Retired middle school science teacher and computer coordinator * Weed/Wildflower Wednesday * Inktober
Under the influence of autumn winds, leaves have been spinning down from our front yard maple tree (surely along with "foreign" leaves). They swirl around the side of the house and find a quiet eddy at the "garden" near the back door.
The garden gnome is too cool to complain.
Dandelions need only a bit of warmth, some sun and water to establish themselves in the cracks between sidewalk slabs.
3.5.2024 11:11Dandelions need only a bit of warmth, some sun and water to establish themselves in the cracks between sidewalk slabs.
Spring brings human planted flowers AND self-planted weeds...
Some of us are more interested in the wild stuff (being lousy gardeners).
Today's plant is, I think, an image of ground ivy, _Glechoma_hederacea_
It is similar to a mint, with a square-shaped cross-section stem. Once it takes hold it is a very persistent weed
About the time of the first mow, here in New England, lawns often have a sprinkling of violets mixed with the eager blades of lawn grasses. The colors range widely from dark like these to almost white.
The leaves of the violet stay short, so while the first mow may slash off the flowers, the plants survive for next year.
#plants #weeds #wildflowers #botany #photography
Star of Bethlehem *Ornithogalum umbellatum*
A six-petaled perennial which has escaped from garden plantings, popping up in lawns. It is considered invasive, so, regarded as a weed more than a wildflower. The flowers have green stripes on the underside of each petal. The leaves are very grass-like and appear in tufts.
*Viola sp* is a common component of New England's spring lawns, especially not overly sunny ones.
5.5.2020 18:01*Viola sp* is a common component of New England's spring lawns, especially not overly sunny ones.
Whitlow grass *Draba verna* is a tiny flowering plant. The flowers are only a few millimeters wide. The petals are deeply cut, making it look like there are eight of them instead of the actual four petals. This plant is growing at the base of a Norway maple trunk. It is easy to mistake this for the more common chickweeds which also have tiny, deeply divided petals, but chickweed has five divided petals.
5.5.2020 17:54Whitlow grass *Draba verna* is a tiny flowering plant. The flowers are only a few millimeters wide. The petals are deeply cut, making it look like the...
Well, that's a wrap, for this year. I missed a few days, but was at conferences some days this month, and I'll make that my excuse!
1.11.2019 14:56Well, that's a wrap, for this year. I missed a few days, but was at conferences some days this month, and I'll make that my excuse!