[url=]#ICT[/url] Requirements for [url=]#Renewable[/url] [url=]#Energy[/url]. Born at 318 CO2 ppm. Based in NL.
Working on [url=]#privacy[/url] for real time aggregation of [url=]#smart[/url] [url=]#meter[/url] values. The open source program code is here: [url=][/url]
[url=]#SelfHosting[/url] [url=]#RustLang[/url] 🦀, [url=]#python[/url]. Long term goal: fully de-aggregate balance responsibility.
Sailor, energy coach, cyclist. Flies only electric. Former diver, former pianist.
Photo: man with high forehead and grey hair.
Header image: climate stripes 2024 by KNMI
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