Formerly TrollishDragon on Twitter
I'm Perth, a 40 year old [url=]#autistic[/url] [url=]#trans[/url] woman [url=]#system[/url] living in [url=]#hamont[/url]
I mostly post about trans stuff, [url=]#disability[/url] justice, [url=]#labour[/url] rights, and [url=]#math[/url].
I'm [url=]#union[/url] strong, an [url=]#odsp[/url] survivor, and an [url=]#aunt[/url] to many in my biofam and queerfam.
In my working days, I'm a [url=]#civilengineering[/url] technologist and [url=]#college[/url] faculty.
Nice to meet you. I follow back if you interact with my content.
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