Fantasy author, friend to dragons and cats. I blog a lighthearted take on the (unpublished) fantasy writer's life, with plenty of cats, dragons, and bad advice, at [url=][/url] I also enjoy coffee, pretty photos, plants, and squirrels (but not all to eat). [Avatar picture: A side-on view of a woman's head. She wears a brown sunhat that covers the top half of her face.] [url=]#writing[/url] [url=]#AmWriting[/url] [url=]#AmWritingFantasy[/url] [url=]#WritingCommunity[/url] [url=]#writer[/url] [url=]#fantasy[/url] [url=]#cats[/url] [url=]#WritersLife[/url] [url=]#blogging[/url] [url=]#humor[/url]
Tags: amwriting amwritingfantasy blogging cats fantasy humor writer writerslife writing writingcommunity