I'm Chris Paton, an Irish/Scottish genealogist/sloinntear [url=https://scotlandsgreateststory.wordpress.com]https://scotlandsgreateststory.wordpress.com[/url] from Carrickfergus, now based Ayrshire, author, blogger (Scottish GENES: Genealogy News & Events [url=https://ScottishGenes.blogspot.com]https://ScottishGenes.blogspot.com[/url]) PharosTutors tutor, member of the APG (also its eNews editor), a story addict, & an ex-BBC/STV documentary maker. Gàidhlig learner - 'S fheàrr Gàidhlig bhriste na Gàidhlig sa chiste! (Cleachd i no caill i!) It has to be Laphroaig or Connemara - & Troughton was the best Doctor!
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Tags: ayrshire carrickfergus connemara documentary genealogist genealogy laphroaig pharostutors scottish sloinntear troughton