[url=https://hessen.social/tags/Nature]#Nature[/url] photographer 📷 and probably the most unimportant person on [url=https://hessen.social/tags/earth]#earth[/url] 🌍 - fled capitalism on twitter 🐦, now here 🐘. [url=https://hessen.social/tags/Klimaterrorist]#Klimaterrorist[/url]
Born at 330 ppm of [url=https://hessen.social/tags/CO2]#CO2[/url] in 🇩🇪 / Hessen
hate fascism :nonazis: and other environmental pollution 🚯
have tried to live without a cat 🐾, is pointless 😐
...all we have to DECIDE is WHAT TO DO with the time that is given to us.
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