I like computers, bicycles, cats, dogs and talking to people from all walks of life. On this account I write in English and I also have account in Russian: [url=https://friends.deko.cloud/profile/shuro]shuro@friends.deko.cloud[/url] - if you post in Russian please add that one instead. You can contact me on XMPP address below which also accepts email and Delta Chat.
Today WHO announced end to COVID-19 as global health emergency. The announcement itself is not very important as we all felt this way for a little while but I think this day should be marked in our calendars. So we can see it in a few years and remember the #DaysOfCorona
That feeling of danger and uncertainty. Closed shops and empty streets. The global race for cure and how it turned into the vaccine war. Governments readily turning to draconian measures and violating their citizens' rights. Also people (educated people from developed countries) readily trusting untested substances and treatments or not trusting even basics of medicine and seeing mind control in vaccines and nanoworms in masks.
Many, many more things we saw in these three years. But almost all of them resulting in social conflicts and division of people, sometimes in really ugly ways. We all talked how the virus caused cytokine storm in its victims turning their immune system against their own bodies. The most of us missed the real cytokine storm happening all around us - with us being the cells going haywire or just trying to survive.
Some day we will want to talk about it.
5.5.2023 17:48Today WHO announced end to COVID-19 as global health emergency. The announcement itself is not very ...I watched something on YouTube and then exited to main screen. There were some "shorts" YouTube offered me to watch.
One was about girl in short dress and long socks doing shuffle dance (very cute), one was how to fix furniture hinges (in absolutely the most barbaric way imaginable) and one was showing a high caliber mortar loaded and fired.
From background voices it was clear the mortar video was shot in Ukraine but unclear on which side. So the comments came from both and generally divided into two types: "Yeah, pound these motherfuckers!" and "Yes, this thing can really fuck things up!"
One was different though. It came from someone with name written in Arabic language and it said: "The loader's blood drips on the projectile. This war is just crap like every other one."
At first I thought it was some allegory but then the video looped and I saw it. As the humongous shell was loaded several large drops of blood fell on it.
The following satisfying blast of the shell departing made it easy to overlook this but the guy with the Arabic name saw it. I wondered where that person came from. Syria? Iraq? Afghanistan? But it felt like out of hundreds of commenters this person really knew what the war was.
18.4.2023 11:41I watched something on YouTube and then exited to main screen. There were some "shorts" YouTube offe...New Year Night 2023 in City-17 (no, actually it is Moscow)
#Moscow #MeanwhileInRussia #Москва #alshr
1.1.2023 11:13Deko Friends | Media11th massive missle attack on December 31
13th massive drone attack at New Year's night.
They could do shelling in any another day, but decided to destroy the celebration for Ukrainian people.
When Russia started destroying critical infrastructure there was a "stopping Ukrainian army" argument. It didn't look plausible due to army supply scheme but existed.
Now I can't see any argument against them being on war with Ukrainian people. No any.
1.1.2023 10:3911th massive missle attack on December 31There was one thing about 2022 I couldn't shake off - it was the year of postirony. Before that some things in the world and especially certain parts of it were mostly steadily going to shit and some other things were getting better - but it was obvious. This is bad. This is good. This is just stupid. This trend goes here, that one goes there.
The most of 2022 I was overwhelmed with the feeling "What the fuck this is? Is this for real? Is this for serious?"
From the senseless war missing both goal and means, the following events and to little insignificant things like "farmers expressed their support for the army by aligning their cattle in shape of Z" - it all just seemed either missing sense or implying some twisted one and it was impossible to tell which is which.
#HappyNewYear2023 And #Fuck2022 I guess.
31.12.2022 17:53There was one thing about 2022 I couldn't shake off - it was the year of postirony. Before that some...♻️ [2022-12-01 01:18] Кибераутизм:
Projected pedestrian crossing somewhere in Russia.
#BraveNewWorld #ПрекрасноеНастоящее #alshr
15.12.2022 06:48♻️ [2022-12-01 01:18] Кибераутизм:A few weeks ago, I published a call for help to work on Friendica.
Since then, two people have distinguished themselves, @Marek Bachmann :friendica: and @Grischa. Both of them picked a small feature of Friendica and took on themselves to improve it.
Ok, they kind of picked the same feature (the display of images in posts) and now their respective work is interfering with each others on the RC branch, but STILL.
I've now marked several issues as Junior Jobs, many of which don't even necessitate to know PHP to fix. It's time for you to step in and be the hero!
#FLOSS #OpenSource #Development #HelpWanted
14.12.2022 13:45New contributor spotlightOld Moscow subway map I found. Late USSR. Notable shops listed next to the stations - "Wallpapers", "Car parts" and such.
#Moscow #history #Москва #ностальгия #alshr
13.12.2022 21:57Old Moscow subway map I found. Late USSR. Notable shops listed next to the stations - "Wallpapers", ...Beautiful Elsass
#mywork #photography #photographie #photo #foto #travel #colours #elsass