Farm Broadcaster covering Missouri and Kansas, [url=]#QuizBowl[/url] fanatic, dad, husband, [url=]#TrumanState[/url] alum, [url=]#KansasCity[/url] native ([url=]#KCNorth[/url]/ [url=]#LibertyMO[/url]), avid backer of many local sports teams (namely [url=]#SportingKC[/url] [url=]#Chiefs[/url] [url=]#KCCurrent[/url] [url=]#KCRoyals[/url] [url=]#STLBlues[/url] [url=]#Mizzou[/url]) *Personal Account* My posts here are only indicative of my thoughts and do not necessarily reflect opinions or positions of any entities I'm associated with.
Tags: chiefs kansascity kccurrent kcnorth kcroyals libertymo mizzou quizbowl sportingkc stlblues trumanstate