Curator at the Nottingham Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall, UK Palaeontologist working on marine reptiles, especially plesiosaurs Children’s author: The Plesiosaur's Neck & The Tyrannosaur's Feathers Owner of the Dinosaur, Animal, and Monster Toy Blog websites & the Plesiosaur Directory website. Spina bifida and IBS sufferer [url=]#curator[/url] [url=]#NottNatHist[/url] [url=]#WollatonHall[/url] [url=]#Nottingham[/url] [url=]#NaturalHistory[/url] [url=]#plesiosaur[/url] [url=]#paleontology[/url] [url=]#author[/url] [url=]#dinosaur[/url] [url=]#Animal[/url] [url=]#DinoToyBlog[/url] [url=]#animal[/url] [url=]#AnimalToyBlog[/url] [url=]#IBS[/url]
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Tags: animal animaltoyblog author curator dinosaur dinotoyblog ibs naturalhistory nottingham nottnathist paleontology plesiosaur wollatonhall