Probably mostly posting cats. Childfree cat lady. Kitten foster. Car-free. Wannabe tech nerd. Currently "fun"employed.
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Meet my newest foster! She arrived Tuesday evening and has settled in so quickly! She'll probably be ready to start meeting potential adopters in the next few days, as soon as I can decide on a name for her. 😹
#Cats #Caturday #StandardIssueCat #TabbyCat #FosterCat #AdoptDontShop #AlleyCatProject
Eddy says, "Happy #Caturday! Will there be snacks? I hope there's snacks!"
#Cats #CatsOfPixelfed #BlackCat #Void
Eddy's such a good foster ambassador! First three photos are Eddy checking out Marigold at feeding time. Fourth photo is Eddy hanging out in the kitten kennel. All photos from 2023.
#Cats #Kittens #FosterKittens #CatsOfPixelfed #BlackCat #Void #OrangeCat #GingerCat #BottleBabies #AdoptDontShop
Meet the "Flower Power" kittens! Marigold, Hellebore, and Black-Eyed Susan came to me in 2023 and were my my first full time bottle babies. They were about 2 weeks old in these pictures, and had to be fed every 2-3 hours around the clock.
First and last pictures are of all three kittens. Second picture is Marigold. Third picture is Black-Eyed Susan. Fourth picture is Hellebore.
#Cats #Kittens #FosterKittens #CatsOfPixelfed #BlackCat #Void #OrangeCat #GingerCat #BottleBabies #AdoptDontShop
Shortly after I officially foster failed Eddy, he suffered from an intussusception. It took 2 or 3 urgent care vet visits over the course of a few days before they finally figured it out, but I knew something serious was wrong when the hungriest little kitty ever suddenly had zero appetite. Once they made the diagnosis, he had surgery to remove the affected section of his intestine, leaving him with 8 staples holding the incision site together.
He was such a great sport through the whole thing, even when he had to wear the cone after. Initially, I would sit on the floor with him at meal times, holding his dish inside the cone to help him eat, but it was still a very messy process, and the litter box situation was even worse, so I decided to try a recovery suit. He seemed so relieved to be out of the cone and never fought wearing the suit.
The first picture is when I picked him up after surgery. The second is after eating, and the third is shortly after I switched him into the recovery suit.
#Cats #Kittens #FosterKittens #FosterFail #BlackCat #Void #AdoptDontShop
Instead of posting cat pictures, I should probably spend my energy today working on my resume, so please enjoy this low effort post of my Sombra living the dream.
#cats #catsofpixelfed #tabbycat #standardissuecat #unemployment #jobhunt
Little Moonbeam here was my very first foster kitten, back in 2021. He came in with no siblings or mother and was probably about 8 weeks old in these pictures. I made some mistakes along the way, but he was very sweet and forgiving as we both figured things out together. 💞
#kittens #cats #fosterkittens #caturday #catsofpixelfed #blackcat #void #adoptdontshop
A few photos from Princess Sombra's Gotcha Day back in 2020.
I responded to a Craigslist ad for a litter of unplanned kittens and wound up tucking him under my shirt for the bus ride home. The people that I adopted him from said that he was a 10 week old female, and he almost immediately earned the nickname "Princess". A few days later, I took him to the vet and learned that he was probably closer 7 weeks old and definitely male, but he will always be my princess.
#kittens #cats #GotchaDay #standardissuecat #tabbycat
Meet Sombra (tabby) and Eddy (black)! They don't really cuddle each other much, but they both love this blanket.
#cats #catsofpixelfed #tabbycat #standardissuecat #blackcat #void