Trail Athletes is a sled dog racing team consisting 20 Alaskan Huskies and a human. We participate in long distance races in Scandinavia. Wilderness guide in [url=]#Norway[/url] [url=]#Finland[/url] and [url=]#Hungary[/url]. Long time dog musher and free/libre software enthusiast. [url=]#FinnoUgrian[/url] [url=]#magyar[/url] loving [url=]#Sapmi[/url] and [url=]#LavvuLiving[/url] [url=]#fedi22[/url] [url=]#Conservation[/url] [url=]#ClimateAction[/url] [url=]#Decentralization[/url] [url=]#Decolonization[/url] [url=]#GNU[/url] [url=]#Linux[/url] [url=]#Debian[/url] [url=]#UserFreedom[/url], choice of IM [url=]#DeltaChat[/url]
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Tags: climateaction conservation debian decentralization decolonization deltachat fedi22 finland finnougrian gnu hungary lavvuliving linux magyar norway sapmi userfreedom