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Arabian Misadventures – Just trying to learn Arabic

Just trying to learn Arabic

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Comment on كيف ضیعت وقتي ببعض مراكز تعليم اللغة العربية للأجانب في مدينة الإسكندرية by shaimaa Hussien Elharty

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I cannot find words to describe how sorry i feel for your experience .</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>الاسكندرية مكان جميل. لقد تعاملت مع بعض الناس الخاطئين. آسفة لذلك.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

5.3.2024 21:19Comment on كيف ضیعت وقتي ببعض مراكز تعليم اللغة العربية للأجانب في مدينة الإسكندرية by shaimaa Hussien Elharty

Hizb ut-Tahrir and Communism

Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) is a political party, which started its activities in the Middle East, then spread worldwide. It was founded in the 1950s by Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani. Like their off-shoot (who use to call themselves) al-Muhajirun, HT is banned in the UK. The name Hizb ut-Tahrir is from the Arabic language, hizb al-tahrir (حزب … Continue reading "Hizb ut-Tahrir and Communism"

19.1.2024 12:00Hizb ut-Tahrir and Communism

Tax free shopping

Dubai has gone from tax-free to tax refund. My understanding was, for tourists at least, that you paid no tax on goods and services. This is no longer the case, except that if you are just visiting the United Arab Emirates and leave the country within 90 days, then you can claim a refund. Dubai put … Continue reading "Tax free shopping"

3.1.2024 23:47Tax free shopping

Burj Khalifa

Burj Dubai Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, but is it worth visiting? The tower is one of the newer developments and includes residential buildings, and a mall. In Arabic, Burj means tower and Khalifa is somebody’s name. Burj Khalifa literally means the tower of Khalifa. Actually, it was originally to be named … Continue reading "Burj Khalifa"

2.1.2024 16:03Burj Khalifa

Dubai SIM card

Do buy a SIM card when you are in the United Arab Emirates (if you see a good deal). The main network operator is Etisalat, but there is also du (دو). However, if you are planning to stay less than a few days, then an e-SIM might be a better option (ask the network operator … Continue reading "Dubai SIM card"

29.12.2023 09:43Dubai SIM card

Comment on Doctor Leech by Bilal

Sorry to hear about your bad experience my dear friend

5.11.2023 17:16Comment on Doctor Leech by Bilal

Some of the Worst TAFL Schools Worldwide

Listed here are some of the worst language schools for Arabic language training worldwide, i.e. the TAFL centres to avoid (from better to worse): – Alexandria Centre for Languages (ACL). Only come here within a group organised by your university. Even then, do not have high expectations and forget what you saw in the brochure … Continue reading "Some of the Worst TAFL Schools Worldwide"

9.1.2023 22:52Some of the Worst TAFL Schools Worldwide

Summer in Marrakech

I use to be a fan of the season of summer in any part of the world, but that changed when I visited Dubai one early August. Since then, I have avoided the Gulf countries in summer and kept myself under the shade in the Middle East generally. I wanted to get familiar with the North-West … Continue reading "Summer in Marrakech"

25.9.2022 15:38Summer in Marrakech

Great Arab Revolt Centennial

It was suppose to be my last day in Jordan.  However, due to the Great Arab Revolt centennial celebration, I almost ended up getting stuck again in Amman.  Many people were celebrating and making their way to a party.  Consequently, the roads were choc-o-bloc with vehicles and my already booked taxi arrived late (to pick … Continue reading "Great Arab Revolt Centennial"

2.6.2016 18:29Great Arab Revolt Centennial

Alexandria Centre for Languages

After visiting Pharos university I came across the Alexandria Centre for Languages (ACL) where finally I found out what happened to the SOAS students (School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London).  Apparently, since 2014 or earlier, for their year abroad, they had a choice between ACL, an-Najah university in Palestine and Qasid in … Continue reading "Alexandria Centre for Languages"

29.2.2016 13:31Alexandria Centre for Languages

TAFL Center, Alexandria University

The last time I was here, one of the teachers insulted me in class.

13.1.2016 13:03TAFL Center, Alexandria University

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

This is about the ‘prison’ in Sidi Bishr. It was near a square (Mohummed Nageeb) facing the corniche.  Potentially, it is a good area, except that the official refuse collection does not keep up with the amount of rubbish that accumulates. I was sharing an apartment with my new Chinese friend who told me it … Continue reading "Out of the frying pan and into the fire"

8.1.2016 21:38Out of the frying pan and into the fire


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