Irene Doretta Adler, a.k.a. The Woman. Dominatrix. Blackmailer. You’ll find me at Chester Square, Belgravia. Foil/lover of [url=]@SherlockHolmes[/url]. Employer of [url=]@assistingadler_[/url]. Frenemy of [url=]@TheHollow[/url]. Close confidant of [url=]@RhianMcAuliffe[/url]. Adversary of [url=]@LucienneLeVert[/url] and [url=]@HeloiseCarrington[/url]. 5'3" tall, but with the confidence of someone twice that. Pansexual aromantic. [Roleplay account • FC: Lara Pulver]
Tags: assistingadler belgravia blackmailer confidant confidence dominatrix heloisecarrington luciennelevert rhianmcauliffe sherlockholmes thehollow