I'm Lizzy, from Germany. I'm a bookbinder - nowadays just for the fun of it. Studied literature, became a social media manager, but that's no fun any more. I'm keeping my memories here and my passion. If you'd like to know more, follow the blog link.
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Tags: bookbinder literature memories nowadays
"Did you catch the drummer?!" - "Nope, only the cymbals."
When still shooting for my BF's tiny booking agency, I remember the night, when our friend and professional photographer cast me a questioning glance from the other side of the stage. We both didn't make it to catch Tony's swift moves.
Ode to an artist and friend: Gabriel. A friend pushes you to learn and explore - he brought me back to study (social media management). A friend is connected to you, even if you meet only once or twice a year, and who can read in your text messages that you're not OK. Somebody who rings you up then:"whatever it is, I'm here to listen." And whom you give back encouragement, and skills needed, because you see the gift and artistry the world should know.
I can't say that I know exactly what I'm doing with my camera, but sometimes I catch a moment like this: taken 2019 at the #HamburgMetalDayz a moment of focus and tension, not aware of the lens.
#metalmusic #metalmusician #powermetal #concertphotography #concertphoto
# powermetalband: #Tragedian
Same #poppy, different #watercolourpaper. #notes for my #sketchbook:
1. #hotpresswatercolourpaper: no absorption, nice mixing wet colours on paper, sharp outlines possible.
2. #coldpresswatercolourpaper: partial absorption of water - and colour, to get various colour shades it's better to work wet on dried colour. More blurring than NR. 1, not as much control as NR. 3 & 4
3. #sugarcanewatercolorpaper: nice absorption, paper stays wet but not soaked, so it's possible to get different shades mixed on paper while working wet in wet.
4. #archesgrainfin: definitely the best control of water and colour flow.
Note to myself: should practise more with NR. 4.
If not bookbinding or DIY, go out and collect some berries with the camera.
This time I caught the spirit of autum.
#autumnvibes #herbststimmung #eibe #yewberries #blackberries #brombeeren #ilexberry #ilexbeeren
One of the last books I made before giving up 2014. After getting back to my passion in 2023 I thought this one is a good symbol for a new lit fire. So I started my blog with this one leading to my story.
#bookbinding #buchbinden