Authentic & Affirmed Happy Progressive Socialist yeoman, aspiring to be like the late contrarian Christopher Hitchens I'm here for ideas, positive vibes, worthless information, occasional shitposting, but I have NO goats & definitely am NOT judgmental, so I enrich all with frequent typos to see if you're paying attention! [url=]#RuralLiving[/url] [url=]#Colorado[/url] [url=]#Privacy[/url] [url=]#Tech[/url] [url=]#PredatorCapitalism[/url] [url=]#Writing[/url] [url=]#Dogs[/url] [url=]#Equality[/url] [url=]#Politics[/url] [url=]#Healthcare[/url] [url=]#DemocraticSocialism[/url] [url=]#Energy[/url] [url=]#GoodTimes[/url]
Tags: colorado democraticsocialism dogs energy equality goodtimes healthcare politics predatorcapitalism privacy ruralliving tech writing