I exist, [url=https://pixelfed.social/@AmyIsCoolz@social.atiusamy.com]@AmyIsCoolz@social.atiusamy.com[/url]
Tags: amyiscoolz atiusamy
Woah no way??? This actually looks good
17.12.2023 10:18Woah no way??? This actually looks good
I have an irrational fear of heights. So today I went to Khao Tabaek in Chonburi because apparently exposure to a thingbyou're scared of can male you less scared.
This was quite the experience 😨
Last christmas, I gave you my heart. And the very next day, you DISECTED IT???
22.11.2023 04:48Last christmas, I gave you my heart. And the very next day, you DISECTED IT???
I met some fellas at MLC and helped them put up posters
13.11.2023 11:47I met some fellas at MLC and helped them put up posters
If I post this image without context you’d assume I went for a swim but nope, just sweat… 😭😭
12.11.2023 08:54If I post this image without context you’d assume I went for a swim but nope, just sweat… 😭😭
10.11.2023 10:02Chicken!
Woah?? You can use air fryer to make an omelette??
9.11.2023 09:32Woah?? You can use air fryer to make an omelette??
Hey everyone! I actually cooked! (Although I might have put a bit too much water in the rice)
5.11.2023 10:48Hey everyone! I actually cooked! (Although I might have put a bit too much water in the rice)
Hey I don't think I look half bad today :P
31.10.2023 05:19Hey I don't think I look half bad today :P
Who knew complementary shaders could look so nice
#minecraft #sunset #shaders #screenshot