In the year 2010 a then young couple from South Africa set out to film a new feature length documentary on anarchism. They wanted to show anarchism's history and all its forms around the world. Unfortunately, that was too huge a task but they managed to interview 106 anarchists on 4 continents: Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Some of whom have since, unfortunately, passed away and others have passed on in their beliefs. But many are still very active. In the aftermath of filming for 4 months, they realised that they didn't have the skills and even less the money to employ someone to cut the hundreds of hours of footage for them into something they could be proud of. Years passed and life happened. They live on different continents and follow different goals. This is their attempt to show the anarchist community some of the material that they have gathered, the amazing people that they met and the interesting things these people have told them. Enjoy!
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