Slave to the study of sound. Abuser of synths and guitars. XPCTOS (public) developer Member of A23P, Lee Harvey Cartel, Poems Electronique, Metapulse, Píšť Ant, DAC Theater, frequent collaborator with Acidbat (Seth Ogden) Making sure the Acid All Stars label continues to bring you the future. Noise Architecture is my life. Mon Dieu Unveiling infinite space I am and I am nothing A dieu Adieu Mon Dieu *backup of former main friendica social networking account archived at * Contact info: email: ZeroNet: a23praxis@zeroid.bit
Tags: a23praxis architecture collaborator continues developer electronique friendica metapulse networking protonmail unveiling
Sirhc Neila
from Sirhc Neiila - 18.5.16
alternately available at:
find Sirhc Nella also at: a live session by my mate Chris Mandel and I done a few nights ago.
There was video captured as well and a live video of the session is hoped to be available shortly.#SirhcNeila #ChrisMandel #CloudlessRain #AlienNesby #A23P #AcidAllStars #AcidAllStarsRecordings #MyWork #OurWork #FederationArtist #FederationArtists #Music #Electronca #IDM #Techno #Downtempo #Ambient #Jazz #AcidJazz #ArtHarder
“The white rider: Roman the conquering child (the Antichrist G-host of vengeance, Horus the hunter/the beast image).”
“The red rider: Set (the beast, god of war and chaos)/Horus–Set quantum entangled/Montu-Ra (Hell & Moriah Ghost entity in war mode giving power to Set/Horus–Set).”
“The black rider: Velo-esque (Saturnian) ‘death plus time’ tasks carried out by Anubis, god of death and judgment [characterized from Egypto–Biblical mythos/Scripture, spiritual ‘word of knowledge’ and vision/astral encounters] — wrecks Resheph-style spiritual pestilence/famine, black masked ‘ninja’ assassin attire, balances in hand (to ‘weigh the [stolen] heart’), scales the walls to steal treasure (Hermes [Anubis affiliation] trait) with right [the ‘God’] hand, pale green colored eyes and pale green colored sickle [color of ‘death’] in left hand ‘to break [destroy men] with’(connotations of creating death and reaping the dead into hell). Excellent match for the Biblical‘abomination of desolation.’ Satanic spiritual pestilence ‘sparking’ results in the permanent freezing of death via time [the 666 ‘magic spark’], desolating the body by vacating/placing the human soul from this timeline (cementing the final and deciding human will) into a conscious demonic state (and switching the demonic mirror end-of-time probabilistic future version image back into the body — thereby reversing demon and human soul placements permanently into certainty at both
ends); thus giving rise and credence to a newly empowered mass-sentience personified as Hell (modeled on Moriah the Ghost’s sentient ‘elite’ microcosm-mass image), and two very noticeable and discreet realities in the earth coexisting side-by-side fighting for dominance [‘lies’ and ‘truth’].”
“The pale rider: Moriah and co. personified [with Hell following] (Ra-Horakhty — Moriah the Ghost [the conquering wind] and the G-host including absorbed Anubis combined as Death).”
#Azathoth #AsAThought #Crumax #Cryptology #Crypto #Cypher #Covfefe #Technology #Quantum #QM #Time #History #Mythology #Philosophy #Theology #Thought #Psy #AI #Transhumanism #Illusion #Reality #Consciousness #FreeWill #ArtHarder #Magick #DoNotObey #Control #Magic
19.5.2018 22:02AsAThought
201805alternately available at:…
#MESSage #Culture #Guber #Mente #2018 #DoNotObey #Government #FreeWill #Magick #Technology #SmartCity #IoT #Individual #Unity #AI #Thought #Philosophy #Sociology #Health #Psychology #Future #Security #TheMatrix #UnderstandingArchitecture #AcidAllStars #AcidAllStarsRecordings #CaveRaveRecordings #TheeHausOvWhere #ChurchOfSpace #HonorableProfitOG #RevRanD #A23P #MaxIgan #Crowhouse #Arts #FederationArtist #MyWork #OurWork #FederationArtists #Audio #Visual #MixedMedium #MultiMedia #ArtHarder #BeExcellentToEachOther MESSage 201805
19.5.2018 21:57MESSage201805