🤟 Creative cat with a mohawk 🤟 :happiertig: I write fantasy, furry fiction & gay smut :dehydratig: :laughtig: Learning digital painting skills & a smidge of game dev :winktig: 🔞 29, bipolar, he/it :therian: :ms_genderfluid_flag: :flag_mm2: 🇦🇺 :gaytig: Occasional poster of indecent thoughts and images. Lover of sweaty hairy men :meltig: :tiglovetig: [url=https://thicc.horse/@YeenDealer]@YeenDealer[/url] is my yeeb :blobbear_w: Other interests include [url=https://tiggi.es/tags/GuildWars2]#GuildWars2[/url] 🐉, platform fighters, animals, art & public health. Minors & techbros will be blocked. Avatar by [url=https://meow.social/@Withelias]@Withelias[/url]
Tags: blobbear_w dehydratig guildwars2 happiertig ms_genderfluid_flag occasional tiglovetig yeendealer