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Tags: photographs
For about a year, I’ve been collecting vintage flood photography. So, what’s up with that? It’s an impulse that I haven’t really felt like examining. But let’s go for it…. I’d say it definitely has something to do with climate change. How could it not? Flooding—either due to sea level rise or increased precipitation—is what’s […]
9.3.2025 01:01What’s Up with Flood Photography?If you live in NE Wisconsin, don’t miss A Creative Place, currently on at the Trout Museum of Art in Appleton through May 18th. I’ve often said that one of the issues we have as a community is that we lack self-awareness. As cultural agents, so to speak, we know the stories we know. We […]
5.3.2025 23:44Perhaps the Most Important Art Exhibit in NE Wisconsin’s History, Maybe(Several weeks ago, The Real Zanetta on Bluesky posted a graphic with a sobering list of incidents of mass violence against Black people throughout American history. I took it as an assignment and picked one to reflect on.) The Situation The first thing I didn’t know (but wasn’t surprised by) was that the State of […]
25.2.2025 02:22My Black History Month Homework: the Cincinnati Riot of 1829[…] and photographer who is a former student of Warpinski’s. Krumpos (whom we’ve mentioned here) is a printmaker, shadow puppeteer, and proprietor of Yonder Artland, a studio and gallery in […]
23.1.2025 02:36Comment on A Krampus, a Krumpos, and Whatever the Opposite of Virality Is by Making the Rounds on a Saturday Afternoon in Green Bay – Alex GaltThis post is here as a testament to the fact that in the year 2024 (I forgot to hit publish on this post), with a little forethought, one can have a very satisfying afternoon out making the rounds of art galleries. Green Bay has not always been the kind of place where one could spend […]
23.1.2025 02:36Making the Rounds on a Saturday Afternoon in Green BayBaird Creek I-III, Wisconsin, 2023
14.9.2024 09:46Three photos from last FallSome of the most interesting musicians were just a little out of phase with their generation. Ira Kaplan of Yo La Tengo was born in 1957, nearly a decade prior to Pavement’s Stephen Malkmus. Get this: Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth is older than Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols. She rose from the underground […]
8.9.2024 00:39Musicians Out of Phase, or “Redshirting”I can think of three ways I’ve left my mark on the built environment of Green Bay. This is the first. The summer after high school graduation, I took a job working for the Green Bay Press-Gazette. It wasn’t a cool job. I wasn’t a “copy boy,’ a ”cub reporter,’ or anything of that nature. […]
18.8.2024 23:02Urban Intervention No. 1 (1993)(This was in regards to the April election, which was the Presidential primary and a host of local elections). There isn’t an actual photo for this post because I wasn’t allowed to take any.* Since 2020, I’ve served as a Poll Observer for the Wisconsin Democratic Party’s Voter Protection Program. It’s been a way that […]
18.8.2024 22:29Central Count, Green Bay, Wis. Spring Election 2024(Update: Done.) I don’t think I made my intentions plain here on the site, but I had intended to post at least once a week over the course of 2024. That was my goal. Yet the site went silent by the middle of February! The reason for that was I began work on my Capstone […]
28.6.2024 19:48Mid-Year Update, Very Nearly Done with Graduate School (Just Need Another Hour or So), New Job, etc.In reply to <a href="https://alexgalt.com/2024/01/29/photographic-tendencies-of-2023/comment-page-1/#comment-66">Dave Whenham</a>. Thank! It's basically all I think about at this point, I'm pretty obsessed with it. My Fuji digital only really sees use scanning negatives these days. There's still a lot that I want to do with it though, printing is the next project on the docket.
9.2.2024 12:55Comment on Photographic Tendencies of 2023 by Alex GaltGood luck as you continue your film revival. I use film for 95% of my photography these days and find it far more frustrating than digital but infinitely more rewarding. Have fun!
9.2.2024 12:07Comment on Photographic Tendencies of 2023 by Dave Whenham[…] think that my grandpa (whom I’ve mentioned here), was a member of the last generation that was capable of comprehending most of the technology they […]
8.2.2024 22:38Comment on Wendell Didone, Free Font by The Way of Graph Paper, a Mechanical Pencil, and the Scrap Heap – Alex Galt(Tony and Wendell Galt, 1980s. Photo likely taken by Janice Galt. I can imagine the photos I’d want to illustrate this essay, but I don’t have them.) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain is a book I’ve thought about a lot over the years. The main character travels back in time […]
8.2.2024 22:38The Way of Graph Paper, a Mechanical Pencil, and the Scrap Heap[…] I felt a little less enthused about rifling through 2023’s cultural production. It was a busy year, for one thing. Our business required a lot from us this past year and I expect that will be true of 2024 as well. It takes a certain amount of attention and care to seek out new things, which is why very few people my age (49!) seem to bother. I’ve long since decided not to discuss politics on this website, so I’ll just say that I often took comfort in the familiar last year. That would be another factor. So when I looked at the music I ‘added’ to my Apple Music ‘library‘ or purchased on vinyl, there wasn’t much there to sort through. (Here are the previous lists that I’ve made: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.) […]
2.2.2024 01:48Comment on 2022, My Year in Listening and Reading by 2023, My Year in Listening and Reading – Alex Galt[…] much there to sort through. (Here are the previous lists that I’ve made: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and […]
2.2.2024 01:48Comment on 2021, My Year in Listening, Reading, and Seeing by 2023, My Year in Listening and Reading – Alex Galt[…] much there to sort through. (Here are the previous lists that I’ve made: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and […]
2.2.2024 01:48Comment on 2020, My Year in Listening by 2023, My Year in Listening and Reading – Alex Galt[…] wasn’t much there to sort through. (Here are the previous lists that I’ve made: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and […]
2.2.2024 01:48Comment on 2019, My Year in Listening by 2023, My Year in Listening and Reading – Alex Galt[…] there wasn’t much there to sort through. (Here are the previous lists that I’ve made: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and […]
2.2.2024 01:48Comment on Favorite Records of 2018 by 2023, My Year in Listening and Reading – Alex Galt[…] you refer to my 2022 photographic recap, you’ll see that I was feeling pretty ruminative. “Street photography”—the […]
30.1.2024 00:16Comment on 2022, My Year with Photography by Photographic Tendencies of 2023 – Alex Galt