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📎إقتبـــquoteـــاس 🖋📜 – A flower from every garden to make our lives blossom and to help us through the hardships of life and to be a treasure for us after death. We ask God for a good ending.

مرحبًا بك في موقعك الجديد. ابدأ بتحديث صورة الغلافة أو إضافة بعض المحتوى الجديد. تعرف على المزيد Whatever is right is from God alone, and whatever is wrong is from myself and Satan, and God and His Messenger are innocent of it. ما كان من صواب فمن الله وحده وما كان من خطأ فمن نفسي…

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Ramadan is full of joy and a desired change

هل تؤمن بالخرافات؟ Ramadan is full of joy and a desired change Praise be to Allah, who made the month of Ramadan the master of months, and multiplied good deeds and rewards in it. I praise Him and thank Him, for He is the Forgiving, the Appreciative. I bear witness that there is no godمتابعة قراءة "Ramadan is full of joy and a desired change"

13.3.2025 05:14Ramadan is full of joy and a desired change

Rabat for the sake of Allah

The Imam, may God have mercy on him, said: We do not have any righteous deeds that are equal to jihad, conquest, and guarding the borders. Rather, it was reported from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, that a day in guarding the borders is equal to a thousand years in other than them.

13.3.2025 04:55Rabat for the sake of Allah

Learning by repetition

((The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, repeated the prohibition of false speech, because false speech and false testimony cause harm to the individual himself and to society, which may cause the loss of people’s rights, which results in hatred and malice, and consequently leads to the disintegration of society.))

12.3.2025 05:41Learning by repetition

The Prophet’s guidance in dealing with young people

  Here he directs him directly and draws his attention to what he will remember by saying: “I will teach you words,” then he begins to direct him after the motivation.  

12.3.2025 05:32The Prophet’s guidance in dealing with young people

He pinned his hope on God, who is capable of everything.

“Let none of you die except while having good thoughts about Allah, the Almighty and Majestic.”

12.3.2025 05:18He pinned his hope on God, who is capable of everything.

Good opinion of God Almighty

The meaning of having good thoughts about God Almighty: trust in God, reliance on Him, contentment with His decrees, submission to His plans, reassurance in His actions, and tranquility with His rulings.

12.3.2025 05:09Good opinion of God Almighty

Hope for the mercy of God and good opinion of Him

One of the reasons for entering Paradise is that the servant should have good thoughts about God Almighty. Whoever has good thoughts about his Lord has attained a great level of closeness to Him - Glory be to Him -

12.3.2025 04:31Hope for the mercy of God and good opinion of Him

Réfutant la doctrine du salut….

Dieu Tout-Puissant est le SEUL Sauveur : [Jude 1 :25], [Deutéronome 32:15], [2 Samuel 22:3], [2 Samuel 22:47], [1Chroniques 16:35], [Psaumes 17: 7], [Psaumes 18:46], [Psaumes 24: 5], [Psaumes 25: 5], [Psaumes 27: 9], [Psaumes 38:22], [Psaumes 42: 5], [Psaumes 42:11], [Psaumes 43: 5] , [Psaumes 65: 5], [Psaumes 68:19], [Psaumes 79: 9], [Psaumes 85: 4], [Psaumes 89:26], [Psaumes 106: 21], [Esaïe 17:10], [Esaïe 19:20], [Esaïe 43: 3], [Esaïe 43:11], [Esaïe 45:15], [Esaïe 45: 21-22], [Esaïe 49:26], [Esaïe 60:16] [Jérémie 14: 8], [Osée 13: 4], [Michée 7: 7], [Habacuc 3:18].

8.3.2025 17:17Réfutant la doctrine du salut….

Paul est le vrai fondateur du christianisme

Parmi les autres pratiques adoptées en vertu de Paul, citons les suivantes: le soleil romain comme le sabbat chrétien, l'anniversaire traditionnel du dieu-soleil comme l'anniversaire de Jésus, l'emblème du dieu-soleil (la croix de lumière) comme l'emblème des chrétiens et l'incorporation de toutes les cérémonies célébrées lors des célébrations de l'anniversaire du dieu-soleil.

8.3.2025 16:59Paul est le vrai fondateur du christianisme

Est-ce les musulmans font le Baptême ?

Comme tous les autres prophètes d'Allah, Jésus (paix et la bénédiction soient sur lui) s'est également lavé pour se purifier. En son temps, Yahya (Jean, le Baptiste) appelait les gens à se repentir et à se purifier dans le Jourdain.

8.3.2025 16:47Est-ce les musulmans font le Baptême ?

تعليق على Proof of the truth and the destruction of falsehood بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

Wonderful ♥

2.3.2025 07:36تعليق على Proof of the truth and the destruction of falsehood بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

تعليق على There is no piety like the palm بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

Wonderful ♥

26.2.2025 10:07تعليق على There is no piety like the palm بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

تعليق على When worship becomes a habit بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

Wonderful ♥

26.2.2025 10:06تعليق على When worship becomes a habit بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

تعليق على Patience: Its Source and Causes بواسطة Billionaires First Choice

Great 😊

24.2.2025 13:00تعليق على Patience: Its Source and Causes بواسطة Billionaires First Choice

تعليق على patience بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

Wonderful ♥

24.2.2025 11:46تعليق على patience بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

تعليق على Patience: Its Source and Causes بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

Wonderful ♥

24.2.2025 11:45تعليق على Patience: Its Source and Causes بواسطة Caleb Cheruiyot

تعليق على Attraction of thoughts and emotions بواسطة @1942dicle

All emotions are produced by the hundreds of different kinds of hormones that Homo Sapiens' brains have. All we have to do is navigate through them safely and happily.

11.2.2025 16:05تعليق على Attraction of thoughts and emotions بواسطة @1942dicle

تعليق على The truth of faith بواسطة The truth of faith – newsworld2505

[…] The truth of faith […]

24.1.2025 09:42تعليق على The truth of faith بواسطة The truth of faith – newsworld2505

تعليق على {So he called upon his Lord, “Indeed, I am overcome, so help.”} بواسطة {So he called upon his Lord, “Indeed, I am overcome, so help.”} – Try...

[…] {So he called upon his Lord, “Indeed, I am overcome, so help.”} […]

23.1.2025 16:52تعليق على {So he called upon his Lord, “Indeed, I am overcome, so help.”} بواسطة {So he called upon his Lord, “Indeed, I am overcome, so help.”} – Try...

تعليق على Women in Islam بواسطة Cadeegirl Gee

Yes! Beautiful.

22.1.2025 21:06تعليق على Women in Islam بواسطة Cadeegirl Gee


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