Student of Sustainable Living and part-time worker with AuDHD[url=]#southwestWA[/url] [url=]#bunbury[/url] [url=]#permaculture[/url] [url=]#sustainability[/url]
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Look at the size of these Queensland Arrowroot rhizomes! As big as my fist ✊
Planted Native Ginger in a couple of spots.
Repotted the Lemon Myrtle today too!
Plus, collected more Red Lettuce Seeds. Have a lifetime supply right here!
#wagardeners #southwestwa #perthgardening #gardensofsouthwestwa #gardeninfluencer #gardenjoy #gardening #gardensofbunbury #gardeningsouthwest #garden #gardeninspiration #gardenlove #learningtogrowfood #gardentotable #vegetablegarden #veggiegardening #veggiegarden #natureisbeautiful #bunbury #bunburywa #permaculture #growyourownfood #growingfood #growingfoodinmygarden #growingvegetables
Lots of joyful updates in the community lot and home garden.
So much to look at and enjoy!
Got a very decent bean harvest this time around..went from 2-4 beans weekly, to a good handful!
There's an abundance of bunching green onion/ shallots.
I am growing many things from cuttings in the dual shade house/ cat run, including wheatgrass. There never seems to be enough grass for the cattos so needed a fast-growing solution.
We are lucky to have a beautiful protea tree producing many blooms now.
We are abundant with herbs!
Lucky us!
A beautiful caper flower 🌺
18.2.2025 11:30A beautiful caper flower 🌺
I think the Yellow Cherry Guava may be ripe. Excited to try this one!
So many chillis.
Baby leeks popping up, will have to harvest the mature one.
So many tomatoes 🍅😋
Patiently observing and waiting for blooms on this very large tomato plant.
Banana Alley looking good.
The first Pomegranate on this tree. The birds have been getting to them first.
Anaheim chillis.... don't think they are supposed to be this big.
Lovely garden morning
Some wonderful highlights from the garden :)
3.2.2025 14:32Some wonderful highlights from the garden :)