Looking to apply for a personal loan but don’t know what is your credit score? Don’t worry as now you can check credit score for free at Clix Capital. Just enter a few details about yourself like your name, mobile number, email, pin code, etc. and get the most accurate credit score with a matter of seconds.
A small business loan can serve as a great source of funds to an SME. If you are considering expanding your business or need funds to meet your day-to-day expenses, apply for a small business loan from Clix Capital now and take advantage of our competitive interest rates, flexible loan tenure, and hassle-free application and approval procedures.
Business owners often take business loans to increase their profitability and expand their business. In fact, without necessary funds for growth, a business stays at a stand-still and may show no scope for growth. Even if your business is doing well and you are in no financial crunch, you can still apply for a business loan and use the finance for a variety of reasons.
It’s essential to pay off your debts first, lower this ratio, and then apply for a business loan. Apart from this, consider improving your business’s credit score by paying your bills on time and maintaining a good credit history. So, if you are a business holder and looking to develop or enhance your working capital, complete the business loan application online process with Clix Capital, and have your ends meet.
Owning a business can be lucrative, but you need to make the necessary expenses to stand out against the competition. Using a small business loan of ₹ 5 to 50 lakhs from Clix Capital, you can meet your business’s goals and expand your empire. So, apply for a business loan now and fund your business growth.
You can maintain discipline in your EMI payments and get debt-free quicker with the right attitude and thinking skills. If you think you are ready to apply for a business loan with a robust repayment plan, get in touch with Clix Capital today and know your options. At competitive interest rates, we offer unsecured business loans of ₹ 5 to 50 lakhs.
Are you looking for a small business loan to meet your working capital needs? You can apply for a business loan from Clix Capital. We offer SME loans of ₹ 5 to 50 lakhs at competitive interest rates with flexible repayment tenure. You can use your working capital loan to cover your day-to-day expenses and let your business grow over time.
If you plan to apply for a home loan, personal loan, or business loan, having a high credit score is of the essence. However, don’t be fooled by the misconceptions making rounds among people. Check your credit score online and see where you stand. If you need to improve it, stay away from these misconceptions and create an action plan with useful information given above.
It may take a few months to improve your credit score depending on your individual situation. All you need is discipline, patience, and diligence while taking a loan or spending your money. Once you achieve an Experian credit score of 725 or above, you can apply for a personal loan, home loan, or business loan at Clix Capital and get the required funds to cover your expenses.
With the budgeting tips mentioned above, you can gain control over your finances and improve your credit score in 2021. Click here to check your credit score and know where you stand. Once your reach a high credit score, you can avail a home loan, personal loan, or business loan from Clix Capital and manage your planned or unplanned expenses without worrying about the finances.
Your credit score is a 3-digit rating between 300-900 that is computed by several credit bureaus in India. Your credit score is a window to let lenders know of your creditworthiness. The score is calculated taking into account your previous debt repayment history, the average age of your credit and loan accounts, type of loan accounts held, any loan default incidents, and more.