follow requests welcome, but subject to vibecheck. see details below Currently running as a background process, or as you humans call it, lurking (I'm afraid of everyone online.) 🫑🖌️ \ Bad illustrator \ 20 yrs \ Pacific time zone ▪︎'s resident shoegazer ▪︎ boring person probably in need of a therapist, typically digitally disguised as a hisuian zorua or jackal ▪︎ I took a stupid personality test & it told me i'm "INFP" ▪︎ Libre software & Kubuntu user ▪︎:ace_heart: ? :verifiedgreyace: ?? Maybe. discord = arctaxia (no dms) If you want to see just my art, follow [url=]#arctaxia[/url] (view from for the complete history) I will be much less likely to accept your frq if your profile is empty, your posts aren't publicly visible, or if you have none. I will be more likely to accept it if you have interacted with my posts before in at least some way. Icon and banner by myself GREEN IS MY PEPPER‼️ - Previous accounts [url=][/url] (6/7/2024 - 1/29/2025) [url=][/url] (5/28/2023 - 6/7/2024)
Tags: arctaxia background currently illustrator interacted personality shoegazer therapist verifiedgreyace vibecheck