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Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Winston Churchill
6.11.2024 18:43Sanity prevailsJust a quick cheatsheet-ish post as I figure out how to move my home server off nginx and onto caddy-docker-proxy, which I hope will make configuration easier in the long run. Figuring out what labels to attach to get Caddy to do what I want is a minor stumbling block. In this case, it’s working […]
25.10.2024 03:50Running a Collabora server behind caddy-docker-proxyOnly thing missing is the keyboard, though I threw some one-liners at it through the USB port, which shows up as a serial interface. This is a single-board computer that boots to a BASIC prompt, like the 8-bitters of ~40 years ago. It’s built around a Raspberry Pi Pico, produces VGA video output, and has […]
15.5.2024 04:09A quick little projectI’m looking to bring up my RC2014-compatible computer project, now that I’ve assembled the minimal set of boards to have a working computer (CPU board, RAM/ROM board, and serial I/O board). The toolchain to build software for these systems is z88dk. It has a non-standard build system, and it looks like getting it to build […]
3.5.2024 20:05z88dk: a quick way to get it runningAt work, I have an old HP ProLiant DL385p Gen8 that had been running VMware ESXi for over a decade. We’ve migrated VMs off of it onto newer servers, so it was sitting idle. Broadcom’s recent acquisition of VMware and their plans for the product (the end of perpetual licensing, in particular) prompted a search […]
28.3.2024 16:45Disabling RAID on HP Smart Array 420i controllersI’ve read the constitutions of a number of countries, including the Soviet Union’s. Now, some people are surprised to hear that they have a constitution, and it even supposedly grants a number of freedoms to its people. Many countries have written into their constitution provisions for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Well, if […]
7.3.2024 21:34Something to keep in mindOver the past couple of months, I’ve been migrating this site (and others) off of an older virtual server that ran Gentoo Linux onto a newer one running Alpine Linux and Docker. I have a pile of scripts that set up and maintain each service on the new server, and Ouroboros keeps most things up […]
22.2.2024 16:48Fun with the new serverThe last upgrade to Raspbian Raspberry Pi OS broke the WiFi connection to my 3D printer in an inconvenient way, as it runs headless with just a 4-pin power-and-UART connection. I’ve been having pretty good luck lately with Alpine Linux on various systems (including a Docker host and a cluster of Raspberry Pi 4s I […]
30.12.2023 05:18Cheatsheet: Raspberry Pi + Alpine Linux + OctoPrint8.12.2023 05:50Memes to think about
I had some electronic component models (obtained via easyeda2kicad) that I needed to convert to STEP so they’d show up when I brought a board using these models into FreeCAD with KicadStepUp. I tried doing the job in FreeCAD alone, but while WRL files are basically meshes (not too different in theory from STL files), […]
30.11.2023 17:47Cheatsheet: convert WRL to STEP with open-source toolsIt looks like only the subject and URL of the post are picked up by Woofer. Let's see what a reply posted there looks like in WordPress.
26.2.2016 11:34Comment on Is this thing on? by Scott AlfterIs this thing on? <a href="https://alfter.us/wp/2016/02/25/is-this-thing-on/" title="https://alfter.us/wp/2016/02/25/is-this-thing-on/" class="attachment" id="attachment-24" rel="nofollow external">https://alfter.us/wp/2016/02/25/is-this-thing-on/</a>
26.2.2016 11:30Comment on Is this thing on? by Scott AlfterChamberlain, like most of western Europe knew the horrors of the first world war, and was desparate not to repeat them. Hitler had no respect for Chamberlain and played him like a violin, making him wait hours until finally meeting with and telling him what they were going to agree to. Obama is simply looking for something to add to his "legacy." Giving Iran the bomb doesn't seem to me a good way to be remembered but I guess that's what he wants.
16.7.2015 03:49Comment on Far Worse Than Munich by Bill MorelandThe aforementioned "quick calculation?" <tt>(for i in `seq 2016 2099`; do date -d "13 Feb $i"; date -d "13 Mar $i"; done ) | grep Fri | awk '{print $6}' | uniq -d</tt>
13.3.2015 23:28Comment on On Friday the 13th by Scott AlfterGreat response. I should point out that I don't think I've ever written a letter in cursive. In fact, I don't think I've written anything but my name in cursive since I entered middle school. I know I couldn't do it now if I had to. But, I won't let that stop me from writing letters in the future. Thanks for reading and replying to my ONT! I always enjoy whatever feedback I get when I have a chance to do them.
2.10.2014 21:03Comment on On writing letters by Walt Gilbert[…] Scott’s Blog […]
13.9.2014 23:34Comment on Heh. by FMJRA 2.0: Not Now John : The Other McCain