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Hinduism is the most populous religious denomination in the world’s largest democracy i.e. India. Person who follows Hinduism is called Hindu. But the question is that is really the word ‘Hindu’ relates to only religion or better say spritualism because Hinduism is a way of life as held by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. If […]
20.2.2024 13:31Is ‘Hindu’ a political word?Origin of Human Beings: There are two theories regarding the origin of human beings of particular race – Monogenism and Polygenism. Monogenism: According to this theory, human beings originated at one location and they evolved and subsequently migrated. Once they found their new home, adopted new environments, through evolution, it caused divergence in the characteristics […]
23.4.2018 17:10Origin of Humans, Class and Caste in IndiaPart III of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights. There are 6 Fundamental Rights namely: 1. Right to Equality (Article 14-18) 2. Right to Freedom (Article 19-22) 3. Right against Exploitation (Article 23-24) 4. Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25-28) 5. Cultural and Educational Rights (Article 29-30) 6. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article […]
19.3.2018 18:12Gender Equality and Indian LawJohn Lock, Western Philosopher (1632-1704) in his writings ‘Two Treaties of Civil Government (1690)’ and ‘Letter of Toleration (1689)’ of Political Philosophy has mentioned about ‘natural rights’. Among natural rights, Right to Life, Freedom and Property are main rights. These natural rights are the source of Fundamental Rights in our Constitution. Case Laws in relation […]
17.3.2018 16:31Decoding Privacyबहुत उम्दा
2.7.2017 13:47Comment on नई कविता by Vaibhaw vermaबेहद खूबसूरत अभिव्यक्ति है भाई साहब
2.7.2017 08:18Comment on प्रियतमा by Vaibhaw vermaनई कविता लिखी है, कविता का नाम है ‘प्रियतमा’। प्रिय तुमको देखता हूँ, और लिखता जाता हूँ। तुम्हारी तारीफ के लिए, फिर से चाँद लाकर, कवि नहीं बनना चाहता। बस इतनी सी चाहत है मेरी, तुम्हारे गालों को खींचना चाहता, तुम्हारे केशों से खेलना चाहता, तुम्हारे होठों को छूना चाहता, मैं तुमसे प्रेम करना चाहता। […]
27.6.2017 02:35प्रियतमावक़्त मिला तो एक कविता लिखी है, शीर्षक है नई कविता। आशा करता हूँ, आपको अच्छी लगेगी। नई कविता हर कविता में, जो नई दिखाई पड़ती है, वही पुराने भाव हैं, फिर भी अच्छी लगती है। हर कविता में मैं, उन्ही भावों को लाता हूँ, पिरोकर भावों की माला, काग़ज़ को पहनाता हूँ। सच […]
13.2.2016 06:27नई कविता