I know), and we have three major players in Aquarius! Ceres is highlighted (mother of agriculture, the seasons, women’s cycles [blood, […]
15.12.2024 18:45December Full Moon 20242.12.2024 19:04Let Love Rule
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Biden pardoned his son!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
2.12.2024 15:00Comment on Sagittarius New Moon 2024 by astrologybyrachelmccabeHappy Holidays! Sagittarius season is all about celebration and enjoying the bright side of life! When we practice gratitude, for example, we find more things to be grateful for. What are you growing, and what have you learned so far? The importance of independence, perhaps. Also, know that your partner, neighbor, sister, brother, friend, etc., […]
1.12.2024 06:03Sagittarius New Moon 2024Happy New Moon! And happy, let us be, ‘All Saints Day’! Blessings to the dead, gone, but never forgotten! Busy dreams have me feeling restless. Interestingly, the dreams were about cars, boats, and motor homes; Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio is all about drive! What drives you? It is time to go and leave […]
1.11.2024 15:23Scorpio New Moon 2024<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>I edited the information on the comet as it seems I have run into conflicting theories about it </p>
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<p>It is concerning! Why do we have conflicting information on reality? Similar, if not very close, observation would determine approximation. I was hesitant to write on it in the first place, because I have not seen it for myself. All we have to go on is what the TV and Internet tells us which is NOT real.</p>
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<p>If you have information on the comet and believe it to be accurate please tag me or send me the info. Thank you in advance!</p>
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[…] October Solar Eclipse 2023 […]
2.10.2024 18:00Comment on October Solar Eclipse 2023 by October (Libra) Solar Eclipse 2024 | Dark Moon AstrologyHappy Libra New Moon! Happy Rosh Hashanah! Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride; we have a Solar Eclipse and a comet! Signs of the time! Libra represents justice– the scales, the law, and partnerships. Connected to the South Node, the theme of this eclipse may be past lives and-or past relationships coming into […]
2.10.2024 18:00October (Libra) Solar Eclipse 2024<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.9.2024 23:19Comment on Virgo New Moon 2024 by astrologybyrachelmccabeWith Ceres in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer at the full moon /lunar eclipse maybe Americans will make a stand against monocultures and processed foods. And adopt regenerative farming and healthier eating habits. Eat what grows in trees ;D
4.9.2024 03:21Comment on Virgo New Moon 2024 by astrologybyrachelmccabe[…] I noticed when I got to Virgo for that year, I lightened up a bit The Earth grounds. We experience more awareness as we get back to the garden! […]
[…] “The moon conjuncts Mercury late evening. Soon (Wednesday the 11th), the moon will join the Mars/Hygiea conjunction in Virgo and square the nodes (learning about preventive medicine the hard way through experiencing. Those lacking individuality may become emotional, rash, and act through tunnel vision or lack consideration for others). Be aware of the details of forceful or penetrative assertion of preventive care. We will see more protests.” […]
2.9.2024 14:45Comment on Leo New Moon 2021 by Virgo New Moon 2024 | Dark Moon AstrologyHappy New Moon! A Virgo Sun and Moon on Labor Day! 😀 Virgo works! I know this Virgo can use a vacation. With the Sun about to return for my birthday, I considered breaking from my spiritual work: writing this blog. But here I am! Virgo at your service! I have included the Lunar Eclipse […]
2.9.2024 14:44Virgo New Moon 2024