Hobby wildlife photographer from Brisbane Australia. Capturing the wild side of life... #fedi22
Australian Brush-Turkey - Alectura lathami
The Australian Brush-turkey can sometimes damage gardens when raking up the ground looking for food. Their chicks hatch fully feathered and can fly within a few hours.
The Australian Brush-turkey has mainly blackish plumage with pale scalloping on its underparts, a bare red head, yellow throat wattle (mauve in Cape York Peninsula birds) and laterally flattened tail. It has large, strong feet.
At 70 cm in length, and weighing around 2.3kg, it is the largest of Australia’s three megapodes (mound-building birds).
The Australian Brush-turkey is not easily confused with any other Australian bird. The Australian Brush-turkey is a large, ground-dwelling bird with black-brown plumage, a bald, red head and a yellow neck pouch (or wattle). (Text Source: BirdLife Australia)
My passion is wildlife photography, and I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is. Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival. There is an abundance of scientific reports telling us that the rate of extinction is alarming. More and more fauna and flora are going to disappear. With my wildlife photography, I hope to showcase a fraction of animals before they are gone. Only what you know, you will love and protect…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #birds #bushturkey #australia #photography
Gasteruptiid Wasps - Gasteruptiidae spp
The propleura form an elongated "neck", the petiole is attached very high on the propodeum, and the hind tibiae are swollen and club-like. The females commonly have a long ovipositor (except in the genus Pseudofoenus), and lay eggs in the nests of solitary bees and wasps, where their larvae prey upon the host eggs, larvae and provisions.
The absence of "teeth" on the crown of the head and the somewhat thickened antennae readily separate these wasps from those in the unrelated family Stephanidae, which also contains very slender wasps with long necks. (Text Source: iNaturalist)
My passion is wildlife photography and every day I will showcase one animal in my feed. I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is.
Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival.
Unfortunately, humans have wiped out on average 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970 a recent study finds. With my wildlife photo a day, I hope to showcase a fraction of them before they are gone…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #insects #gasteruptiidwasp #australia #photography
Figbird - Sphecotheres viridis
Figbirds are part of a worldwide family that includes the orioles, of which Australia has two other members (the Yellow and Olive-backed Orioles). Figbirds have a blackish bill, which easily distinguishes the species from the similar Olive-backed Oriole, which has a reddish bill. Both of the Australian orioles also lack the Figbird’s bare-eye skin and have red eyes (adults). The Figbird tends to be more gregarious than either of the orioles, living semi-colonially. The Figbird nests in small, semi-colonial groups, with nests often quite close together.
Male Australasian Figbirds have bare, red skin around a dark eye, contrasting against a black crown and grey neck and throat. The remainder of the body is olive-green, except for a white under-tail area. Females have grey skin around the eye and lack distinctive head markings. They are brown-green above and dull-white below, streaked with brown. Both sexes have a blackish bill. There are two distinct colour forms of the males of this species. Males north of Proserpine in Queensland have a yellow front. (Text Source: BirdLife Australia)
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #figbird #australia #photography
Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo
The Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) is a species of eagle-owl, a type of bird that resides in much of Eurasia. It is also called the Uhu, and it is occasionally abbreviated to just the eagle-owl in Europe and Asia.
It is one of the largest species of owl. Females can grow to a total length of 75 cm (30 in), with a wingspan of 188 centimetres (6 feet 2 inches). Males are slightly smaller. This bird has distinctive ear tufts, with upper parts that are mottled with darker blackish colouring and tawny. The wings and tail are barred. The underparts are a variably hued buff, streaked with darker colouring. The facial disc is not very defined. The orange eyes are distinctive. At least 12 subspecies of the Eurasian eagle-owl are described.
Eurasian eagle-owls are found in many habitats; mostly mountainous and rocky areas, often near varied woodland edge and near shrubby areas with openings or wetlands. They also inhabit coniferous forests, steppes, and remote areas. Occasionally, they are found in farmland and in park-like settings in European and Asian cities and, very rarely, in busier urban areas.
The eagle-owl is mostly a nocturnal predator. Predominantly, they hunt small mammals, such as rodents and rabbits, but also birds and larger mammals. Secondary prey include reptiles, amphibians, fish, large insects, and invertebrates.
The species typically breeds on cliff ledges, in gullies, among rocks, and in other concealed locations. The nest is a scrape containing a clutch of 2–4 eggs, typically, which are laid at intervals and hatch at different times. The female incubates the eggs and broods the young. The male brings food for her and for the nestlings. Continuing parental care for the young is provided by both adults for about five months. (Text Source: Wikipedia)
#wildlifephotography #animals #conservation #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #bird #eurasianeagleowl #europe
Brown Thornbill - Acanthiza pusilla
The Brown Thornbill is a small bird, but is one of the medium-sized and more common of the thornbills. It has olive-brown to grey upper parts, with a warm reddish-brown forehead scalloped with paler markings. The rump has a reddish-brown patch, the tail is grey-brown with a black band and a pale tip, and the underparts are off-white, streaked blackish on the chin, throat and chest. The eye is dark red. The sexes are similar and young birds are only slightly different to adults, with a duller eye. (Text Source: Australian Museum)
My passion is wildlife photography, and I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is. Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival. There is an abundance of scientific reports telling us that the rate of extinction is alarming. More and more fauna and flora are going to disappear. With my wildlife photography, I hope to showcase a fraction of animals before they are gone. Only what you know, you will love and protect…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #birds #brownthornbill #australia #photography
Madagascar girdled lizard - Zonosaurus madagascariensis
The Madagascar girdled lizard or Madagascar plated lizard (Zonosaurus madagascariensis) is a species of lizard in the family Gerrhosauridae. It is found in Madagascar, some outlying islands (Nosy Be and the nearby islands; Grande Glorieuse) and the Seychelles (Cosmoledo). This generally common lizard is found in a range of habitat types, including open and degraded humid forest at mid and low altitudes. It also occurs in plantations. On Cosmoledo, it occurs in open shrubland. This oviparous lizard grows to 30 cm (12 in) total length. (Text Source: Wikipedia)
My passion is wildlife photography and every day I will showcase one animal in my feed. I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is.
Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival.
Unfortunately, humans have wiped out on average 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970 a recent study finds. With my wildlife photo a day, I hope to showcase a fraction of them before they are gone…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #reptile #girdledlizard #africa #madagascar #photography
Eastern Spinebill - Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
The Eastern Spinebill is most easily recognised by its very long, fine, down-curved beak and energetic flight, during which its white outer tail feathers are prominent. Males have a grey-black crown which extends in a black line on either site of the breast. The breast and throat are white, with a rufous patch in the centre of the throat. The wings and lower back are dark grey and the underparts and upper back are buff.
Females are similar to males, but have less distinct markings.
My passion is wildlife photography, and I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is. Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival. There is an abundance of scientific reports telling us that the rate of extinction is alarming. More and more fauna and flora are going to disappear. With my wildlife photography, I hope to showcase a fraction of animals before they are gone. Only what you know, you will love and protect…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #birds #easternspinebill #australia #photography
Fire-tailed Resin Bee - Megachile Callomegachile mystaceana
A fire-tailed resin bee approaching our insect hotel with resin to build a nest in one of the hollows. Megachile mystaceana, the fire-tailed resin bee, is a species of bee in the family Megachilidae. It was described by Charles Duncan Michener in 1962.
My passion is wildlife photography and every day I will showcase one animal in my feed. I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is.
Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival.
Unfortunately, humans have wiped out on average 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970 a recent study finds. With my wildlife photo a day, I hope to showcase a fraction of them before they are gone…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #insects #firetailedresinbee #australia #photography
Buff-banded Rail - Gallirallus philippensis
The buff-banded rail (Hypotaenidia philippensis) is a distinctively coloured, highly dispersive, medium-sized rail of the rail family, Rallidae. This species comprises several subspecies found throughout much of Australasia and the south-west Pacific region, including the Philippines (where it is known as tikling), New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand (where it is known as the banded rail, or Moho-pererū in Māori), and numerous smaller islands, covering a range of latitudes from the tropics to the subantarctic. (Text Source: Wikipedia)
My passion is wildlife photography, and I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is. Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival. There is an abundance of scientific reports telling us that the rate of extinction is alarming. More and more fauna and flora are going to disappear. With my wildlife photography, I hope to showcase a fraction of animals before they are gone. Only what you know, you will love and protect…
#wildlifephotography #wild #animals #wildlifeplanet #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #birds #buffbandedrail #australia #photography
Madagascar giant day gecko - Phelsuma grandis
Phelsuma grandis is a diurnal arboreal species of day gecko. These geckos are part of the Phelsuma group, which consists of in excess of 70 species and subspecies. They are commonly referred to as the Madagascar giant day gecko, due to their large size. They are native to areas of tropical and subtropical forest in northern Madagascar, but have been introduced to several other subtropical locations outside their range. P. grandis feeds on various invertebrates, very small vertebrates, and nectar. It is bred and sold as an exotic pet. (Text Source: Wikipedia)
My passion is wildlife photography and every day I will showcase one animal in my feed. I hope I can bring the beauty of nature into your home and show how amazing nature is.
Every single animal needs our protection, as they all play an important part in our survival.
Unfortunately, humans have wiped out on average 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970 a recent study finds. With my wildlife photo a day, I hope to showcase a fraction of them before they are gone…
#wildlifephotography #wild #conservation #natgeowild #wildlifeonearth #wildlife #wildlifephoto #biodiversity #environment #wildlifelovers #spohrphotography #reptile #daygecko #madagascar