Collecting, repairing and restoring antique and vintage mechanical clocks
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There are thousands of clock photos on the internet, ranging from stunningly detailed images to blurry, poorly lit snapshots. As an amateur photographer, I appreciate the effort some put into capturing high-quality images, but it’s frustrating to see clocks photographed in poor light, out of focus, or with distracting backgrounds. Whether you are showcasing a … More How to Photograph Clocks Like a Pro: 7 Essential Tips
11.3.2025 09:00How to Photograph Clocks Like a Pro: 7 Essential TipsWhile working on my Pequegnat Bedford mantel clock recently, I made an unexpected discovery about the dial and bezel. I had always assumed the six-inch dial was original to the clock, believing it to be an anomaly or a one-off, as every other Bedford I’ve seen features a five-inch dial. Adding to the intrigue, I … More Repairing The Dial bezel Hinge On A Pequegnat Bedford
11.3.2025 09:00Repairing The Dial bezel Hinge On A Pequegnat BedfordIn reply to <a href="">wmjtrudeau</a>. Good point, a real chore for those of us with many clocks.
7.3.2025 16:45Comment on Daylight Saving Time: Why It’s Time To End This Unpopular Inconvenience by rjoiner2021Good morning Ron. And the clock collector debate continues; is the chore of springing ahead or falling back less of a task for those who own dozens of manual clocks ? Springing ahead requires the horologist to advance each clock while falling back requires stopping the clocks for an hour then restarting them. Get Outlook for iOS<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
7.3.2025 10:24Comment on Daylight Saving Time: Why It’s Time To End This Unpopular Inconvenience by wmjtrudeauOne of life’s unavoidable inconveniences is the act of adjusting our clocks either forward or backward in November and March. It is called Daylight Savings Time or DST. The goal of DST is to make better use of daylight by prolonging the amount of time we can spend outside during daylight hours. The argument for … More Daylight Saving Time: Why It’s Time To End This Unpopular Inconvenience
7.3.2025 10:00Daylight Saving Time: Why It’s Time To End This Unpopular Inconvenience<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>"Even a broken clock is right twice a day", said of someone continuously wrong.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
5.3.2025 14:27Comment on Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition by Marty DogwoodIn reply to <a href="">rjoiner2021</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>iPhone </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.3.2025 22:55Comment on Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition by wmjtrudeauIn reply to <a href="">wmjtrudeau</a>. How are you viewing the content, phone, tablet or PC. I will check the formatting, there may be something I can do from my end. Thanks for the list,
4.3.2025 22:34Comment on Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition by rjoiner2021In reply to <a href="">reallymentalitye2afcb61ab</a>. Excellent!
4.3.2025 21:34Comment on Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition by rjoiner2021<!-- wp:paragraph --> Too much time on your hands! <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.3.2025 14:52Comment on Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition by reallymentalitye2afcb61ab<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Good morning Ron. Once again I find this blog format a challenge. It won’t let you minimize it to look at a list. It also won’t let you paste a list. With the assistance of my wife dictating the ones I found I submit the following </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Make good time </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>like clockwork</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>have the time of your life </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>crack of dawn </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>call it a day </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>buy time </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>the eleventh hour </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>kill time </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>race against the clock </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>once in a blue moon. <br /></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>sorry if I repeated any of yours. I can’t go look now that I’m committed to comment </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.3.2025 13:29Comment on Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition by wmjtrudeauIdioms are fixed phrases or expressions whose meanings can’t be understood just by interpreting the individual words. Their meanings are figurative and widely recognized within a particular culture or language. Every language has its own idioms. In horology, we have quite a few, and it’s fascinating how the word “clock” plays such a prominent role … More Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition
4.3.2025 10:00Idioms and Expressions with the word “Clock” in Them | 2025 edition<!-- wp:paragraph --> good morning Ron. A battery operated clock strikes a nerve with me. I kept the mechanism that had been installed in my grand parents Mauthe box clock when I restored it to as close an original as I could I installed it in the case from which I acquired the movement which now is installed in my clock. When ever it chimes it makes my blood boil. Hence I removed the batteries. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
28.2.2025 12:23Comment on When a Clock Listing Misses the Mark Completely by wmjtrudeauI occasionally browse online sites in search of a rare gem—a clock with history, character, and craftsmanship that stands out from the crowd. But more often than not, my searches lead me to an assortment of clocks that are less than inspiring. The worst offenders tend to be battery-operated models that, quite frankly, have little … More When a Clock Listing Misses the Mark Completely
28.2.2025 10:00When a Clock Listing Misses the Mark CompletelyI enjoy writing about the clocks in my collection, but I often receive emails from fellow clock enthusiasts who have invested time and energy into their own collection. I’m sure they would love to showcase their clocks, but lack the necessary platform. Here is my offer to you. If you have a clock in your … More Showcase Your Treasured Clock or Clocks: Submit Your Story
25.2.2025 10:00Showcase Your Treasured Clock or Clocks: Submit Your StoryIn reply to <a href="">postdreamily09af78184d</a>. Thank you
23.2.2025 20:14Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by rjoiner2021In reply to <a href="">rjoiner2021</a>. I enjoy looking at your clocks you have a nice collection.
22.2.2025 17:37Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by postdreamily09af78184dIn reply to <a href="">hughcv</a>. Thanks Hugh. The company ceased production in 1941, and some clocks, such as the Moncton, were likely made in the 1930s. The Bedford, the last clock in the video, has a replacement dial, which I discovered while repairing the dial bezel door. The current dial lacks the company name, whereas the original would have been an inch narrower and would have included the company name. It was likely made in the 1930s, as you suggested. The Danby is definitely one of the last clocks produced by the company, judging by the placement of the company name in the upper middle portion of the dial. The oldest clocks have the city name "Berlin" on the dial just below the number 6. These were made between 1904 and 1916. When the city's name changed to Kitchener in 1917, the company continued producing the same range of clocks. However, dating those clocks precisely is almost impossible, as company records are either inaccessible or no longer exist.
22.2.2025 12:32Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by rjoiner2021Very nicely presented Ron, thanks. No fancy narrative or hype - just lets the clocks do the talking. I'd be interested in the dates for each, the passage of time depicted by the changing dial type styles. That final clock has such a 30s/40s feel about it compared with some of the more ornate numerals. Hugh
22.2.2025 08:34Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by hughcvIn reply to <a href="">wmjtrudeau</a>. It was simply caught in the frame when photographing. Thanks for noticing. Or do you mean the Hamilton Tall, later in the video?
21.2.2025 19:55Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by rjoiner2021In reply to <a href="">Ila Murphy</a>. Thank you.
21.2.2025 13:00Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by rjoiner2021Absolutely beautiful, well done
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>good morning Ron. Curious why the Hamilton made an appearance in the video ? Are they associated to Pequegnat ? </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
21.2.2025 11:51Comment on Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection by wmjtrudeauI have a collection of 11 Arthur Pequegnat clocks, including three beautiful wall clocks which you can view on this 5-minute YouTube video. I have written extensively about the Arthur Pequegnat Clock Company, but to summarize: the company was founded in Berlin, Ontario (renamed Kitchener in 1917) in 1904 and produced its final clock in … More Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My Collection
21.2.2025 10:00Watch My Short Video on all the Arthur Pequegnat Clocks in My CollectionIn reply to <a href="">Michael Kirk</a>. I do as well.
19.2.2025 18:54Comment on The Collection by rjoiner2021In reply to <a href="">postdreamily09af78184d</a>. Well said.
19.2.2025 18:53Comment on Updating Popular Posts for Growing a Community of Enthusiasts by rjoiner2021In reply to <a href="">findcurtis</a>. Thank you.
19.2.2025 18:53Comment on On My Workbench | Type 89 Movement by Seth Thomas and a Strike Side Issue by rjoiner2021In reply to <a href="">wmjtrudeau</a>. I have one as well buy need to reshape it as the slot is too small.
19.2.2025 18:53Comment on Compact Tools to Assist in Clock Repair by rjoiner2021<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>another great article Ron. I’ve experienced some data entry issues with this platform but I must confess it may be my fat fingers on an iPhone screen keyboard. I like the pivot mover and will be making one now. My other favorite tool is a slotted tool for adjusting chime hammer arms. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
18.2.2025 18:21Comment on Compact Tools to Assist in Clock Repair by wmjtrudeauIt’s the little things that count in life. While this expression holds true in many aspects of our lives, it is equally true when it comes to antique and vintage clock repair. This article highlights tools that can be invaluable for clock repair. Though not strictly essential, once you start using them, you’ll likely wonder … More Compact Tools to Assist in Clock Repair
18.2.2025 10:00Compact Tools to Assist in Clock Repair<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>great write up on servicing an 89 movement with very useful tips and pointers. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
17.2.2025 19:33Comment on On My Workbench | Type 89 Movement by Seth Thomas and a Strike Side Issue by findcurtisIn reply to <a href="">rjoiner2021</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Cleaning and oiling this heirloom clock can be a rewarding activity and very educational as there is research necessary to complete this task and by the successful completion of this task you are rewarded with an accurate pleasant chime every quarter hour.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
15.2.2025 14:17Comment on Updating Popular Posts for Growing a Community of Enthusiasts by postdreamily09af78184dThe Seth Thomas Type 89 movement is a robust and well-regarded mechanical clock movement widely used in many of Seth Thomas’ mantel and shelf clocks from the early 20th century to 1938. The movement was introduced in 1900 and became one of Seth Thomas’ most popular and enduring movements. There are several variants (89A, 89C, … More On My Workbench | Type 89 Movement by Seth Thomas and a Strike Side Issue
14.2.2025 10:00On My Workbench | Type 89 Movement by Seth Thomas and a Strike Side IssueI have decided to revisit and revamp my most popular blog posts to breathe new life into them, expand my blog’s reach, and keep my content fresh and engaging for loyal readers and new visitors. This will allow me to refine my writing, share updated insights, and ensure these and all posts continue to resonate … More Updating Popular Posts for Growing a Community of Enthusiasts
11.2.2025 10:00Updating Popular Posts for Growing a Community of EnthusiastsBuying your first clock is an exciting journey, but it can also feel a bit daunting. In this article, I’ll share some practical tips and advice to help you choose your first clock and discuss the various types of clocks to consider. One of the goals of this blog is to introduce antique and vintage … More Beginner’s Guide to Choosing an Antique or Vintage Clock
7.2.2025 10:00Beginner’s Guide to Choosing an Antique or Vintage ClockWhen selling an antique clock, proper preparation can make all the difference in attracting buyers and securing a fair price. Whether you’re parting with a cherished antique or vintage clock from a collection or selling one inherited from a loved one, taking the right steps ensures a smooth transaction. In this article, I’ll use a … More Top Tips for Selling Antique or Vintage Clocks Successfully
4.2.2025 10:00Top Tips for Selling Antique or Vintage Clocks SuccessfullyIt’s been about two years since I last worked on a Mauthe time and strike movement. While Mauthe clocks are fairly common, my attention has been directed toward other types of clocks and clock projects in recent years. This is the first installment of a two-part series, offering initial impressions and background history of the … More Restoring a Vintage Mauthe Clock | Evoking Family Memories | Part I
31.1.2025 10:00Restoring a Vintage Mauthe Clock | Evoking Family Memories | Part IThe maker of the movement is HAU or HAC. The familiar cross arrows trademark of the maker is stamped on the movement, in the middle of the backplate. HAC was formed in Germany in 1873 by Paul Landenberger and Phillipp Lang and was originally called Landenberger & Lang Uhrenfabrik. The company changed its name to … More Troubleshooting A Strike Issue on a HAC/HAU Movement
28.1.2025 10:00Troubleshooting A Strike Issue on a HAC/HAU MovementHave you ever wondered where the terms “half past the hour,” “a quarter past,” and “a quarter to the hour” originate from? At one time these terms were practical and necessary for understanding time when precise minute readings were unavailable. Stepping Back In Time The practice of dividing an hour into quarters comes from the … More When Clocks Had One Hand
24.1.2025 10:00When Clocks Had One HandRegularly dusting a clock was once a key part of the cleaning routine in days gone by. The clock was an important feature in the home, and maintaining its appearance was a significant part of regular housekeeping. It often held a place of pride in the household. While modern homes may generate less dust than … More Essential Tips for Clock Case Care
21.1.2025 10:00Essential Tips for Clock Case CareAfter working on the dial of a Pequegnat Jewel mantel clock, I was very pleased with the results of the repaint. While the detailing may not withstand close scrutiny, the clock looks excellent from a comfortable distance. When I brought the clock home, it appeared that a previous owner, frustrated by the loss of some … More Why I Changed My Mind About the Dial Bezel on a Pequegnat Jewel Mantel Clock
17.1.2025 10:00Why I Changed My Mind About the Dial Bezel on a Pequegnat Jewel Mantel ClockAs we enter a new year it is time to look back on the adventures and milestones I’ve experienced in the world of antique and vintage clock collecting and repair in the past year. 2024 has been one of discovery, growth, and deepening appreciation for the art of horology. Over the past year, I have … More Reflections on a Year of Clock Collecting and Less Time Repairing
14.1.2025 10:00Reflections on a Year of Clock Collecting and Less Time RepairingThis blog post was first published in 2016, and it’s now time to revisit and update it to reflect the changes in market conditions and prices since then. There are many reasons why clock prices are low and continue to decline, but at the risk of oversimplifying, I will say that the law of supply … More What is My Clock Worth? | 2025 update
10.1.2025 10:00What is My Clock Worth? | 2025 updateIn Part I of this series, I shared my approach to restoring a clock dial through a process called inpainting. Inpainting is but one solution to the problem of a ruined dial. To restore a clock dial by bringing it back to its original state involves carefully mixing paint to match the original tones, gradually … More Pequegnat Jewel Dial Restoration | A Case For Inpainting | Part II
7.1.2025 10:00Pequegnat Jewel Dial Restoration | A Case For Inpainting | Part IIAs we welcome the New Year, antique clocks serve as quiet reminders of the passage of time, marking the shift from one chapter of our lives to the next. Imagine a room with an antique clock, its steady ticking signaling the start of something new. These old clocks remind us that every moment is precious, … More Celebrate the New Year with
31.12.2024 10:00Celebrate the New Year with antiquevintageclock.comAs the holiday season is upon us, I’ve decided to take a break from writing and updating my blog to enjoy some much-needed downtime. The past year has been filled with exciting clock-related adventures, research, and restoration projects, and now it’s time to step back, recharge, and spend time with loved ones. I look forward … More Holiday Downtime | What’s Next for Antique Clock Lovers
27.12.2024 10:00Holiday Downtime | What’s Next for Antique Clock LoversWishing you all health and happiness this Christmas season! Every year, my kids stress over what to get me for Christmas. They know I’m passionate about antique clocks and spend my time restoring and repairing them. “Is there anything he needs?” they ask their mum. Honestly, it’s the little things I really appreciate in my … More Christmas Wishes for Antique & Vintage Clock Fans
24.12.2024 10:00Christmas Wishes for Antique & Vintage Clock FansAs I continue to build my Pequegnat clock collection, I always seize a good deal when I find one, and the Jewel was too good to pass up. You might be wondering, what exactly is a Pequegnat clock and where does the Jewel fit into their model lineup? A Pequegnat clock refers to clocks produced … More Pequegnat Jewel Dial Restoration | A Case For Inpainting | Part I
20.12.2024 10:00Pequegnat Jewel Dial Restoration | A Case For Inpainting | Part IWhen discussing American clocks, the name Elisha Manross might not come to mind as readily as prominent makers like Seth Thomas, New Haven, or Waterbury. However, Elisha Manross (1792–1856) played a pivotal role as a pioneer in the development of Connecticut clockmaking. In 1812, at the age of 20, Elisha Manross, along with John Cowls, … More The Rare Brass Mainsprings of Elisha Manross Clocks
17.12.2024 10:00The Rare Brass Mainsprings of Elisha Manross Clocks