Same name as on the bird site. Cat servant. Retired pro-cycling/cyclocross fan. Also love cats, music and reading, learning Italian. Concerned for the environment. Loathe the Tories and all they stand for. Same goes for Brexit.🇪🇺 😷 💚💙 [url=]#ProEU[/url] [url=]#GTTO[/url] [url=]#FBPE[/url] [url=]#FBPPR[/url] [url=]#Rejoin[/url] [url=]#Cyclingfans[/url] [url=]#cycling[/url] [url=]#procycling[/url] [url=]#velophant[/url] [url=]#cyclocross[/url] [url=]#catsofmastodon[/url] [url=]#LCHF[/url] [url=]#lowcarb[/url]
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Tags: catsofmastodon cycling cyclingfans cyclocross fbpe fbppr gtto lchf lowcarb procycling proeu rejoin velophant