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New Music

This is what I’m listening to this weekend. All of these were released or re-released during the last 3 weeks. It’s only February, but there’s already so much great new music this year. Wish Defense by FACS Reservoir of love by Shannon Wright House of the Fat and The Unwilling Astronaut by Joeyfat Goat Skull … Continue reading "New Music"

15.2.2025 20:07New Music

Albums of the year 2024

2024 is a year I will not forget in a hurry, and has definitely seen a change to the way I buy and consume music. It’s been less about vinyl, more about CDs, and has also seen a shift to rediscovering old favourites rather than hunting down new music every week. Some of this is … Continue reading "Albums of the year 2024"

31.12.2024 08:15Albums of the year 2024

Patterns I have noticed when people struggle with switching to using Linux as their main operating system

A while ago I wrote the following in a blog post that was mainly about Reddit: I’m in no way surprised that people are generally quite bad at describing the issues they are having, and also that they are very bad at choosing the right place to ask for help. I do have vague intentions … Continue reading "Patterns I have noticed when people struggle with switching to using Linux as their main operating system"

29.12.2024 21:07Patterns I have noticed when people struggle with switching to using Linux as their main operating system

Responding to a power cut

We had a short power cut earlier this week, which was a good test of the power resilience we have configured in the caravan. We are using some kit that requires constant electricity to function, but try and ensure that anyone who is working can continue to work for a few hours in the event … Continue reading "Responding to a power cut"

20.12.2024 22:48Responding to a power cut

Punk, hardcore and metal albums of 2024

Over the last two years I have found myself listening to a lot of heavier music, and even some heavy metal, which is a new genre for me. I don’t know lots about this music, but I did think it was worth writing a list of things I’ve enjoyed, as a subset of a longer … Continue reading "Punk, hardcore and metal albums of 2024"

18.12.2024 22:13Punk, hardcore and metal albums of 2024

LM Studio Experiments

I have been experimenting with LM Studio over the last few days. This is a tool that allows me to run large language models locally on my computer, making it ideal for when I’m travelling or spending time somewhere with a slow or unreliable internet connection. It’s cross-platform (Windows, Silicon Macs and Linux), and has … Continue reading "LM Studio Experiments"

23.11.2024 19:31LM Studio Experiments

Songs of a Lost World

Yesterday was the release day for the new album by The Cure. I used to try and pick up their albums on release day when I was younger, but don’t think I have managed to do so since Wish as very long time ago. My first thought is that this record is really good. I … Continue reading "Songs of a Lost World"

2.11.2024 11:00Songs of a Lost World

New Music

It’s been another good week for new music. I try and listen to a few new things every Friday whilst working, and this is the selection I chose yesterday: Bleed by The Necks Totally Fine by The Eurosuite Fate & Alcohol by Japandroids I’m already familiar with all three artists, but it’s always good to … Continue reading "New Music"

19.10.2024 19:54New Music

Updated Ubuntu Installation script

I’ve made some major changes to my Ubuntu installation script over the last few weeks. Mostly because I finally replaced the hard drive in my laptop and needed to do a clean installation, but also because I wanted to try and get DisplayLink drivers installed by default, which has historically been a pain. for the … Continue reading "Updated Ubuntu Installation script"

12.10.2024 19:47Updated Ubuntu Installation script

New Music

New music that I have enjoyed recently includes: Psychotic Spew by Black Ends Absolute Elsewhere by Blood Incantation Courage by Help Memorial Waterslides by Memorial Plus of course all the records I wrote about last week. This is a quite angry list, but maybe that’s just a reflection on the week I’ve had.

12.10.2024 06:00New Music

Comment on Albums of the year for 2019 – part 1 by Albums of the Year for 2019 – The Full List – New Adventures in Technology

[…] writeups of 10 records I really loved this year on Facebook and in a couple of previous blog posts (part 1 and part 2). There is more though (there always is), and there are some records that I’ve […]

31.12.2019 16:20Comment on Albums of the year for 2019 – part 1 by Albums of the Year for 2019 – The Full List – New Adventures in Technology

Comment on Albums of the year for 2019 – part 1 by Albums of the Year for 2019 – Part 2 – New Adventures in Technology

[…] I’ve been compiling a list of my favourite records of each year for a decade or more. This year I’ve listened to music slightly differently; with monthly Spotify playlists on shuffle during train journeys and walks, but otherwise by putting a record on my record player and listening to the songs in the order they were sequenced. This is the second half of the list (the first half can be found here). […]

27.12.2019 18:02Comment on Albums of the year for 2019 – part 1 by Albums of the Year for 2019 – Part 2 – New Adventures in Technology

Comment on Green Impact by A brief interlude – New Adventures in Technology

[…] I was just flicking back through my historical blog posts for reasons. One thing that amused me is what I wrote at the end of my 2013 post celebrating our Green Impact campaign at work ( […]

23.7.2014 18:58Comment on Green Impact by A brief interlude – New Adventures in Technology

Comment on What’s your backup plan? by My ‘BackITUp’ Plan · //

[…] new project called ‘BackITUp’. My friend Andy has a good post over at his site (linked here ). In the office, we’ve all discussed our various means and methods to back up our work, but […]

19.7.2014 10:45Comment on What’s your backup plan? by My ‘BackITUp’ Plan · //

Comment on What I’m using to get the job done in 2012 by My Setup – 2014 | New Adventures in Technology

[…] July 2010 - March 2012 - […]

30.3.2014 20:54Comment on What I’m using to get the job done in 2012 by My Setup – 2014 | New Adventures in Technology

Comment on My first stab at self-interview by My Setup – 2014 | New Adventures in Technology

[…] 2010 - March 2012 […]

22.3.2014 13:04Comment on My first stab at self-interview by My Setup – 2014 | New Adventures in Technology

Comment on Albums of the year – 2013 by 2013 in music | How did I get here again?

[…] and encouraged by a friend to enter into dialogue on the subject. This post is a response to shared by @teknostatik. I recommend an exploration of his suggestions as I find his taste in music […]

4.1.2014 20:03Comment on Albums of the year – 2013 by 2013 in music | How did I get here again?

Comment on My first stab at self-interview by What I’m using to get the job done in 2012 | New Adventures in Technology

[...] couple of years ago I documented the hardware and software I use as a homage to I thought it was probably time to update [...]

18.3.2012 17:48Comment on My first stab at self-interview by What I’m using to get the job done in 2012 | New Adventures in Technology

Comment on Life on the bleeding edge by Andy Ferguson

I'm a big fan of the current Gnome desktop, and still think it's the best user interface I've ever interacted with. Unity I'm less keen on, and I did try it out for another couple of hours today before changing back to Gnome. It's pretty enough, and I can see the point of it, I just don't feel it offers anything extra. Regarding 11.04, I'll upgrade because I can get it working the way I want within 5 minutes, but I'm still unsure as to what I'll be using in 2 years time.

5.4.2011 00:00Comment on Life on the bleeding edge by Andy Ferguson

Comment on Life on the bleeding edge by Mark Rowan

I'm still unsure about Unity. What's so wrong with the existing Gnome desktop that we need to do away with panel applets, menus in windows, and a movable launcher? Don't get me wrong, Unity is brilliant for netbooks, but transitioning the entire codebase across to Unity -- particularly before it's even fully ready -- seems like it could be getting into the realms of change for change's sake. This may turn out to be the first time I skip an Ubuntu release and wait for the LTS.

5.4.2011 00:00Comment on Life on the bleeding edge by Mark Rowan


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